We seem to be approaching a theory as to the construction of ether. Hertz has produced vibrations, vibrating more than one hundred million times per second. He made use of the principle of resonance. You all understand how, by a succession of well-timed small impulses, a large vibration may be set up.—Prof. Fitzgerald. Dr. Schimmel, in his lecture on “The Unity of Nature’s Forces,” says:—“The Greek philosophers, Leucippus, Anaxagoras, Democritus, and Aristotle, base their philosophies on the existence of an ether and atoms.” According to Spiller’s system, “both ether and atoms are material. The atoms are indivisible. Chemistry, being based on the correctness of this statement, forces us to accept it.” But we are not forced to accept it if it is proved to be false. Keely has now reached a stage in his researches at which he is able to demonstrate the truth of the hypotheses which he is formulating into a system; and consequently the stage where he can demonstrate whether theories, that have prevailed concerning the cause of physical phenomena, are sound or without basis in fact. Until this stage was reached it would have been as useless to make Mr. Keely’s theories known, as it would be to publish a treatise to prove that two and two make five. Scientific men reject all theories in physics in which there is not an equal proportion of science and mathematics, excluding all questions of pure metaphysics. Mr. Babcock continues:—“Human comprehension is inadequate to grasp the possibilities of this discovery for power, for increased prosperity, and for peace. It includes all that relates mechanically to travel, manufacture, mining, engineering, and warfare.” Up to within two years, Keely, this discoverer of unknown laws of nature, has been left partially to the mercy of men who were interested only in mechanical “possibilities.” In the autumn of 1888, he was led into a line of research which made the mechanical question one of secondary interest; and yet the present results are such as to prove that on this line alone can he ever hope to attain commercial success. The course then adopted has also been the means of placing his discoveries before the world, endorsed in such a manner as to command attention to his views and theories. It has been said that if extreme vicissitudes of belief on the part of men of science are evidences of uncertainty, it may be affirmed that of all kinds of knowledge none is more uncertain than science. The only hope for science is more science, says Drummond. Keely now bestows the only hope for science—“more science.” He accounts for the non-recognition by scientists of his claims, in these words: In order to subdivide the atoms in the atomic triplet, the molecular ether, liberated from the molecule, is absolutely necessary to effect the rupture of the atoms; and so on, progressively, in each order of ether, molecular, inter-molecular, atomic, inter-atomic, etheric, inter-etheric, the ether liberated in each successive division is essential to the next subdivision. The keynote of Mr. Keely’s researches is that the movements of elastic elements are rhythmical, and before he had reached his present stage in producing vibrations, on the principle of resonance, he has had problems to solve which needed the full measure of inspiration or apperception that he has received. Hertz has produced vibrations about one metre long, vibrating more than one hundred million times a second. Keely has produced, using an atmospheric medium alone, 519,655,633 vibrations per second; but, interposing pure hydrogen gas between soap films and using it as a medium of acceleration, he asserts that on the enharmonic third a rate of vibration may be induced which could not be set down in figures, and could only be represented in sound colours. He has invented instruments which demonstrate in many variations the colours of sound, registering the number of necessary vibrations to produce each variation. The transmissive sympathetic chord of B flat, third octave, when passing into inaudibility, Recently some questions, propounded to Mr. Keely by a scientist, elicited answers which the man of science admitted were clear and definite, but no physicist could accept Keely’s assertion that incalculable amounts of latent force exist in the molecular spaces, for the simple reason that science asserts that molecular aggregation is attended with dissipation of energy instead of its absorption. The questions asked were:— I. “In disintegrating water, how many foot-pounds of energy have you to expend in order to produce or induce the vibratory energy in your acoustical apparatus?” Answer.—“No foot-pounds at all. The force necessary to excite disintegration when the instrument is sensitized, both in sensitization and developments, would not be sufficient to wind up a watch.” II. “What is the amount of energy that you get out of that initial amount of water, say twelve drops, when decomposed into ether?” Answer.—“From twelve drops of water a force can be developed that will fill a chamber of seven pint volume no less than six times with a pressure of ten tons to the square inch.” III. “In other words, if you put so many pounds of energy into vibratory motion, how many foot-pounds do you get out of this?” Answer.