“O soul most desolate, look up! For thee One faithful voice doth promise sure relief. Whate’er thy sin, whate’er thy sorrow be, Tell all to Jesus. He looketh where The weary-hearted weep, and draweth near To listen fondly to the half-formed prayer, Or read the silent pleading of a tear. Lose not thy privilege, O silent soul; Pour out thy sorrow at thy Savior’s feet. What outcast spurns the hand that gives the dole? Oh, let Him hear thy voice; to Him thy voice is sweet.” A. S. NOTICE.—All former books (before this series), issued in Mr. Moody’s name, have been mere compilations from newspaper reports of his sermons, issued without his consent and notwithstanding his protest. WORKS BY MR. D. L. MOODY, PUBLISHED BY F. H. REVELL, 148 & 150 MADISON ST., CHICAGO. The following Books sent postpaid on receipt of price. Over 350,000 copies of these works have already been sold, the greater portion within the last three years. To the Work! To the Work! By D. L. Moody. Exhortations to Christians. Tinted covers, 30c.; cloth boards, gilt dies, 60c. Just published. This new work by Mr. Moody is in the line of his most successful efforts, that of stirring Christians to active, personal, aggressive work for the Master. Mr. Moody has frequently been heard to say that it was much better to set 100 men to work than to do the work of 100 men. This little volume will we confidently believe be a means of inspiring not hundreds, but thousands to more efficient effort in Christian life. Secret Power, or The Secret of Success in Christian Life and Christian Work. By D. L. Moody. Fifty-fifth Thousand. This work, so full of inspiration and suggestion, has been reprinted in England, and has also been translated into French and Italian. Through the kindness of a consecrated lady, a copy of the book has been presented to every Protestant minister in Italy, while another friend sends the English edition to every Presbyterian minister in Ireland. Every page is full of stimulating thought for Christian workers.—Christian Commonwealth. It is a good statement of the secret of success in Christian Life, by one who has some claim to speak on such a theme.—The Outlook. This series of earnest and solemn Addresses bear throughout that stamp of honest, eager earnestness, which is so striking a characteristic of the writer’s labors as a preacher.—Clerical World. Prevailing Prayer, What Hinders it? By D. L. Moody. Cloth, uniform with “To the Work,” “Heaven,” &c., 60c. Paper covers, 30c. An earnest and solemn work, full of helpful hints on the aids and hindrances to prevailing prayer. “This great subject has been the theme of apostles and prophets, and of all good men in all ages of the world; and my desire in sending forth this little volume is to encourage God’s children to seek by prayer ‘to move the arm that moves the world.’”—Extract from Preface. Heaven; Where It Is; Its Inhabitants, and How to Get There. By D. L. Moody. 88th Thousand. While adapted to the humble capacity, it will command the attention of the mature and thoughtful.—National Presbyterian. Mr. Moody is sure of an audience, and well deserves a large one for this book.—Presbyterian Witness. Mr. Moody’s unfaltering faith and rugged enthusiasm are manifested on every page.—Christian Advocate. Eminently scriptural, earnest and impressive, will be welcomed by thousands.—Zion’s Herald. Characterized by his apt, homely illustrations and not a few pithy anecdotes, such as few can equal.—The Advance. A most acceptable monogram in its author’s own short, pointed, monosyllabic, Anglo-saxon style.—Herald of Truth, California. Abounds in apt and telling illustrations.—The Standard, Chicago. Anything from the pen of this renowned evangelist will be read with interest.—Index, Atlanta, Ga. The clear, Scriptural, common sense treatment of this subject by Mr. Moody has been commended in the highest terms by leading theologians in Europe and America, while the common people have heard them everywhere with gladness.—Central Baptist. Twelve Select Sermons. By D. L. Moody. 110th Thousand. This volume contains those special sermons, which have appeared to be most useful, and under which there have been the greatest results. Carefully revised by Mr. Moody, they present a volume of choice and striking addresses, sure to command a large sale. With the effect of these addresses when spoken, the whole land is acquainted, and now that they are written, they will tend to keep in force the impressions they have already made.