We have to do with the original draft, and to let the reader see the hand of a master, I will analyze it. "I love method," said Mr. Paine. The method of the piece stands as follows, and, for the sake of elucidation, I have numbered the paragraphs in the original; I. Introduction, viz:—Paragraph II. Bill of Rights—Paragraph III. Indictment—under three general charges: Usurpation, Abdication, and War, as follows: USURPATION. Par. a. Negatived. Par. a. Legislative bodies meet at the wrong place. Par. a. Destroyed by his negative. Par. a. Established without consent of legislatures. Par. a. Troops, the quartering of. ABDICATION. Par. WAR. Par. a. Seas plundered. Par. Par. Par. Par. Par. IV. Peaceful Method of Redress, viz: Petitioning—Paragraph V. Necessity of Separation—declared in Paragraphs VI. Powers of an Independent State Declared To the World—in Paragraph |