ARITHMETICAL OPERATIONS Numbers: 1-10The children already had performed the four arithmetical operations in their simplest forms, in the "Children's Houses," the didactic material for these having consisted of the rods of the long stair which gave empirical representation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. By means of its divisions into sections of alternating colors, red and blue, each rod represented the quantity of unity for which it stood; and so the entrance into the complex and arduous field of numbers was thus rendered easy, interesting, and attractive by the conception that collective number can be represented by a single object containing signs by which the relative quantity of unity can be recognized, instead of by a number of different units, represented by the figure in question. For instance, the fact that five may be represented by a single object with five distinct and equal parts instead of by five distinct objects which the mind must reduce to a concept of number, saves mental effort and clarifies the idea. It was through the application of this principle by means of the rods that the children succeeded so easily in accomplishing the first arithmetical operations: 7 + 3 = 10; 2 + 8 = 10; 10 - 4 = 6; etc. The long stair material is excellent for this purpose. But it is too limited in quantity and is too large to be This material consists of beads strung on wires: i.e., bead bars representing respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The beads are of different colors. The 10-bead bar is orange; 9, dark blue; 8, lavender; 7, white; 6, gray; 5, light blue; 4, yellow; 3, pink; 2, green; and there are separate beads for unity. There are five sets of these attractive objects in each box; and so each child has at his disposal the equivalent of five sets of the long stairs used for his numerical combinations in the earliest exercise. The fact that the rods are small and so easily handled permits of their being used at the small tables. This very simple and easily prepared material has been extraordinarily successful with children of five and a half years. They have worked with marked concentration, doing as many as sixty successive operations and filling whole copybooks within a few days' time. Special quadrille paper is used for the purpose; and the sheets are ruled in different colors: some in black, some in red, some Experience has taught us to prepare a large number of the ten-bead bars; for the children will choose these from all the others, in order to count the tens in succession: 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. To this first bead material, therefore, we have added boxes filled with nothing but ten-bead bars. There are also small cards on which are written 10, 20, etc. The children put together two or more of the ten-bead bars to correspond with the number on the cards. This is an initial exercise which leads up to the multiples of 10. By superimposing these cards on that for the number 100 and that for the number 1000, such numbers as 1917 can be obtained. The "bead work" became at once an established element in our method, scientifically determined as a conquest brought to maturity by the child in the very act of making it. Our success in amplifying and making more complex the early exercises with the rods has made the child's mental calculation more rapid, more certain, and more comprehensive. Mental calculation develops spontaneously, as if by a law of conservation tending to realize the "minimum of effort." Indeed, little by little the child ceases counting the beads and recognizes the numbers by their color: the dark blue he knows is 9, the yellow 4, etc. Almost without realizing it he comes now to count by colors instead of by quantities of beads, and thus performs actual operations in mental arithmetic. As soon as the child becomes conscious of this power, he joyfully announces his transition to the higher plane, exclaiming, "I can count in my head and I can do it more Tens, Hundreds, and ThousandsMaterial: I have had a chain made by joining ten ten-bead bars end to end. This is called the "hundred chain." Then, by means of short and very flexible connecting links I had ten of these "hundred chains" put together, making the "thousand chain." These chains are of the same color as the ten-bead bars, all of them being constructed of orange-colored beads. The difference in their reciprocal length is very striking. Let us first put down a single bead; then a ten-bead bar, which is about seven centimeters long; then a hundred-bead chain, which is about seventy centimeters long; and finally the thousand-bead chain, which is about seven meters long. The great length of this thousand-bead chain leads directly to another idea of quantity; for whereas the 1, the 10, and the 100 can be placed on the table for convenient study, the entire length of the room will hardly suffice for the thousand-bead chain! The children find it necessary to go into the corridor or an adjoining room; they have to form little groups to accomplish the patient work of stretching it out into a straight line. And to examine the whole extent of this chain, they have to walk up and down its entire length. The realization they thus obtain of the relative values of quantity is in truth an event for them. For days at a time this amazing "thousand chain" claims the child's entire activity. The flexible connections between the different hundred lengths of the thousand-bead chain permit of its being folded so that the "hundred chains" lie one next to the other, forming in their entirety a long rectangle. The Now all may be placed on a small table, one below the other: first the single bead, then the ten-bead bar, then the "hundred chain," and finally the broad strip of the "thousand chain." Any teacher who has asked herself how in the world a child may be taught to express in numerical terms quantitative