—Methodist. Mr. Moody’s happy style, abounding in striking anecdote and illustration, make it a most readable and convincing volume.—The Watchman. Full of earnest enthusiasm which characterizes everything Mr. Moody does, and will be read with interest.—Detroit Free Press. There are few who heard any one of these sermons who will fail to be delighted with this opportunity of making a calm acquaintance with it again.—Daily Review. This book is one of pre-eminent interest, as containing an authorized record of the teaching under which, along with other means, such great and extensive religious impressions have been recently produced in this country.—The Messenger. Will be read by thousands with memorable interest.—Record. The Way to God, and How to Find it. Fifty-fifth Thousand. It consists of nine chapters of the kind only D. L. Moody can write. The little volume contains the most convincing argument ever framed for the use of common people. It is a good book to drop into the sachel of your boy or girl; good to send to some friend at a distance in whom you have an interest, and good upon your own study table.—Inter Ocean. “The Way to God” is a theme upon which the Evangelist has been wont to dwell. Here in nine chapters he grasps together words of advice regarding that path which it is the happy privilege of the minister to continually make plain.—Chicago Standard. They are characterized by his usual simplicity, directness, fervor and exceptional power of vivid illustration.—Christian Herald. They are sharply to the point, plainly practical, and orthodox in a good, simple and true sense.—Christian Advocate. It will lead sinners to trust in God, and fire the hearts of layman and minister to noble works for the Master.—Baptist Reflector. It puts the way so plain that he who runs may read.—Religious Telescope. It is an excellent manual for the soul winners, and for the awakened seeker, and we trust will be the means of leading thousands to Christian hope and heaven.—Zion’s Herald. Very earnest and powerful, abounding in apt illustrations, striking thoughts, and helpful, encouraging words. This book is written in the same plain, simple and pointed style that lends such force to his spoken words. The volume should find many readers. Those that buy it will not be disappointed.—National Baptist. Daniel, the Prophet. An Amplification and Extension of Mr. Moody’s various Lectures on the Life of Daniel. Tinted covers, 20c.; cloth, 40c. A small book; but big as regards the truth it contains. Every worker in the Lord’s vineyard would be helped by reading it.—Railway Signal. The Way and The Word. By D. L. Moody. Forty-fifth Thousand. Paper, 15c.; cloth, 25c. This little work contains a very clear statement on the important subject, Regeneration, to which is added Mr. Moody’s valuable hints on Bible Reading. Mr. Moody has used this book by the thousand, placing them in the hands of young converts at the close of his meetings. The Second Coming of Christ. By D. L. Moody. Fortieth Thousand. Tinted covers, 10c. “The moment a man takes hold of the truth that Jesus is coming back again to receive His followers to Himself, this world loses its hold upon him. Gas stocks and water stocks, and stocks in banks and railroads, are of very much less consequence to him then. His heart is free, and he looks for the blessed appearing of the Lord, who at His coming, will take him into His blessed Kingdom.”—Extract. How to Conduct Inquiry Meetings. By D. L. Moody, and The Use of the Bible in Inquiry Meetings. By D. W. Whittle. 40 pages and cover. Price 15c. A SELECTION FROM THE CATALOGUE OF FLEMING H. REVELL, Publisher of Evangelical Literature 148 & 150 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO. The Following Books sent Post-paid on Receipt of Price. HELPS IN BIBLE STUDY. Notes and Suggestions for Bible Readings. Seventeenth thousand. Compiled by S. R. Briggs and J. H. Elliott. Acknowledged to be the very best help for Bible readings in print. Containing, in addition to twelve introductory chapters on plans and methods of Bible study and Bible readings, over six hundred outlines of Bible readings by many of the most eminent Bible students of the day. Large 12mo, 262 pages, with complete index, cloth, fine library style, $1.00; Flexible cloth, travelers’ edition, 75c; Cheap edition, paper covers, 50c. This is a book which every Bible student should possess. Those who conduct Bible readings will find it most suggestive.