| PAGE |
1. | Views along Mazon Creek, Illinois | 12 |
2. | Drawing of type specimen of Micrerpeton caudatum Moodie, from the Coal Measures of Mazon Creek | 52 |
3. | Specimens of Eumicrerpeton parvum, Erpetobrachium mazonensis, Erierpeton branchialis, Mazonerpeton longicaudatum, and Amphibamus grandiceps | 58 |
4. | (1 and 2) VertebrÆ of Spondylerpeton spinatum Moodie. (3) Type specimen of Mazonerpeton costatum Moodie. (4) Type skeleton of Cephalerpeton ventriarmatum Moodie. (5 and 6) The halves of the nodule containing a practically complete skeleton of Amphibamus grandiceps Cope | 60 |
5. | (1) A reconstruction of the Coal Measures branchiosaurian, Eumicrerpeton parvum Moodie, a small primitive salamander | 64 |
| (2) A restoration of the branchiosaurian, Mazonerpeton, based on two specimens | 64 |
6. | Dendrerpeton acadianum Owen. Mandibles, parts of anterior extremities, humerus, etc. | 68 |
7. | Hylerpeton dawsoni Owen. Mandible, teeth, rib, and bones of anterior extremity. Bones of pelvis and posterior limb and bony scales | 72 |
8. | Fritschia curtidentata Dawson. Bones of skull and anterior extremity, bony rods of belly, of pelvis, and posterior extremity | 76 |
9. | Hylonomus lyelli Dawson. (1) maxillÆ and skull bones; (1a) sternal bones; (2) mandible; (3) humerus, ribs, and vertebrÆ; (4) posterior limb; (5) pelvis; (6) caudal vertebrÆ | 78 |
10. | Hylonomus latidens Dawson. Skull, portion of skeleton, foot, scapular, and sternal bones, humerus and rib, believed to belong to this species. Erect tree, Coal formation, of Nova Scotia | 80 |
11. | Hylerpeton longidentatum Dawson. Mandible and other bones. Erect tree, Coal formation | 82 |
12. | Smilerpeton aciedentatum Dawson. Mandible, portions of skull, scales, and various bones. Erect tree, Coal formation | 82 |
13. | Dendrerpeton oweni Dawson. Skull, mandible, and bones of anterior limbs, posterior limb, pelvic, and bony scales | 100 |
14. | (1 and 2) Amphibamus grandiceps Cope, from the Mazon Creek shales | 106 |
| (3) Sauropleura (Colosteus) scutellata Newberry, from the Linton Coal Measures, the first known of the Ohio Coal Measures Amphibia; at first ascribed by Newberry to the fishes, but later correctly identified by Cope | 106 |
| (4) Type of Diceratosaurus (Ceraterpeton) punctolineatus Cope, from the Linton Coal Measures | 106 |
15. | (1) Dorsum of skull of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus (Cope), from the Coal Measures of Linton, Ohio | 114 |
| (2) Ventral surface of skull of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus (Cope), from the Coal Measures of Linton | 114 |
| (3) Pectoral girdle of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus (Cope), from the Coal Measures of Linton | 114 |
| (4) Cervical or anterior dorsal vertebra of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus (Cope), from the Linton Coal Measures | 114 |
16. | (1) Type specimen of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus Cope | 116 |
| (2) Skull of Sauropleura longidentata Moodie, from the Coal Measures of Linton, Ohio | 116 |
| (3) Mandible of Sauropleura longidentata Moodie, from the Coal Measures of Linton, Ohio | 116 |
| (4) Type specimen of Sauropleura enchodus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton, Ohio | 116 |
| (5) Additional specimen of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton, Ohio | 116 |
17. | Type of Saurerpeton latithorax Cope | 126 |
18. | (1) Type of Erpetosaurus sculptilis Moodie, from the Cannelton Shales of Pennsylvania | 132 |
| (2) Skeletal elements of Eryops sp. indet., from the Pittsburgh Red Shale at Pitcairn | 132 |
| (3) Amphibian footprints, Dromopus aduncus Branson, from the Mississippian shales of Giles County, Virginia | 132 |
| (4) Type of Thinopus antiquus Marsh, amphibian footprint from the Devonian of Pennsylvania | 132 |
19. | Type of Ctenerpeton alveolatum Cope, from the Coal Measures of Ohio | 134 |
20. | (1) Skull of Erpetosaurus minutus Moodie, from the Cannelton slates of Pennsylvania | 134 |
| (2) Skull and anterior part of body of Ptyonius pectinatus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton | 134 |
| (3) Skeleton of Eosauravus copei Williston, from the Coal Measures of Linton. "The oldest known reptile from North America" and closely related structurally to the Microsauria | 134 |
| (4) Part of ventral scutellation and ribs of Sauropleura digitata Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton | 134 |
21. | (1) Mandible of Macrerpeton deani Moodie, from the Linton Coal Measures | 136 |
| (2) Portion of the skull of Macrerpeton deani Moodie, possibly of the same: individual us the mandible. From the Linton Coal Measures | 136 |
| (3) Type of Cercariomorphus parvisquamis Cope, from the Linton Coal Measures | 136 |
| (4) An additional specimen of Cercariomorphus parvisquamis Cope, from the Linton Coal Measures | 136 |
| (5) Skull of Sauropleura scutellata Newberry. From the Coal Measures of Ohio | 136 |
| (6) Tooth of Mastodonsaurus sp. indet. of the Carboniferous of Kansas | 136 |
| (7) Tooth of Mastodonsaurus giganteus Jaeger, from the Triassic of Germany. Introduced for comparison with the tooth from the Kansas Carboniferous | 136 |
22. | (1) Type of Leptophractus lineolatus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton. Portions of maxilla and mandible of left side with teeth | 160 |
| (2) Type of Proterpeton gurleyi Moodie, from the Coal Measures of Illinois, near Danville. Cervical of an otherwise unknown amphibian | 160 |
| (3) Amphibian phalanx from the Coal Measures near Breeze, Illinois, of an unknown species | 160 |
| (4) Large rib of a stereospondylous stegocephalan, otherwise unknown | 160 |
| (5) Type of Cope's species Tuditanus mordax referred by him to the cranium, on account of the sculpturing of the elements, now known to be portions of the interclavicle and clavicles of Diceratosaurus punctolineatus | 160 |
| (6) Skull of Baphetes planiceps Owen, from the Coal Measures of Nova Scotia | 160 |
23. | (1) Ventral scutellÆ of Ctenerpeton alveolatum Cope, from the Coal Measures of Ohio | 166 |
| (2) Left leg and pelvis of Ichthycanthus platypus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Ohio | 166 |
24. | (1) Type specimen of Pelion lyelli Wyman, from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Supposed to represent the ancestral form of the Salientia | 172 |
| (2) Scales of Cercariomorphus parvisquamis Cope, a microsaur from the Ohio Coal Measures | 172 |
| (3) Type specimen of Cercariomorphus parvisquamis Cope | 172 |
25. | (1) Photograph of type specimen of Erpetosaurus (Tuditanus) radiatus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton | 180 |
| (2) Photograph of type specimen of Erpetosaurus tabulatus Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton | 180 |
| (3) Photograph of the impression of Stegops divaricata Cope, from the Coal Measures of Linton | 180 |
| (4) Type and only known specimen of Micrerpeton caudatum Moodie, a branchiosaur from the Coal Measures shales of Mazon Creek | 180 |
26. | (1) Type specimen of Erpetosaurus tuberculatus Moodie, from the Ohio Coal Measures | 182 |
| (2) Type of Macrerpeton huxleyi Cope, from the Coal Measures of Ohio | 182 |