es@46479@46479-h@46479-h-5.htm.html#Page_197" class="pginternal">197 | Ba-zhe-ec, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | Bear lodge, Kiowa mythic origin of, | 160 | Bear-lying-down, see Set-em´-i. | | Bear-on-trees, see Set-ÄgyaÍ. | | Bears, tabu of, to the taÍme, | 323 | Beheaders, term applied to the Dakota, | 281 | Bent, William, an early Indian trader, | 172 | ——, at treaty of 1865, | 180 | ——, on plains tribes of 1859, | 182 | ——, trading post of, | 283 | Bent's fort, account of, | 382 | BÉsh?ltcha, a Kiowa synonym, | 148 | BÍako, shooting of, | 335 | Biddle, Maj. J., Indian operations under, | 212 | Big-bow, see ZÉpko-eÉtte. | | Big-face, see TÓ`-Édalte. | | Big-head, see ´daltoÑ-Édal. | | Big-looking-glass, see PiÄnÄ´von?t. | | Big-ribs, see GÚatoÑ-bain. | | Big-tree, see Ä´do-eÉtte. | | Bird-appearing, see T'enÉ-badaÍ. | | Black-bird, see GÚato-kÓÑgya. | | Black-buffalo, see Pa-kÓÑkya. | | Black-eagle, see GÚato-kÓÑgya. | | Blackens-himself, see KoÑpÄ´te. | | Blackfeet, Kiowa hostility to, | 241 | ——, Kiowa name of, | 160 | ——, smallpox among, | 275 | ——, war custom of, | 259 | Black-hide, see GÍakÁ-ite. | | Black Hills, Cheyenne possession of, | 166 | ——, Dakota discovery and possession of, | 155, 157 | ——, Kiowa expulsion from, | 157 | ——, Kiowa possession of, | 155, 156 | ——, mythic origin of, | 160 | Black-horse, death of, | 297 | ——, shooting of, | 157, 160, 273 | ——, Kiowa peace with, | 172, 275 | ——, massacre of, by Chivington, | 180 | ——, massacre of, by Kiowa, | 271 | ——, measles among, | 342 | ——, Navaho hostility to, | 301 | ——, opening of lands of, | 378 | ——, outbreak by (1874), | 200 | ——, peace council participated in by (1872), | 190 | ——, planned uprising among, | 176 | ——, possession of Black Hills by, | 157, 166 | ——, prisoners, deportation to Florida of, | 213 | ——, raids in Texas by, | 177 | ——, refusal of Kiowa alliance by, | 190 | ——, sacred medicine of, | 242 | ——, slaughter of Pawnee by, | 175 | ——, smallpox among, | 311 | ——, status of (1859), | 182 | ——, surrender of (1875), | 211, 212 | ——, torture of captives by, | 203 | ——, traders among, | 318 | ——, treaty agreement by (1865), | 179 | ——, treaty with (1865), | 180 | ——, treaty with (1866), | 183 | ——, tribal tradition of, | 142 | Chickasaw, introduction of smallpox by, | 275 | Chief Joseph, surrender of, | 351 | Chilocco school, Kiowa children in, | 352 | Chisholm, Jesse, interpreter at treaty of 1865, | 180 | Chivington, Colonel, Cheyenne massacre by, | 180, 183 | ——, epidemic of 1849, | 289 | ChÓnshitÁ, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | Cho-se-ta, see ChÓnshitÁ. | | Chouteau, Auguste, early Kiowa trader, | 262 | ——, on Apache picture records, | 142 | ——, on Apache tribal sign, | 246 | ——, on Bannock chronology, | 372 | ——, on Crow and Hidatsa separation, | 154, 155 | ——, on Dakota and Cheyenne chronology, | GÁkiÑ?te, calendar record of house of, | 352 | Game, dÓ-Á, of the Kiowa, | 347-348 | Gap-in-the-woods, see HowÍa. | | Gataea, a Kiowa Apache synonym, | 245, 248 | GÁta`ka,, a Kiowa Apache synonym, | 245 | Gatschet, A. S., Kiowa vocabulary collected by, | 389 | ——, on absence of clans among Klamath, | 227 | ——, on Klamath