- Alsted, John H., 43.
- AndreÆ, John Valentine, 35.
- Aquaviva, 3.
- Aquinas, Thomas, 7.
- Aristotle, Politics, 2;
- Arithmetic, 116.
- Arts, 99.
- Ascham, Roger, on humanism, 12;
- Atrium, 65, 129.
- Bacon, Francis, dangers of science, 22;
- views on education, 23–$2;
- criticisms on English education, 56;
- education according to nature, 148.
- Bardeen, C. W., editor of Orbis pictus, 175;
- text-book of Comenius, 177.
- Barnard, Henry, contributions to the literature of Comenius, 178.
- Barnes, Earl, on the reforms of Comenius, 167.
- Basedow, Johann Bernhard, educational theories and labors, 149–$2.
- Bateus, William, the Janua, 36, 125.
- Baur, G., sketch of Comenius, 179.
- Beeger, Julius, relation to the Comenius-Stiftung, 169;
- translation of the writings of Comenius, 176.
- Benham, Daniel, translation of School of infancy, 110.
- Bibliography of Comenius, 177–$2.
- Blodgett, James H., call of Comenius to Harvard, 81.
- Bowen, H. Courthope, relation of FrÖbel to Comenius, 159.
- Browning, Oscar, on humanism, 1;
- on the study of Latin, 4.
- Bruni, Leonardo, an early humanist, 8.
- Buisson, Ferdinand, Vives on pauperism, 18;
- the pedagogical writings of Comenius, 180.
- Butler, Nicholas Murray, forerunners of Comenius, 15;
- meaning of infancy, 86;
- permanent influence of Comenius, 165, 177.
- CÆsar, Commentaries, 2.
- Campanella, Thomas, on study of nature, 35.
- Comenius, John Amos, forerunners, 15;
- relation to Vives, 16;
- agreement with Bacon, 23;
- influenced by Ratke, 28;
- obligations to Bateus, 36;
- birth at Nivnitz, 38;
- ancestry, 39;
- classical training at Prerau, 40;
- studies at Herborn, 42;
- matriculation at Heidelberg, 44;
- teacher in an elementary school, 44;
- ordination as a minister, 45;
- exile in the Bohemian mountains, 46;
- flight from Bohemia, 47;
- literary connections, 48;
- first call to Sweden, 49;
- call to England, 53;
cording to, 90–$2.
- Nivnitz, birthplace of Comenius, 38.
- Nursing of children, 114.
- Orbis pictus, 69, 130–$2.
- Oxenstiern, Axel, 33, 58, 62.
- Oxford, university of, 63.
- PÆdagogium at Halle, 144.
- Pansophia, 51, 53, 64.
- Paulsen, Friedrich, on European universities, 3.
- Pestalozzi, anticipated by Comenius, 116;
- influenced by the Émile, 153;
- domestic education, 154;
- study of nature, 156;
- geography, 157.
- Philanthropinum of Basedow, 152.
- Physical training, 113–$2.
- Pictures, use of, 98.
- Play, 160.
- Portraits of Comenius, 81.
- Private education, 87.
- Purpose of education, 85–$2.
- Quick, Robert Hebert, quoted, 9, 169;
- estimate of Comenius, 177.
- Quintilian, 99.
- Rabelais, on humanism, 10.
- Ratio studiorum of the Jesuits, 5.
- Ratke, Wolfgang, 28–$2, 59.
- Raumer, Karl von, 5, 6, 16, 17, 128.
- Realism, 1.
- Rein, Wilhelm, 145, 179.
- Religious training, 102, 120–$2.
- Ritter, Karl, 157.
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 146–$2.
- Saros-Patak, 64.
- Schiller, Hermann, 145.
- School of infancy, 103, 109–$2, 175.
- Science, 98.
- Sense-training, 115, 147.
- Skyte, John, 58.
- Spencer, Herbert, 148.
- Sturm, John, 3, 5, 7, 14.
- Symbolism of FrÖbel, 162.
- Trotzendorf, Valentine Friedland, 3.
- University, 105.
- Vergarius, Petrus Paulus,