Acton, R.C., 44
Adam, James, 43
Adam, John, 43
Adam, Robert, 21, 25;
disposition of property, 91;
real estate transactions, 90, 157;
Masonic activities, 91;
migration to Virginia, 91
Adam silversmiths, 43f
Adam, William W., 43
Advertisements, 32, 40, 44, 69, 100, 102, 104, 188, 198, 204, 220, 235
Alexander, Charles Francis, 215
Alexander, Gerard, 5
Alexander, John, 3;
donation of land to Christ Church, 132;
real estate transactions, 169, 182, 242
Alexander, Philip, 5
Alexander, William Thornton, 182;
real estate transactions, 217, 223, 242
Alexandria Academy, 25
Alexandria, Town of. See Town of Alexandria
Amusements, 28f
Anderson, James, 224
Apothecary Shop, 195f
Apprentices, 25
Architecture (See entry of specific structure);
ability of citizens, 39;
influence of English design, 40
Arrell, David, 182
Barcourt, Adolph, 111
Bakeries, 33
Balls, 29, 100
Barbee, David Rankin, 100
Bartle, Samuel, 215
Barton, Benjamin, 44
Beale, Howard, 226
Belhaven, name rejected, 12
Belle Haven, 4
Belvoir, settlement by Fairfax, 78;
visitors to, 79
Berkeley, Sir William, 3
Bird, Thomas, 46
Black, Hon. & Mrs. Hugo L., 222
Bounties of land, 186
Braddock, Gen. Edward, 14;
expedition, 16
Braddock House, 262
Brissot de Warville, 37
Brockett, Robert, 40, 140
Brook, James, 104
Brown, Dr. Gustavus, 192
Brown House, 119f;
visitors to, 122
Brown, John, raid of, 196
Brown, John Douglas, 170
Brown, Ward, 161
Brown, Dr. William, antecedents, 120;
civic services, 122;
epitaph, 119;
medical writings, 122;
migration to Virginia, 120;
necrology, 122;
real estate transactions, 120;
treasurer of Fire Company, 150
Building, delinquency in, 14
Buildings, municipal. See Public Works
Burke, John W., 76
Burnett, Charles, 44
Capital, National, establishment, 39.
See also District of Columbia.
Capitol, cornerstone laid, 164
Captains' Row, 159
Captains' Walk, 244
Carlyle House, 62f;
visitors to, 67
Carlyle, John, 5, 14, 17, 21;
ability as architect, 39, 69;
bequests, 67, 69;
builds Christ Church, 132;
civic services, 62, 64, 67f, 69;
death, 69;
mercantile activities, 64;
real estate, 65
Carlyle, Sarah Fairfax, 67
Carlyle, Sybil West, 67
Caton, William, 104
Cazenove, Antoine Charles de, civic services, 246;
migration to Virginia, 245
Chatham, 203
Christ Church, 131f;
attended by R.E. Lee, 229;
lands of, 226-227
Cincinnati, Society of the, 37
Circuses, 31
City Tavern. See Gadsby's Tavern
Civil War, effect on town, 48f
Claggett's Hotel, 242
Coachmaking, 42
Cockfights, 28
Coffee House. See Gadsby's Tavern
Cohen, William, 44
Committee of Safety, 35
Confederate States Army, contribution to, 48
Conway Cabal, 187
Cook, Joseph Francis, 215
Coryell, George, 40, 187;
civic services, 188
Coryton, Josiah, 46
Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B., 112
Craik, George Washington, 190
Craik House, 184f
Craik, Dr. James, 47;
antecedents, 184;
attends Mrs. Washington, 194;
attends Gen. Washington, 192;
children of, 190;
death, 194;
migration to Virginia, 185;
militia service, 185;
real estate transactions, 187;
Revolutionary services, 187
Crilly, Misses, 232
Cunningham, Ann Pamela, 75
Currency, use of pistoles, 9
Currie, James, 170
Customs, taboos, 223
Custis, George Washington Parke, 102
Custis, Nelly, 27
Custis, Washington, 204
Dade, Rev. Townsend, 135
Daingerfield, John B., acquires Lyceum, 256
Dalton, General, 112
Dalton House, 71f
Dalton, John, 14, 21;
bequests, 71, 72;
civic services, 71;
mercantile activities, 71;
real estate transactions, 71;
visits by Washington, 72
Danna, Rev. Charles B., 136
Davis, Rev. Thomas, 135
Dawe, Philip, 43
Decatur House, bought by Gadsby, 111
De Cazenove. See Cazenove
De Kalb, Baron, 37
Delacour, Joshua, 42
De Lancey, Governor, 15
Delarue, Joseph, 43
Dick, Dr. Elisha Cullen, 28;
attends Washington, 163, 192;
Masonic services, 164;
medical advice, 166;
migration to Virginia, 162f;
militia service, 164;
real estate transactions, 170
Dick, Hannah Harmon, 163
Dinwiddie, Governor, 15
District of Columbia, cession of land to, 39;
withdrawal from, 48
Dixon, John, real estate transactions, 114
Domestic economy, 31f
Doughton, Francis, 139
Dowdney, William, 43
Duffey, George, 44
Duffey, John, 44
Dulany, Benjamin, acquaintance with Washington, 173;
behavior, 176;
poem dedicated to, 178;
steward of Jockey Club, 176
Dulany House, 173f
Dunmore, Governor, 35
Du Quesne, Fort, 16
Education, early, 22.