and Modoc chronology, | 372 | Gattacka, a Kiowa Apache synonym, | 245 | Genesis, of the Kiowa, | 152-154 | Germaine family, account of, | 213 | ——, rescue of girls of, | 211, 212 | German silver, Kiowa valuation of, | 318 | Geronimo's band, removal to Fort Sill of, | 215 | Ghost-dance, among the Kiowa, | 221, 360, 375 | GÍ?dedÉete, Kiowa war party under, | 281 | GÍ?guÁdaltÁgÂ, meaning of, | 152 | GÍakÁ-ite, death of, | 307 | GÍ-edal, death of, | 339 | G?nÄ´s, a Kiowa Apache synonym, | 245 | Given, Josiah, son of Set-t`aiÑte, | 330 | Glennan, J. D., Kiowa shield owned by, | 305 | ——, treatment of Kiowa by, during epidemic, | 363 | Glossary, Kiowa-English and English-Kiowa, | 391-439 | Goats, purchase of, for Kiowa, | 340 | Going-on-the-road, death of, | 301 | GomÄ´te, a Kiowa chief, | 313 | GoÑk`oÑ, delegate to Washington in 1894, | 225, 253 | ——, progressiveness of, | 252 | ——, reference to, | 445 | Goodnight, Charles, purchase of buffalo from, | 355 | Government, Kiowa, | 233 | Grass lands, advantage of, to Kiowa, | 364 | ——, Kiowa Apache leases of, | 252 | ——, Kiowa leases of, | 219, Houses, built for the Kiowa, | 218, 342 | ——, of Kiowa, | 353 | ——, of Missouri River tribes, | 159 | ——, of Wichita, | 266 | Ho-we-are, see HowÍa. | | HowÍa, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | Hull, Lieutenant, death of, | 278 | Hunt, P. B., Kiowa agent in 1878, | 226 | ÍÂm dance, of the Kiowa, | 358 | ÍÄpa, killing of wife by, | 341 | Í?tÄgo, Kiowa name of the Ute, | 167 | ÍatÄkÍa, death of, | 378 | Iatan, identification of, | 167 | Idaho, military posts etc. in, | 382 | Ietan, identification of, | 167 | Indian territory, military posts etc. in, | 383 | Inheritance, among the Kiowa, | 233 | Iowa, military post in, | 383 | Iron-mountain, see PÚiwi-tÓyÄbi. | | Iron-shirt-man, death of, | 294 | ——, see also Ba-zhe-ech. | | ?sÄ-hÄ´b?t, in Caddo fight of 1860, | 308 | ?sanÄ´naka, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | ?´sÄtaÍ, a Comanche medicine man, | 201 | Isidore, Father, see Ricklin. | | Jatan, identification of, | 167 | Jetan, identification of, | 167 | Jicarillas, at battle of Adobe Walls, | 316 | ——, Kiowa hostility to, | 165 | Jones, H. P., Kiowa interpreter, | 206, 265, 332 | ——, on Kiowa council in 1868, | 161 | Juana Maria, clan symbol of, | 165 | ——, portrait of, | 150 | KÁÄsÄ´nte, in hostilities of 1874, | 204 | ——, in raid against Navaho, | 345 | ——, stealing of ponies of, | 200 | Ka-ati-wertz-ama-na, portrait of, | 195 | ——, reference to, | 324 | Mayby, ——, death of, | 279 | Measles, among Kiowa, | 218, 219, 223, 342, 362, 379 | ——, among Kiowa Apache, | 252 | ——, Indian treatment of, | 274 | ——, Kiowa treatment of, | 362 | Medicine-dance, Kiowa, | 204 | Medicine-lance, Kiowa, | 325 | Medicine-lodge,, Kiowa, | 242, 243 | ——, Kiowa mode of building, | 280 | Medicine Lodge, treaty of, | 181, 251, 320 | Medicine-man, Kiowa, | 220 | Medicine-song, efficacy of, | 276 | Medicine-stick, Kiowa, origin of, | 302 | ——, sprouting of, | 302 | Medicine-tied-to-tipi-pole, see GunpÄ´Ñdama. | | Medicines, Indian tribal, | 242 | ——, see also TaÍme. | | Mescal, see Peyote. | | Mescalero Apache, among Kiowa Apache, | 246-247 | ——, Kiowa treaty with, | 165 | ——, tablets among the Creeks, | 242 | Meteoric display, Kiowa record of, | 260 | Mexicans, Kiowa capture of, | 173 | ——, Kiowa fights with, | 269, 271 | ——, Kiowa name for, | 269 | ——, Kiowa raids on settlements of, | 164, 165 | ——, Kiowa war parties against, | 281, 302 | ——, stealing of Sun-boy's horses by, | 340 | Mexico, Kiowa raids into, | 173, 276, 282, 293, 296, 300, 306, 337 | Migration, of the Kiowa, | 152, 311 | —