—Christian Progress. Symbols and Systems in Bible Readings. By Rev. W. F. Crafts. Giving a plan of Bible reading, with fifty verses definitely assigned for each day, the Bible being arranged with much labor in the order of its events. The entire symbolism of the Bible also explained concisely and clearly. 100 hints upon Bible markings and Bible readings are added. A year of work upon such a system would yield rich harvests of Bible knowledge and spiritual experience.—S. S. World. The True Tabernacle. A series of lectures on the Jewish Tabernacle and its typical signification. By George C. Needham. Illustrated, cloth, neat, 75c. “C. H. M.’s” Notes. By C. H. McIntosh. Genesis, 75c; Exodus, 75c; Leviticus, 75c; Numbers, 75c; Deuteronomy, 2 vols., each, 75c. The notes breathe a very sweet and reverential spirit, and the author shows wonderful insight into the heart of truths.—Evangelist. Mr. D. L. Moody says of these books: “They have been to me a very key to the Scriptures.” Major D. W. Whittle says: “Under God they have blessed me more than any books, outside of the Bible itself, that I have ever read, and have led me to a love of the Bible that is proving an unfailing source of profit.” Life and Times of David, King of Israel; or, The Life of Faith Exemplified. By “C. H. M.” Third edition, revised. 12mo, 200 pp. Cloth, 60c. The Gospel According to Moses, as seen in the Tabernacle and its Various Services. By George Rogers. New edition, enlarged 16mo, 124 pp. Paper, 50c; Cloth, 75c. No preacher or teacher should be ignorant of the truth which this small volume very simply but forcibly enunciates.—The Record. Outline of the Books of the Bible. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D. D. Invaluable to the young student of the Bible as a “First Lessons” in the study of the Bible. 180 pp., cloth, 50c; Paper covers, 25c. Ruth, the Moabitess; or, Gleanings in the Book of Ruth. By Henry Moorehouse. A characteristic series of Bible readings, full of suggestions and instruction. Neat 16mo, paper covers, 20c; cloth, gilt stamped, 40c. Contains many fresh and original remarks, all tending to practical usefulness; a capital bit of commenting on a favorite book.—Spurgeon’s Sword and Trowel. Bible Readings. By Henry Moorehouse. A series of eleven sermons of comment and exposition, by one pre-eminently the man of one book—an incessant, intense, prayerful student of the Bible. Neat, 16mo, paper covers, 30c; cloth, gilt stamped, 60c. Current Discussions in Theology. By the Professors of Chicago Theological Seminary. Vol. I, cloth, 12mo, 248 pp., $1.00; paper covers, 50c. Vol. II, 328 pp., cloth, $1.50. There is nothing in our language of this kind. The American student has had to choose between the exhaustive and unremitting labors which are the price of first-hand knowledge, and reviews which rarely fail of being colored with partiality or prejudice. The volume before us is a helpful, fair and trustworthy statement of the present position and recent movements of theology.—The Independent. It may be safely said that from no one book in the English language can ministers gather so much recent information concerning the topics treated.—Presbyterian Witness. The Date of Our Gospels. A critical argument and examination of evidences, particularly regarding their authenticity and authorship. By Samuel Ives Curtiss, D. D., Union Park Theological Seminary, Chicago. Sq. 16mo, neat, flexible cloth, 50c; paper edition, 25c. The argument is winnowed of superfluous words, and presents a luminous and brief case.—New York Independent. A New Catechism. By Rev. J. T Hyde. A manual of instruction for students and other thoughtful inquirers. Cloth, 12mo, $1.00. AIDS IN CHRISTIAN WORK. Children’s Meetings and How to Conduct Them. By Lucy J. Rider and Nellie M. Carman. Introduction by Rev. J. H. Vincent, D. D. Contains contributions from over forty well-known workers among children, and gives the cream of their experience. The outline lessons (over sixty in number), diagrams, and music will especially commend it to the thoughtful teacher. Pp. 208, cloth, net $1.00. It is a good book, that suggests something in addition to that which it conveys.