—“All molecular masses of metal represent in their interstitial molecular spaces incalculable amounts of latent force, which, if awakened and brought into intense vibratory action by the medium of sympathetic liberation, would result in thousands of billions more power in foot-pounds than that necessary to awaken it. The resultant development of any and all forces is only accomplished by conditions that awaken the latent energy they have carried with them during molecular aggregation. If the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound inter-etheric, and could be stored free of rotation, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for a century.” This statement gives another of Keely’s discoveries to the world, viz., that molecular dissociation does not create energy, as men have asserted Keely has claimed, but supplies it in unlimited quantities, as the product of the latent energy accumulated in molecular aggregation. This is to the physicist as if Keely had asserted that two and two make a billion, but as a man of science, who is held to be “the scientific equal of any man in the world,” has come forward to make known that, in his opinion, “Keely has fairly demonstrated the discovery of a force previously unknown to science,” the discoverer at lasts feels at liberty to make public the nature of his discoveries. Until Dr. Joseph Leidy had taken this stand, Mr. Keely could not, without jeopardizing his interests, and the interests of the Keely Motor Company, have made known in what particulars his system conflicts with the systems upheld by the age in which we live. After the warning given in the history of Huxley’s “Bathybius,” we may feel quite sure that if Keely had failed to demonstrate the genuineness of his claims by actual experiment, This is a specimen of the nature of the ridicule which was encountered by Keely’s “upholders,” as well as by himself. Until Professor Leidy and Dr. Willcox came to the front, in March, 1890, Mr. Keely had no influential supporters, and not one scientist could be found who was ready to encounter the wasps. Such is the position of all defenders of the truth in all ages; but the torch being held aloft, in such hands as have now seized it, the opportunity is given to see what Keely proclaims as truth. We know that science denies the divisibility of atoms, but Keely affirms and demonstrates that all corpuscules of matter When Mr. Keely was asked, by a woman in 1884, if it were not possible that he had dissociated hydrogen gas, and that his unknown force came from that dissociation, he replied that he thought it might be; but he made no assertion that he had. This conjecture was repeated to an English scientist, who replied that he was willing to make a bet of 10,000l. that hydrogen is a simple element. The same scientist says now that he should answer such a question with more caution, and say that he had never known hydrogen to be dissociated. Theory and Formula of Aqueous Disintegration. The peculiar conditions as associated with the gaseous elements of which water is composed, as regards the differential volume and gravity of its gases, make it a ready and fit subject of vibratory research. In submitting water to the influence of vibratory transmission, even on simple thirds, the high action induced on the hydrogen as contrasted with the one on the oxygen (under the same vibratory stream), causes the antagonism between these elements that induces dissociation. The differential antagonistic range of motion, so favouring the antagonistic thirds as to become thoroughly repellent. The gaseous element thus induced and registered, shows thousands of times much greater force as regards tenuity and volume than that induced by the chemical disintegration of heat, on the same medium. In all molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple or compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects. Example:—Taking the chord mass of the disintegrator B flat, or any chord mass that may be represented by the combined association of all the mechanical parts of its structure (no two structures being alike in their chord masses), taking B flat, the resonators of said structure are set at B flat first octave, B flat third octave, and B flat ninth octave, by drawing out the caps of resonators until the harmony of thirds, sixths, and ninths are reached; which a simple movement of the fingers on the diatonic scale, at the head, will determine by the tremulous action which is highly sensible to the touch, on said caps. The caps are then rigidly fixed in This scale has a permanent sympathetic one, set on the ninth of any mass chord that may be represented, on any and all the multiple variations of mechanical combinations. In fact, permanently set for universal accommodation. The next step is to establish pure harmony between the transmitter and the disintegrator, which is done by spinning the syren disk, then waiting until the sympathetic note is reached, as the syren chord, decreasing in velocity, descends the scale. At this juncture, the negative accelerator must be immediately and rapidly rotated, inducing high disturbance of equilibrium between the transmitter and the disintegrator by triple negative evolution, with the result that a force of from five to ten, fifteen, twenty, and thirty thousand pounds to the square inch is evolved by the focalization of this triple negative stream on the disintegrating cell, or chamber, whether there be one, two, three, five, or ten drops of water enclosed within it. Graduation of Machines. Mr. Keely gives a few introductory words concerning the necessary graduating of his instruments, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect sympathetic transmission, which will serve to show how great are the difficulties that have been attendant upon getting his machines into a condition to control and equate the differentiation in molecular masses, requiring greater skill than in researching the force of a sunbeam. He writes:—The differentiation in molecular metallic masses, or grouping, is brought about in their manipulations in manufacturing them for commercial uses; in the The nearest approach to molecular uniformity in metallic masses is in the wire drawn for commercial uses, gold and platina being the nearest to freedom from differentiation. But even these wires, when tested by a certain condition of the first order of intensified molecular vibration for a transferring medium between centres of neutrality, I find to be entirely inadequate for the transfer of concordant unition, as between one and the other, on account of nodal interferences. We can appreciate the difficulty of converting such a medium to a uniform molecular link, by knowing that it can be accomplished only after removing all nodal interference, by inducing between the nodal waves a condition in which they become subservient to the inter-sympathetic vibratory molecular link of such structure or wire. Therefore, it is necessary to submit the wire to a system of graduation in order to find what the combined chords of these nodal interferences represent when focalized to one general centre. Then the differentiation between these nodal waves and the inter-molecular link must be equated, by what I call a process of vibratory induction, so as to induce pure concordance between one and the other. To elaborate on this system of graduation, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect and unadulterated transmission, would make up a book that would take days to read and months to study. The graduating of a perfectly constructed instrument, to a condition to transmit sympathetically, is no standard whatever for any other one that may be built, nor ever will be, because no concordant conditions of compound molecular aggregation can ever exist in visible groupings. If it were even possible to make their parts perfectly accurate one to the other, in regard to atmospheric displacement and weight, their resonating qualities would still have a high rate of sympathetic variation in their molecular groupings alone. If one thousand million of coins, each one representing a certain standard value, and all struck from the same die, were sympathetically graduated under a vibratory subdivision It will be realized in the future what immense difficulties have been encountered by Mr. Keely in perfecting his system of graduation, and in constructing devices for the guidance of artificers and mechanicians, whereby those who are not as abnormally endowed as he is for his work, can bring a proper vibratory action into play to induce positive sympathetic transmission; as will also be realized the stupidity of the men who still seek to confine his researches to perfecting the so-called Keely motor, before his system is sufficiently developed to enable others to follow it up, should his physical strength give out. His system of graduating research, when completed, will enable men to take up the work, not from the standard of an already completed structure that is true in its operation, though a perfect duplicate as to size and gravity be made, for each successively constructed machine requires a knowledge of its own conditions of sensitivity, as regards its mass chords. Keely writes:— “That tuning forks can be so constructed as to show coincident or concordant association with each other, is but a very weak illustration of the fact which governs pure acoustic assimilation. The best only approach a condition of about a fortieth, as regards pure attractive and propulsive receptiveness. By differentiating them to concordant thirds, they induce a condition of molecular bombardment between themselves, by alternate changes of long and short waves of sympathy. Bells rung in vacuo liberate the same number of corpuscules, at the same velocity as those surrounded by a normal atmosphere; and hence the same acoustic force attending them, but they are inaudible from the fact that, in vacuo, the molecular volume is reduced. Every gaseous molecule is a resonator of itself, and is sensitive to any and all sounds induced, whether accordant or discordant. Answers to Questions. The positive vibrations are the radiating or propulsive; the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted towards Mineral Disintegration. I have been repeatedly urged to repeat my disintegrations of quartz rock; but it has been utterly out of my power to do so. The mechanical device with which I conducted those experiments was destroyed at the time of the proceedings against me. Its graduation occupied over four years, after which it was operated successfully. It had been originally constructed as an instrument for overcoming gravity; a perfect, graduated scale of that device was accurately registered, a copy of which I kept; I have since built three successive disintegrators set up from that scale, but they did not operate. This peculiar feature remained a paradox to me until I had solved the conditions governing the chords of multiple masses; Keely. Disturbance of Magnetic Needle. If Keely’s theories are correct, science will in time classify all the important modifications of the one force in nature as