See also
English, Samuel, 170
Epidemics, 46, 164
Fairfax, Anne, 77
Fairfax, Bryan, 35, 77, 135
Fairfax, Deborah Gedney Clarke, 77
Fairfax family, antecedents, 77;
contribution to Alexandria, 237;
intermarriages of, 237
Fairfax, George, 5, 8
Fairfax, George William, 7, 77;
aspersions on birth, 83;
letter to Sally, 83;
move to England, 84;
real estate transactions, 88
Fairfax, Hannah, 77
Fairfax (George William) House, 87f
Fairfax, Henry, 77
Fairfax, Dr. Orlando, 235
Fairfax, Sally Cary, social activities, 79
Fairfax, Sarah Walker, 77
Fairfax, Thomas, 5, 53, 77;
incensed with Washington, 34;
real estate transactions, 234
Fairfax, William, 5, 8, 77;
civic services, 78;
Fairfax Street home, 60;
migration to Virginia, 77;
real estate transactions, 88, 157
Fairs, 31;
source of income, 9
Fawcett, House, 162f
Female Stranger, legend of, 106f
Fire companies, 47
Fire engines, purchase of, 149f
Fire fighting techniques, 150
Fire insurance, list of properties covered, 154
Fires, 46
First Virginia Regiment, 186
Fitzhugh House, 202f
Fitzhugh, Mary Lee, 204
Fitzhugh, William, 7, 8, 202f;
association with Washington, 203;
bequests, 205;
real estate transactions, 202
Ladd, John Gardner, 96
La Fayette, Marquis de, 37;
entertained by Masonic lodge, 110;
toast to town, 49;
visit to Alexandria, 176, 239;
visit described by Hallowell, 247f;
visit to Henry Lee, 208;
visit to Lawrason home, 239f
La Fayette-Lawrason-Cazenove House, 239f
Lamphire, Going, 39
Latrobe, Benjamin H., 183
Laundries, 42
Lawrason, Mrs. Elizabeth, 44, 242
Lawrason family, origin of, 244
Lawrason House, visit of La Fayette to, 239f
Lawrason, James, 242
Lawrason, John, 46
Leadbeater, Mr., 195
Lear, Tobias, 192
Lee, Arthur, bequest, 226;
civic services, 225f
Lee, Cassius, 134, 227
Lee, Charles, 227;
real estate transactions, 226
Lee, Edmund (I.) Jennings, 28;
bequests, 227;
civic services, 227;
real estate transactions, 226, 227;
visitor to Mount Vernon, 226
Lee (Edmund Jennings) House, 225f
Lee, Francis, 21
Lee family, connection with Mount Vernon, 226
Lee, Henry ("Light Horse Harry"), 37, 208
Lee, Ludwell, 28
Lee, Mary Custis, 208
Lee, Robert Edward, 27, 196, 202f, 227;
accepts Confederate command, 229;
association with Lloyds, 252;
attends Hallowell school, 248;
confirmed at Christ Church, 136;
member of Christ Church, 229;
resigns from Army, 229
Lee, Thomas, 93
Lee, William, civic services, 93
Lewis, Lawrence, 27
Lewis, Lorenzo, 27
Library, municipal, 255
Lloyd family, association with Lees, 252;
idiosyncrasies, 253
Lloyd House, 248
Lloyd, John, 251
Lodge, Henry Cabot, description of Virginia society, 225
Lodging, cost of, 197
London Company, 3
Lots, auction of, 7f;
division of town into, 6;
prices paid for, 9
Lotteries, source of income, 9, 21
Lyceum, municipal, 254f;
sold to Daingerfields, 256
Lyle, William, 92;
civic services, 92;
mercantile activities, 92
Lynn, Adam, 44
MacCrea, Mrs. Donald, 237
MacKenzie, Lewis, 96
Madison, James, comment on immigrants, 52
Makemie, Francis, 139
Married Houses, 71f