-12.htm.html#Page_322" class="pginternal">322 | ——, Sarsi descent of, | 160 | 168, 172, 176, 274, 311 ——, among plains tribes, | 177 | ——, Indian treatment of, | 274 | Smith, John, trading with Kiowa by, | 318 | Smoking, as a war ceremony, | 282 | Sociology, Kiowa, | 227 | SondÓta, Kiowa name of the Shoshoni, | 160 | Son-of-the-Sand, see Peyi. | | Sore-backed-horse, see TÄy?kwoip. | | Soto, see "Chouteau, Auguste. | | South Dakota, military posts etc. in, | 386 | Spoiled-saddle-blanket, see TakÁ-i-bodal. | | Standing, A. J., establishment of Kiowa Apache school by, | 252 | Standing-head-feather, see SÍach?´nika. | | Stays-in-tipi, see GoÑk`oÑ. | | Sticks, notched, for recording events, | 142 | Stilwell, ——, services of, as scout, | 214 | Stokes, Montfort, at Port Gibson council, 1834, | 169 | ——, treaty commissioner in 1837, | 170 | Stone-calf, surrender of Cheyenne under, | 212 | Stone-necklace, death of, | 283 | Stoves, among the Kiowa, | 352 | Strings, knotted, for recording events, | 142 | Stumbling-bear, death of son of, | 358 | ——, house built for, | 342 | ——, in Kiowa fight of 1864, | 315 | ——, in Washita council of 1872, | 191 | ——, on the Arikara, | 158 | ——, see also Set-?mkÍa. | | Sturm, Dr J. J., persuades Comanche to surrender, | 214 | Suicide, among Kiowa, | 173, 290, 334 | Sun, Kiowa deification of, | 237 | ——, sacrifice to, among Kiowa, | 297 | Sun-boy, death of, | 221, 358 | ——, delegate to Washington in 1872, | 192 | ——, house built for, | 309, 319, 325, 328, 329, 344 | ——, military posts etc. in, | 387 | ——, treatment of Indians by, | 182 | ——, warning to Indians against raids in, | 190 | Tha`kÁ-hin?´na, Tha`ka-itÄn, Kiowa Apache synonyms, | 245 | T'hÄpet'hÄpÁyit'he, a Kiowa synonym, | 149 | The-same-one, see Daveko. | | Thick-blanket, see PolÍaky?. | | Til-la-ka, see TÍ´l-'lakaÍ. | | T?´l-'lakaÍ, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | Time, see Calendar; Chronology. | | T?´pinÄvÓn, treaty signed by (1867), | 186 | Tipis, heraldic, of the Kiowa, | 231, 336 | Tir-ha-yah-guahip, see TÄy?kwoip. | | Tobacco, on head of Kiowa sacred image, | 240 | TÓ`-Édalte, death of, | 270 | Tohaint, see DÓ-hÉÑte. | | T'Ó-k'ÍÑÄhyup, division of the Kiowa, | 227 | TÓme, a Kiowa trader, | 172, 262 | TÓme-te, see TÓme. | | Ton-a-en-ko, see T'enÉ-angÓpte. | | TÓn-ak`Á, stealing of woman by, | 353 | Tonkawa, killing of Comanche by, | 199 | ——, Kiowa hostility to, | 165 | ——, outlawry of, | 172 | TÓÑkÓÑko, a Kiowa military order, | 230, 284, 315 | ——, Kiowa name of the Blackfeet, | 160 | TÓÑp'Ódal-kyÄ-to, war party led by, | 255 | Torture, of captives, | 188 | To-sa-in, see TÄ´sawi. | | To-she-wi, see TÄ´sawi. | | Touch-the-clouds, death of, | 294 | Traders, among Kiowa, | 171 | ——, among plains tribes, | 168 |