SQUARE AND CUBE OF NUMBERS Let us take two of the two-bead bars (green) which were used in counting in the first bead exercises. Here, however, these form part of another series of beads. Along with these two bars there is a small chain: dots and dash By joining two like bars, the chains represent 2 × 2. There is another combination of these same objects—the two bars are joined together not in a chain but in the form of a square: dots They represent the same thing: that is to say, as numbers they are 2 × 2; but they differ in position—one has the form of a line, the other of a square. It can be seen from this that if as many bars as there are beads on a bar are placed side by side they form a square. In the series in fact we offer squares of 3 × 3 pink beads; 4 × 4 yellow beads; 5 × 5 pale blue beads; 6 × 6 gray beads; 7 × 7 white beads; 8 × 8 lavender beads; 9 × 9 dark blue beads; and 10 × 10 orange beads; thus reproducing the same colors as were used at the beginning in counting. For every number there are as many bars as there are beads for the number, 3 bars for the 3, 4 for the 4, etc.; in addition there is a chain consisting of an equal number of bars, 3 × 3; 4 × 4; and, as we have seen, there is a square containing another equal quantity. The child not only can count the beads of the chains For example, taking the small square of four the child can count four beads on each side; multiplying 4 by 4 we have the number of beads in the square, 16. Multiplying one side by itself (squaring one side) we have the area of the little square. This can be continued for 5, 8, 9, etc. The square of 10 has ten beads on each side. Multiplying 10 by 10, in other words, "squaring" one side we get the entire number of beads forming the area of the square: 100. However, it is not the form alone which gives these results; for if the ten bars which formed the square are placed end to end in a horizontal line, we get the "hundred chain." This can be done with each square; the chain 5 × 5, like the square 5 × 5, contains the same number of beads, 25. We teach the child to write the numbers with symbol for the square: 52 = 25; 72 = 49; 102 = 100, etc. Our material here is manufactured with reference to the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. It is "offered" to the child, beginning with the smaller numbers. Given the material and freedom, the idea will come of itself and the child will "work" it into his consciousness on them. In this same period we take up also the cubes of the numbers, and there is a similar material for this: that is, the chain of the cube of the number is made up of chains of the square of that number joined by several links which permit of its being folded. There are as many squares for a number as there are units in that number—four dots Let us consider the cube of four. There is a chain formed by four chains each representing the square of four. They are joined by small links so that the chain can be rolled up lengthwise. The chain of the cube, when thus rolled, gives four squares similar to the separate squares which, when drawn out again, for a straight line. dots Fig. 5.—This shows only part of the entire chain for 43. The quantity is always the same: four times the square of four. 4 × 4 × 4 = 42 × 4 = 43. The cube of four comes with the material; but it can be reproduced by placing four loose squares one on top of the other. Looking at this cube we see that it has all its edges of four. Multiplying the area of a square by the number of units contained in the side gives the volume of the cube: 42 × 4. In this way the child receives his first intuitions of the processes necessary for finding a surface and volume. With this material we should not try to teach a great * * * Little by little we shall see the slates and copybooks filled with exercises of numbers raised to the square or cube independently of the rich series of objects which the material itself offers the child. In his exercises with the square and cube of the numbers he easily will discover that to multiply by ten it suffices to change the position of the figures—that is to say, to add a zero. Multiplying unity by ten gives 10; ten multiplied by ten is equal to 100; one hundred multiplied by ten is equal to 1,000, etc. Before arriving at this point the child will often either have discovered this fact for himself or have learned it by observing his companions. Some of the fundamental ideas acquired only through laborious lessons by our common school methods are here learned intuitively, naturally, and spontaneously. An interesting study which completes that already made with the "hundred chain" and the "thousand chain" is the comparison of the respective square chain and cube chain. Such differing relations showing the increasing length are most illustrative and make a marked impression upon the child. Furthermore, they prepare for knowledge that is to be used later. Some day when the child hears of "geometric progressions" or "linear squares" he will understand immediately and clearly. It is interesting to build a small tower with the bead cubes. Though it will resemble the pink tower, this tower, which seems to be built of jewels, gives a profound notion