sympathetic streams, each stream composed of triple flows. Mr. Keely maintains that the static condition which the magnetic needle assumes, when undisturbed by any extraneous force outside of its own sympathetic one, proves conclusively that the power of the dominant third, of the triple combination of the magnetic terrestrial envelope, is the controlling one of this sympathetic triplet, and the one towards which all the others co-ordinate. All the dominant conditions of nature represent the focal centres towards which like surrounding ones become sympathetically subservient. The rapid rotation of the magnetic needle of a compass which Mr. Keely shows in his experiments, rests entirely on the alternating of the dominant alone, which is effected by a triple condition of vibration that is antagonistic to its harmonious flow as associated with its other attendants. A rapid change of polarity is induced, and rapid rotation necessarily follows. Quoting from Keely’s writings,—“The human ear cannot detect the triple chord of any vibration, or sounding note, but every sound that is induced of any range, high or low, is governed by the same laws, as regards triple action of such, that govern every sympathetic flow in Nature. Were it not for these triple vibratory conditions, change of polarity could never be effected, and consequently there could be no rotation. Thus the compounding of the triple triple, to produce the effect, would give a vibration in multiplication reaching the When the proper impulse is given to induce the rotation with pure alternating corpuscular action, the conditions of action become perpetual in their character, lasting long enough from that one impulse to wear out any machine denoting such action, and on the sympathetic stream eternally perpetual. The action of the neutral or focalizing centres represents molecular focalization and redistribution, not having any magnetism associated with them; but when the radiating arms of their centres are submitted to the triple compound vibratory force, representing their mass thirds, they become magnetic and consequently cease their rotation. Their rotation is induced by submitting them to three different orders of vibration, simultaneously giving the majority to the harmonic third. Theory of the Induction of Sympathetic Chords to excite rotation, by vibrophonic trajection to and from centres of neutrality, as induced and shown to Professor Leidy, Dr. Willcox, and others, on revolving globe. All hollow spheres, of certain diameters, represent, as per diameters and their volume of molecular mass, pure, unadulterated, sympathetic resonation towards the enharmonic and diatonic thirds of any, and in fact all, concordant sounds. In tubes it is adversely different, requiring a definite number of them so graduated as to represent a confliction by thirds, sixths, and ninths, as towards the harmonic scale. When the conditions are established, the acoustic result of this combination, when focalized, represents concordant harmony, as between the chord mass of the instrument to be operated and chord mass of the tubes of resonation. Therefore the shortest way towards establishing pure concordance, between any number of resonating mediums, is by the position that Nature herself assumes in her multitudinous arrangements of the varied forms and volumes of matter—the spherical. The great difficulty to overcome, in order to get a revolution of the said sphere, exists in equating the interior adjuncts of same. In other words, the differentiation induced must be so We will now take up the mechanical routine as associated with adjuncts of interference, and follow the system for chording the mechanical aggregation in its different parts, in order to induce the transmissive sympathy necessary to perfect evolution, and to produce revolution of the sphere or shell. Example.—Suppose that we had just received from the machine shop a spun shell of twelve inches internal diameter, 1·32 of an inch thick, which represents an atmospheric volume of 904·77 cubic inches. On determination by research we find the shell to be on its resonating volume B flat, and the molecular volume of the metal that the sphere is composed of, B natural. This or any other antagonistic chord, as between the chord mass of the shell and its atmospheric volume, would not interfere but would come under subservience. We now pass a steel shaft through its centre, ½ inch in diameter, which represents its axial rest. This shaft subjects the atmospheric volume of the shell to a certain displacement or reduction, to correct which we first register the chord note of its mass, and find it to be antagonistic to the chord mass of the shell, a certain portion of an octave. This must be corrected. The molecular volume of the shaft must be reduced in volume, either by filing or turning, so as to represent the first B flat chord that is reached by such reduction. When this is done the first line of interference is neutralized, and the condition of sympathy is as pure between the parts as it was when the globe was minus its axis. There is now introduced on its axis Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere. The only two vibratory conditions that can be so associated as to excite high sympathetic affinity, as between two physical organisms, are:—Etheric chord of B flat, 3rd octave, and on etheric sympathetic chords transmission E flat on the scale 3rd, 6ths, and 9ths; octaves harmonic; having the 3rd dominant, the 