proportions perceived through the eye, has some idea of the problem that confronts us. However, our children set to work patiently counting bead by bead from 1 to 100. Then they gathered in two's and three's about the "thousand chain," as if to help one another in counting it, undaunted by the arduous undertaking. They counted on hundred; and after one hundred, what? One hundred one. And finally two hundred, two hundred one. One day they reached seven hundred. "I am tired," said the child. "I'll mark this place and come back tomorrow." "Seven hundred, seven hundred—Look!" cried another child. "There are seven—seven hundreds! Yes, yes; count the chains! Seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. Signora, signora, the 'thousand chain' has ten 'hundred chains'! Look at it!" And other children, who had been working with the "hundred chain," in turn called the attention of their comrades: "Oh, look, look! The 'hundred chain' has ten ten-bead bars!" Thus we realized that the numerical concept of tens, hundreds, and thousands was given by presenting these chains to the child's intelligent curiosity and by respecting the spontaneous endeavors of his free activities. And since this was our experience with most of the children, one easily can see how simple a suggestion would be necessary if the deduction did not take place in the case of some exceptional child. In fact, to make the idea of decimal relations apparent to a child, it is sufficient to direct his attention to the material he is handling. The teacher experienced in this method knows how to wait; she realizes that the child needs to exercise his mind constantly and slowly; and if the inner maturation takes place naturally, "intuitive explosions" are bound to follow as a matter of course. The more we allow the children to follow the interests which have claimed their fixed attention, the greater will be the value of the results. Counting-FramesThe direct assistance of the teacher, her clear and brief explanation, is, however, essential when she presents to the child another new material, which may be considered "symbolic" of the decimal relations. This material consists of two very simple bead counting-frames, similar in size and shape to the dressing-frames of the first material. They are light and easily handled and may be included in the individual possessions of each child. The frames are easily made and are inexpensive. One frame is arranged with the longest side as base, and has four parallel metal wires, each of which is strung with ten beads. The three top wires are equidistant but the fourth is separated from the others by a greater distance, and this separation is further emphasized by a brass nail-head fixed on the left hand side of the frame. The frame is painted one color above the nail-head and another color below it; and on this side of the frame, also, numerals corresponding to each wire are marked. The We explain to the child that each bead of the first wire is assumed to stand for one, or unity, as did the separate beads they have had before; but each bead of the second wire stands for ten (or for one of the ten-bead bars); the value of each bead of the third wire is one hundred and represents the "hundred chain"; and each bead on the last wire (which is separated from the others by the brass nail-head) has the same value as a "thousand chain." At first it is not easy for the child to understand this symbolism, but it will be less difficult if he previously has worked over the chains, counting and studying them without being hurried. When the concept of the relationship between unity, tens, hundreds, and thousands has matured spontaneously, he more readily will be able to recognize and use the symbol. Specially lined paper is designed for use with these frames. This paper is divided lengthwise into two equal parts, and on both sides of the division are vertical lines of different colors: to the right a green line, then a blue, and next a red line. These are parallel and equidistant. A vertical line of dots separates this group of three lines from another line which follows. On the first three lines from right to left are written respectively the units, tens, and hundreds; on the inner line the thousands. The right half of the page is used entirely and exclusively to clarify this idea and to show the relationship of written numbers to the decimal symbolism of the counting-frame. With this object in view, we first count the beads on each wire of the frame; saying for the top wire, one unit, two units, three units, four units, five units, six units, seven units, eight units, nine units, ten units. The ten units of this top wire are equal to one bead on the second wire. The beads on the second wire are counted in the same way: one ten, two tens, three tens, four tens, five tens, six tens, seven tens, eight tens, nine tens, ten tens. The ten ten-beads are equal to one bead on the third wire. The beads on this third wire then are counted one by one: one hundred, two hundreds, three hundreds, four hundreds, five hundreds, six hundreds, seven hundreds, eight hundreds, nine hundreds, ten hundreds. These ten hundred-beads are equal to one of the thousand-beads. There also are ten thousand-beads: one thousand, two thousands, three thousands, four thousands, five thousands, six thousands, seven thousands, eight thousands, nine thousands, ten thousands. The child can picture ten separate "thousand chains"; this symbol is in direct relation, therefore, to a tangible idea of quantity. Now we must transcribe all these acts by which we have in succession counted, ten units, ten tens, ten hundreds, and ten thousands. On the first vertical line to the extreme right (the green line) we write the units, one beneath the other; on the second line (blue) we write the tens; on the third line (red) the hundreds; and, finally, on the line beyond the dots we write the thousands. There