—Journal and Messenger. The volume will be heartily welcomed by many having this most important part of the religious instruction of the young in hand.—Zion’s Herald. Secret Power; or, the Secret of Success in Christian Life and Christian Work. By D. L. Moody. Fifty-fifth thousand. 12mo volume, 116 pp., rich gilt and black stamp, cloth, 60c; cheap edition, paper cover, 30c. Every page is full of stimulating thought for Christian workers.—Christian Commonwealth. The Work of Preaching Christ. By Bishop Charles Pettitt McIlvaine. A revised edition of an important little work. Paper covers, 15c. The Prayer Meeting and Its Improvement. By Rev. Lewis O. Thompson, with introduction by Rev. A. E. Kittredge, D. D. Sixth edition. Revised. An attractive volume. 12mo, pp. 256, $1.25. A valuable, because a very suggestive book.—S. S. Times. * * * “This is so good a book that we wish we could afford to give a copy of it to every young minister. Revive your prayer meetings and the churches will be revived. Mr. Thompson says some capital things in a telling manner, and, as his pages are full of fire and gunpowder, we hope certain old, worn-out things among us will be exploded, and good things set on fire. A brother who has this book handy will be helped to lead lively meetings, conducting them in varied ways, and expatiating on different topics, so as to keep up freshness, and avoid monotony and dullness.”—C. H. Spurgeon. Revivals; Their Place and Power. By Rev. Herrick Johnson, D. D. Cloth, flexible, 25c. An admirable discussion of the subject.—Interior. We know of no publication that covers the ground so briefly and satisfactorily.—Baltimore Presbyterian. Dr. Johnson’s experience has qualified him to speak upon this subject.—Independent. To the Work! To the Work! By D. L. Moody. Exhortations to Christians. Paper covers, 30c; Cloth boards, gilt dies, 60c. Just published. This new work by Mr. Moody, is in the line of his most successful efforts, that of stirring Christians to active, personal, aggressive work for the Master. Mr. Moody has frequently been heard to say that it was much better to set 100 men to work than to do the work of 100 men. This little volume will, we confidently believe, be a means of inspiring not hundreds but thousands to more efficient effort in Christian life. PRE-MILLENNIAL LITERATURE. Pre-Millennial Essays. A series of papers on prophetical subjects by eminent writers. Edited by Nathaniel West, D. D. Issued in one large 12mo volume of 500 pages, $1.50. Those who desire to have, within the compass of a single volume, all that is necessary to an intelligent consideration of the subject, will find it here in a very readable form. It is certainly the ablest work that has appeared on the pre-millennial side.—Canada Presbyterian. The best treatment of this subject from the pre-millennial side that has ever been published.—The Standard. It is pious, elaborate and fraternal. We are pleased with the forcible, yet candid style of argumentation.—Zion’s Herald. Maranatha; or, the Lord Cometh. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D. D. Pp. 445, cloth, $1.25; paper, 50c. Present Truth; being the Testimony of the Holy Ghost on the Second Coming of the Lord, the Divinity of Christ, and the Personality of the Holy Ghost. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D. D. 250 pp., fine cloth, 75c. Cheap edition, paper cover, 25c. Second Coming of Christ. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D. D. Price, 15c. The Blessed Hope; or, The Glorious Coming of the Lord. By Willis Lord, D. D. New and cheaper edition. A practical treatise; a volume well adapted to lead to a more joyous Christian life. 250 pp., cloth, $1.00. Cheap edition, for circulation, paper covers only, 25c. Second Coming of Christ. By George Muller, of Bristol, Eng. A neat little tract of 32 pages, suitable for circulation. Per dozen, 40c; 100 copies, $2.50. Jesus Is Coming. By W. E. B. A most popular hand book. Sixteenth thousand. Giving seven arguments in favor of the pre-millennial coming—stating the distinction between the Rapture and the Revelation, and between the Church and the Kingdom—and containing a diagram, with explanations. New, enlarged edition, 160 pp., cloth, 50c; paper covers, 15c. Twenty Reasons for Believing that the Second Coming of the Lord is Near. 34 pages and cover, neat, 15c. Per dozen, $1.00. Epiphainia. A study in Prophecy. By E. J. Edgren, Professor of Biblical Interpretation in the Morgan Park Theological Seminary. 