6th enharmonic, and the 9th diatonic. The chord mass representing the musical sphere, being the sympathetic etheric chord of B flat third octave, indicated by the focalization of its interior mechanical combination, as against the neutral sevenths of its atmospheric volume, makes the shell highly sensitive to the reception of pure sympathetic concordance, whether it be physical, mechanical, or a combination of both. Taking the chord mass of the different mechanical parts of the sphere and its adjuncts, as previously explained, when associated and focalized to represent pure concordance, as between its atmospheric volume and sphere mass, which means the pure unit of concordance, we have the highest position that can be established in relation to its sympathetic susceptiveness to negative antagonism. The beauty of the perfection of the laws that govern the action of Nature’s sympathetic flows is here demonstrated in all the purity of its workings, actually requiring antagonistic chords to move and accelerate. The dark side of the shell, which represents fifty per cent. of its full area of pure concordant harmony, is the receptive area for the influence of the negative transmissive chords of the thirds, sixths and ninths to bombard upon; which bombardment disturbs the equilibrium of said sphere, and induces rotation. The rotation can be accelerated or retarded, according as the antagonistic chords of the acoustic forces are transmitted in greater or lesser volume. The action induced by the mouth organ, transmitted at a distance from the sphere without any connection of wire, demonstrates the purity of the principle of sympathetic transmission, as negatized or disturbed by discordants; which, focalizing on the resonating sevenths of resonators, or tubes attached to ring, the sympathetic flow is by this means transmitted to the focalizing centre, or centre of neutrality, to be re-distributed at each revolution of sphere, keeping intact the sympathetic volume during sensitization, thus preventing the equation or stoppage of its rotation. Again, the sphere resting on its journals in the ring, as graduated to the condition of its interior combinations, represents a pure sympathetic concordant under perfect equation ready to receive the sympathetic, or to reject the non-sympathetic. If a pure sympathetic chord is transmitted coincident Keely. Hertz in his conjectures that a knowledge of the structure of ether should unveil the essence of matter itself, and of its inherent properties, weight and inertia, is treading the path that leads to this knowledge. Professor Fitzgerald says:—“Ether must be the means by which electric and magnetic forces exist, it should explain chemical actions, and if possible gravity.” The law of sympathetic vibration explains chemical affinities as a sympathetic attractive, but inherent, force; in short, as gravity. This opens up too wide a territory even but to peer into in the dawning light of Keely’s system of vibratory physics. The boundary line is crossed, and the crowds of researchers in electro-magnetism are full of ardour. Hertz constructed a circuit, whose period of vibration for electric currents was such that he was able to see sparks, due to the increased vibration, leaping across a small air-space in this resonant circuit; his experiments have proved and demonstrated the ethereal theory of electro-magnetism:—that electro-magnetic actions are due to a medium pervading all known space; while Keely’s experiments have proved that all things are due to conditions of ether. Professor Fitzgerald closes one of his lectures on ether in these words:—“There are metaphysical grounds for reducing matter to motion, and potential to kinetic energy. Let us for a moment contemplate what is betokened by this theory that in electro-magnetic engines we are using as our mechanism the ether, the medium that fills all known space. It was a great step in human progress when man learnt to make material machines, when he used the elasticity of his bow, and the rigidity of his arrow to provide food and defeat his enemies. It was a great advance when he learnt to use the chemical action of fire; when he learnt to use water to float his boats, and air to drive them; when, by artificial selection, he provided himself with food and domestic Of the experiments of Hertz, in inducing vibrations “in ether waves,” Professor Fitzgerald says: “If we consider the possible radiating power of an atom, we find that it may be millions of millions of times as great as Professor Wiedermann has found to be the radiating power of a sodium atom in a Bunsen burner; so if there is reason to think that any greater oscillation might disintegrate the atom, we are still a long way from it.” Here we have an admission that the atom may be divisible; but the professor’s conjecture is made upon an incorrect hypothesis. The “possible theory of ether and matter” which Professor Fitzgerald puts forward, in his lecture on Electro-Magnetic Radiation, is in harmony with Keely’s theories. This hypothesis explains the differences in nature as differences in motion, ending: “Can we resist the conclusion that all motion is thought? Not that contradiction in terms, ‘unconscious thought,’ but living thought; that all nature is the language of One in whom we live, and move, and have our being?” This great truth the Buddhists have taught for ages. There is no such thing as blind or dead matter, as there is no blind nor unconscious thought. |