are sufficient horizontal lines for all the numbers, including one thousand. Having reached 9, we must leave the line of the units and pass over to that of the tens; in fact, ten units make one ten. And, similarly, when we have written 9 in the The units from 1 to 9 are written on the line farthest to the right; on the next line to the left are written the tens (from 1 to 9); and on the third line, the hundreds (from 1 to 9). Thus always we have the numbers 1 to 9; and it cannot be otherwise, for any more would cause the figure itself to change position. It is this fact that the child must quietly ponder over and allow to ripen in his mind. It is the nine numbers that change position in order to form all the numbers that are possible. Therefore, it is not the number in itself but its position in respect to the other numbers which gives it the value now of one, now of ten, now of one hundred or one thousand. Thus we have the symbolic translation of those real values which increase in so prodigious a way and which are almost impossible for us to conceive. One line of ten thousand beads is seventy meters long! Ten such lines would be the length of a long street! Therefore we are forced to have recourse to symbols. How very important this position occupied by the number becomes! How do we indicate the position and hence the value of a certain number with reference to other numbers? As there are not always vertical lines to indicate the relative position of the figure, the requisite number of zeros are placed to the right of the figure! The children already know, from the "Children's House," that zero has no value and that it can give no value to the figure with which it is used. It serves merely to show the position and the value of the figure written at photograph The bead material used for addition and subtraction. Each of the nine numbers is of different colored beads. photograph--two children sitting at table Counting and calculating by means of the bead chains. (A Montessori School in Italy.) The "Children's House" child already knows how to write ten and even one hundred; and it is now very easy for him to write, with the aid of zeros, and in columns, from 1 to 1000: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90; 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900; 1,000. When the child has learned to count well in this manner, he can easily read any number of four figures. Let us now make up a number on the counting-frame; for example, 4827. We move four beads to the left on the thousands-wire, eight on the hundreds-wire, two on the tens-wire, and seven on the units-wire; and we read, four thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven. This number is written by placing the numbers on the same line and in the mutually relative order determined by the symbolic positions for the decimal relations, 4827. We can do the same with the date of our present year, writing the figures on the left-hand side of the paper as indicated: 1917. Let us compose 2049 on the symbolic number frame. Two of the thousand-beads are moved to the left, four of the ten-beads, and nine of the unit-beads. On the hundreds-wire there is nothing. Here we have a good demonstration of the function of zero, which is to occupy the places that are empty on this chart. Similarly, to form the number 4700 on the frame, four thousand-beads are moved to the left and seven hundred-beads, the tens-wire and the units-wire remaining empty. In transcribing this number, these empty places are filled by zeros—a figure of no value in itself. photograph The bead cube of 10; ten squares of 10; and chains of 10, of 100, and of 1000 beads. photograph This shows the first bead frame which the child uses in his study of arithmetic. The number formed at the left on the frame is 1,111. When the child fully understands this process he makes up many exercises of his own accord and with the greatest interest. He moves beads to the left at random, on one or on all of the wires, then interprets and writes the number on the sheets of paper purposely prepared for this. When he has comprehended the position of the figures and performed operations with numbers of several figures he has mastered the process. The child need only be left to his auto-exercises here in order to attain perfection. Very soon he will ask to go beyond the thousands. For this there is another frame, with seven wires representing respectively units, tens, and hundreds; units, tens and hundreds of the thousands; and a million. This frame is the same size as the other one but in this the shorter side is used as the base and there are seven wires instead of four. The right-hand side is marked by three different colors according to the groups of wires. The units, tens, and hundreds wires are separated from the three thousands wires by a brass tack, and these in turn are separated in the same manner from the million wire. The transition from one frame to the other furnishes much interest but no difficulty. Children will need very few explanations and will try by themselves to understand as much as possible. The large numbers are the most interesting to them, therefore the easiest. Soon their copybooks are full of the most marvelous numbers; they have now become dealers in millions. For this frame also there is specially prepared paper. After this the child, moving the beads to the left on one or more of the wires, tries to read and then to write on the left half of the paper the numbers resulting from these haphazard experiments. For example, on the counting-frame he may have the number 6,206,818, and on the paper the numbers 1,111,111; 8,640,850; 1,500,000; 3,780,000; 5,840,714; 720,000; 500,000; 430,000; 35,840; 80,724; 15,229; 1,240. When we come to add and subtract numbers of several figures and to write the results in column, the facility resulting from this preparation is something astonishing. FOOTNOTES: |