16mo, 112 pp., cloth, neat, 75c. Dr. Edgren writes as one who both loves and reveres the Sacred Word. He has altogether made a book creditable in a literary not less than in an evangelical point of view.—Chicago Standard. Waiting for the Morning, and Other Poems. By the author of “Twenty Reasons for Believing the Coming of the Lord is Near.” Sq. 16mo, pp. 54, red line, cloth, elegant, 50c. Cheap edition, paper covers, neat, 25c. The Second Coming of Christ. By D. L. Moody. Revised. Forty-second thousand. 32 pp. and cover, 10c. Per dozen, $1.00. HELPS FOR INQUIRERS. Grace and Truth Under Twelve Different Aspects. By W. P. Mackay, M. A. Forty-eighth thousand of American edition. The English edition has reached a sale of over two hundred thousand, besides being translated into German, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic, Italian, Dutch, Gaelic and Welsh. 12mo, pp. 282, paper, 35c; cloth, fine, 75c. Mr. Moody says of this work: “I know of no book in print better adapted to aid in the work of him who would be a winner of souls, or to place in the hands of the unconverted.” My Inquiry Meeting; or Plain Truths for Anxious Souls. By Robert Boyd, D. D. Being the experience of a pastor during many years of personal dealing with anxious and careless souls. Pp. 64, 15c. For simplicity, clearness, and force of statement we have met with nothing that equals this little volume. We can think of no better service a pastor could render to Sunday-school teachers, and other guides of souls, than to secure their reading of these pages. Nor could inquirers have any better help in their search for truth.—The Interior. Glad Tidings. By Robert Boyd, D. D. A book for inquirers. 12mo, pp. 100, cloth, neat, 50c. Cheap edition, for circulation, 25c. This book has been used largely in connection with the great revival meetings both in Great Britain and this land. The Soul and Its Difficulties. By H. W. Soltau. Paper, pp. 108, 8c. How to Be Saved; or, the Sinner Directed to the Saviour. By J. H. Brookes, D. D. Pp. 120, paper cover, 25c; cloth, 50c. The Way to God and How to Find It. By D. L. Moody. Fifty-fifth thousand. A book for the inquirer and Christian worker. Cloth, rich black and gold stamp, 60c; paper, tinted covers, 30c. The way of salvation is made as clear as simple language and forcible, pertinent illustration can make it. In two features it is equal to anything that Mr. Moody has produced—in close adherence to the Word of God, and in profound earnestness—while in simplicity, directness of appeal and originality it is superior. It is a great matter to send such a work, so full of Christ, all over the churches, where it may, by the work of the Spirit, arrest the careless and move the ungodly.—Lutheran Observer. God’s Way of Salvation. By Alexander Marshall. A brief statement of the Way of Life, with answers to popular objections. Each brief page complete in itself, and containing a sermon in a nutshell. 48 pages and covers, 5c. Per hundred. $2.50. Doubts Removed. By CÆsar Malan, D. D. Paper covers, 5c; per dozen, 50c. “It contains the clearest statements and illustrations on the subject treated we have ever read.” Welcome to Jesus. By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. A series of 4 page tracts, with first page in attractive, illuminated designs, etc. Four different series, each containing 32 assortments. Price, per package, 25c. POPULAR DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It? By D. L. Moody. Cloth, uniform with To the Work! Heaven, etc., 60c; paper covers, 30c. An earnest and solemn work, full of helpful hints on the aids and hindrances to prevailing prayer. “This great subject has been the theme of apostles and prophets, and of all good men in all ages of the world; and my desire in sending forth this little volume is to encourage God’s children to seek by prayer ‘to move the arm that moves the world.’”