SOLID GEOMETRY Since the children already know how to find the area of ordinary geometric forms it is very easy, with the knowledge of the arithmetic they have acquired through work with the beads (the square and cube of numbers), to initiate them into the manner of finding the volume of solids. After having studied the cube of numbers by the aid of the cube of beads it is easy to recognize the fact that the volume of a prism is found by multiplying the area by the altitude. In our didactic material we have three objects for solid geometry: a prism, a pyramid having the same base and altitude, and a prism with the same base but with only one-third the altitude. They are all empty. The two prisms have a cover and are really boxes; the uncovered pyramid can be filled with different substances and then emptied, serving as a sort of scoop. These solids may be filled with wheat or sand. Thus we put into practise the same technique as is used to calculate capacity, as in anthropology, for instance, when we wish to measure the capacity of a cranium. It is difficult to fill a receptacle completely in such a way that the measured result does not vary; so we usually put in a scarce measure, which therefore does not correspond to the exact volume but to a smaller volume. One must know how to fill a receptacle, just as one The receptacles may be filled also with liquids. In this case the child must be careful to pour out the contents without losing a single drop. This technical drill serves as a preparation for using metric measures. By these experiments the child finds that the pyramid has the same volume as the small prism (which is one-third of the large prism); hence the volume of the pyramid is found by multiplying the area of the base by one-third the altitude. The small prism may be filled with clay and the same piece of clay will be found to fill the pyramid. The two solids of equal volume may be made of clay. All three solids can be made by taking five times as much clay as is needed to fill the same prism. . . . . . . . Having mastered these fundamental ideas, it is easy to study the rest, and few explanations will be needed. In many cases the incentive to do original problems may be developed by giving the children definite examples: as, how can the area of a circle be found? the volume of a cylinder? of a cone? Problems on the total area of some solids also may be suggested. Many times the children will risk spontaneous inductions and often of their own accord proceed to measure the total surface area of all the solids at their disposal, even going back to the materials used in the "Children's House." The material includes a series of wooden solids with a base measurement of 10 cm.: A quadrangular parallelopiped (10 X 10 X 20 cm.) A quadrangular parallelopiped equal to 1/3 of above A quadrangular pyramid (10 X 10 X 20 cm.) A triangular prism (10 X 20 cm.) A triangular prism equal to 1/3 of above The corresponding pyramid (10 X 20 cm.) A cylinder (10 cm. diameter, 20 altitude) A cylinder equal to 1/3 of above A cone (10 cm. diameter, 20 altitude) A sphere (10 cm. diameter) An ovoid (maximum diameter 10 cm.) An ellipsoid (maximum diameter 10 cm.) Regular Polyhedrons Tetrahedron Hexahedron (cube) Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron (The faces of these polyhedrons are in different colors.) Applications: The Powers of Numbers.Material: Two equal cubes of 2 cm. on a side; a prism twice the size of the cubes; a prism double this preceding prism; seven cubes 4 cm. on a side. The following combinations are made:
In front are placed two more of the seven cubes = 25. On top are put the remaining four equal cubes = 26. In this way we have made a cube measuring 8 cm. on a side. From this we see that: 23, 26 have the form of a cube. 22, 25 have the form of a square. 2, 24 have a linear form. The Cube of a Binomial: (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3a2b + 3ba. Material: A cube with a 6 cm. edge, a cube with a 4 cm. edge; three prisms with a square base of 4 cm. on a side and 6 cm. high; three prisms with a square base of 6 cm. to a side and 4 cm. high. The 10 cm. cube can be made with these. These two combinations are in special cube-shaped boxes into which the 10 cm. cube fits exactly. . . . . . . . Weights and Measures: All that refers to weights and measures is merely an application of similar operations and reasonings. The children have at their disposal and learn to handle many of the objects which are used for measuring both in commerce and in every-day life. In the "Children's House" days they had the long stair rods which contain the meter and its decimeter subdivisions. Here they have a tape-measure with which they measure floors, etc., and find the area. They have the meter in many forms: in the anthropometer, in the ruler. Then, too, photographs Hollow geometric solids, used for determining equivalence by measuring sand, sugar, etc. The twenty centimeter ruler divided into millimeters they use constantly in design; and they love to calculate the area of the geometric figures they have designed or of the metal insets. Often they calculate the surface of the white background of an inset and that of the different pieces which exactly fit this opening, so as to verify the former. As they already have some preparation in decimals it is no task for them to recognize and to remember that the measures increase by tens and take on new names each time. The exercises in grammar have greatly facilitated the increase in their vocabulary. They calculate the reciprocal relations between length, surface, and volume by going back to the three sets which first represented "long," "thick," and "large." The objects which differ in length vary by 10's; those differing in areas vary by 100's; and those which differ in volume vary by 1000's. The comparison between the bead material and the cubes of the pink tower (one of the first things they built) encourages a more profound study of the sensory objects which were once the subject of assiduous application. By the aid of the double decimeter the children make the calculations for finding the volume of all the different objects graded by tens, such as the rods, the prisms of the broad stair, the cubes of the pink tower. By taking the extremes in each case they learn the relations between objects which differ in one dimension, in two dimensions, and in three dimensions. Besides, they already know that the square of 10 is 100, and the cube of 10 is 1000. . . . . . . . photographs Designs formed by arranging sections of the insets within the frames. The children make use of various scientific instruments: thermometers, distillers, scales, and, as previously stated, the principal measures commonly used. By filling an empty metal cubical decimeter, which like the geometric solids is used for the calculation of volume, they have a liter measure of water, which may be poured into a glass liter bottle. All the decimal multiples and subdivisions of the liter are easily understood. Our children spent much time pouring liquids into all the small measures used in commerce for measuring wine and oil. They distil water with the distiller. They use the thermometer to measure the temperature of water in ebullition and the temperature of the freezing mixture. They take the water which is used to determine the weight of the kilogram, keeping it at the temperature of 4°C. The objects which serve to measure capacity also are at the disposal of the children. There is no need to go into more details upon the multitudinous consequences resulting from both a methodical preparation of the intellect and the possibility of actually being in contact with real objects. A great number of problems given by us, as well as problems originated by the children themselves, bear witness to the ease with which external effects may he spontaneously produced when once the inner causes have been adequately stimulated.