Marshburn, Mrs. Herbert E., 71
Marsteller House, 25
Mason, George, 7, 53;
ability as architect, 39
Matthews, Miss Frona, 60
McGuire, Dr. Hugh, 258
McGuire, Sara J., 258
McIver, Colin, real estate transactions, 130
McKenzey, William, 170
Meade, Rev. William, 136
Mercer, George, 188
Merchants, activities of, 42
Meredith, Reese, letter to Washington, 157
Merryman, Joshua, 42
Militia, attachment to Braddock's command, 16;
composition, 14
Miller, Mordecai, 44
Moncure, Rev. John, real estate transactions, 127
Moore, Col. & Mrs. Charles B., 87, 99, 215
Moore family, 127;
acquisition of Sewell property, 130
Moore, Cleon, 27
Morris, Governor, 15
Morris, Gouverneur, 236
Morris, Patsy J., 236
Mount Vernon, associated with Lee family, 226;
funds hidden, 76;
visitors to, 57f, 120
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, 75
Muir, Rev. James, 140;
burial of, 141
Murray, Mrs. Alexander, 112
Murry, John, 189
Murry, Patrick, real estate transactions, 169
Mutual Assurance Society, 154
New Theatre, 28
Newspapers, 28;
Alexandria Gazette, oldest, 222
Newton, William, 170
O'Conner, Eliza Harriot, 27
Organ, Christ Church, 136
Orme, Lt. Robert, 15
Osborne, Richard, 5
Pagan, John, 5
Pain, William, 40
Parsons, James, 39;
builds Christ Church, 132
Pastors, distinguished, 135f
Patterson, James, 39
Patton, James, 217;
indebtedness, 218
Peake, Col. W.H., 201
Peruke Shop, 127f
Peterkin, Constance Lee, 134
Pew marker, Washington's, 134
Pickens, Mrs. Andrew, 217
Piper, John, 46
Pistole, use in Colony, 9
Pittman, John, 44
Pohick Church, 134
Port of Alexandria, activity, 33;
decline in activity, 46f;
importance of, 17f
Porter, Thomas, 28
Potomac Navigation Company, 47f
Potomac River, navigation of, 47
Potts, John, 202
Powell, Mary G., 25, 161, 211, 222
Powell, Molly Gregory, 134
Presbyterian Cemetery, 146
Presbyterian Manse, 40
Presbyterian Meetinghouse, 39, 69, 139f
Public works, 12, 21
Publishers, 42
Railroads, 48
Ramsay, Alexander, 52
Ramsay, Ann McCarty, memorial to, 61;
patriotic activities, 55
Ramsay House, 52f
Ramsay, William, 5, 14, 17, 21;
activities of sons, 56f;
bequests, 59;
civic services, 54;
family, 55;
funeral, 60;
initial founder, 52f;
letter to Dennis, 56;
memorial to, 60;
mercantile activities, 53;
real estate transactions, 55, 114f, 130
Reese, Mrs. Robert M., 99, 195
Relief Fire Company, 150
Religious tolerance, 139
Revolution, aftermath of, 34
Ricketts, John Thomas, 170
Riddle, Joseph, 28, 46
Roberts, Reuben, 259
Robinson, Joseph, 188
Rochambeau, Count de, 37
Rochefoucauld, Duc de la, 39
Rogers, Walter G., 215
Roofers, 46
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 56, 162
Saint Mary's Church, 255
Saint Paul's Church, 183
Salkeld, Henry, 9
Sandford, Edward, 43
Sayers, Dr. & Mrs. R.R., 203
Scheffer, Lloyd L., 62
Schools, 22, 141;
Hallowell's, 247f
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 196
Sea Captain's Daughter's House, 259f
Sea Captains' Houses, 159
Servants, 31<
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