—Extract from Preface. The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life. By Hannah Whitall Smith; author of “A Happy Life.” Revised edition, from entirely new plates. 12mo, 240 pp., cloth, black and gold stamp, $1.00; paper cover, 50c. A book we unhesitatingly recommend. We have not for years read a book with more delight and profit.—Southwestern Christian Advocate. We are delighted with the book. It reaches the very core of Christian experience.—Baptist Weekly. Worthy of universal circulation.—Christian Union. Life Warfare and Victory. By Maj. D. W. Whittle. Cloth, neat, 124 pp., 60c; paper, 30c. This book has been prepared in the midst of evangelistic work, to meet the wish often expressed to the writer—that instruction given in Bible readings to young converts might be made available for their more careful study and permanent use.—Extract from Preface. Christ and the Scriptures. By Rev. Adolph Saphir. Cloth, 16mo, neat, 75c. To all disciples of Jesus this work commends itself at once by its grasp of truth, its insight, the life in it, and its spiritual force.—Christian Work. “In these days of doubt and hypercriticism such a volume, breathing a spirit of earnest devotion, lifting the mind to a better conception of the immeasureable worth of the Person and the Word, and written, too, by a son of Israel, cannot but be welcome and helpful.” The Holy Life. A book for Christians seeking the “Rest of Faith.” By Rev. Evan H. Hopkins. Fifth thousand, 18mo, 115 pages, cloth, beveled edge, 60c. Walking Worthy of God. A reprint from the works of Rev. John Flavell, with an introduction by (and published at the request of) Maj. D. W. Whittle. A valuable book for circulation—an incentive to Christian living. Gems from Northfield. A Record of the Best Thoughts exchanged at the Conference for Bible Study, convened at Northfield, by D. L. Moody. 12mo, pp. 116. Price $1.00. The thoughts and expositions of Scripture which are presented in this volume are of rare practical value.—Herald and Presbyter. My Morning Word. A book of texts for every day in the year. Cloth, plain, 75c; Cloth, gilt edges, $1.00; Calf, flexible, gilt, $1.75. The several texts for every day each contain the “Morning Word,” this single word being the key-word by means of which the texts are called to mind. Birth-Day Memorial Text-Book. A handsome little volume with a short text for every day in the year, with blank space opposite for autographs. Especially attractive for children. 32mo, cloth, black and gold stamp, 25c; per dozen, $2.50. The Practice of the Presence of God. By “Brother Lawrence.” Being a small collection of remarkable letters and “conversations” of a monk. Pp. 64, 24mo, paper cover, 10c; per dozen, 75c. Grace Sufficient. By Rev. Henry Roissy. An extremely helpful work for the closet, with counsel and comfort for the Way of Life. Pp. 265, cloth, $1.25. Clifton Springs Bible Readings. Containing the Bible Readings and Addresses given at the Conference of Believers at Clifton Springs, N. Y., by Messrs. Brookes, Erdman, Whittle, Needham, Parsons, Clark, Marvin and others. Sq. 16mo, 144 pp., cloth, fine, 50c; paper covers, 25c. The Scarlet Line. A most suggestive tract upon Joshua II and VI, showing the close connection between the type of the Old Testament and the Antitype of the New. 36 pages and cover, 5c; per hundred, $3.00. Envelope Series of Tracts. By H. W. S., from “The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life,” comprising the following: How to Enter into the Life. Difficulties Concerning Consecration. Difficulties Concerning Guidance. Difficulties Concerning Faith. Faith: What it is. Is God in Everything? The Joy of Obedience. Practical Results. Sold only in packets of one dozen copies. May be had either assorted or all of the same kind. Price, per packet, 20c. “They will form an excellent collection of tracts for distribution by those who wish their friends to share the ‘Life that is hid with Christ.’” Words of Worth, from the Chicago Christian Convention. A verbatim report of the addresses before the Convention of October, 1882. 12mo, pp. 134, paper, 25c. The addresses by such men as Rev. Marcus Rainsford, Rev. Chas. Spurgeon, Dr. W. P. Mackay, Rev. A. T. Pierson, D. D., and others, will be welcomed by many. CHICAGO: F. H. REVELL, 148 & 150 MADISON ST. TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. |