CHAPTER 1: Ramsay house. After restoration plans by Milton L. Grigg. CHAPTER 2: Keystone from Carlyle House, basement level. CHAPTER 3: John Dalton's frame house. Hypothetical restoration with false front removed. CHAPTER 4: Fairfax coat of arms. From Belvoir fireback. Preserved in the Mount Vernon collection. CHAPTER 5: George William Fairfax house, south faÇade. CHAPTER 6: John Gadsby's famous hostelry and tavern sign, "Bunch of Grapes." CHAPTER 7: Michael Swope house, showing flounder type ells. CHAPTER 8: Dr. William Brown house, west faÇade. CHAPTER 9: Peruke shop. Hypothetical restoration with false front removed. Showing an Alexandria alley house adjoining. CHAPTER 10: Christ Church through open gates of churchyard. CHAPTER 11: Presbyterian meetinghouse before fire of 1835 and subsequent enlargement. From an old print. CHAPTER 12: Fire engine of Friendship Fire Company, said to have been presented by George Washington. This old rotary type pumper is preserved in the Maryland Building at Druid Hill Park, Baltimore. CHAPTER 13: Ship model, believed to represent the Lexington owned and commanded by Captain James MacKenzie, who presented it to the Alexandria Library Association. CHAPTER 14: Fawcett house, south faÇade. CHAPTER 15: Benjamin Dulany house, south faÇade. CHAPTER 16: Dr. James Craik house, north faÇade. CHAPTER 17: Old Apothecary Shop Museum and adjoining antique shop. CHAPTER 18: Spring Gardens, north faÇade. CHAPTER 19: Robert E. Lee house, south faÇade. CHAPTER 20: George Washington's tenements, appearance before remodeling. CHAPTER 21: Flounder house of the type said to have been the nucleus of the Georgian Cottage. Example shown (demolished 1944) stood on the grounds of the Alexandria Hospital. CHAPTER 22: Vowell-Snowden house, east faÇade. CHAPTER 23: Edmund I. Lee house, showing wisteria-covered gallery. EPILOGUE MEMORIAL MOTIF, incorporating swords used on Washington's casket, owned by Alexandria-Washington Lodge of Masons. CHAPTER 24: Yeaton-Fairfax house, south faÇade. CHAPTER 25: Lafayette-Lawrason-Cazenove house and doorway detail. CHAPTER 26: Alexandria Boarding School (1834) of Professor Hallowell. From an old print. CHAPTER 27: Alexandria Lyceum, classic portico. CHAPTER 28: Wax flowers under glass dome, made by Melissa Hussey Wood. medallion