- Abel, musician, 125
- Acorns exported from Kew, 185
- Addison, quoted, 90
- Æolus, Temple of, 169
- Aiton, John, 102
- Aiton, William, 100
- Aiton, William Townsend, 102
- Albert, Prince, 110
- Amelia, Princess, 64, 79
- Amelia’s House, Princess, 30
- Arch, the ruined, 199
- Argyll, Duke of, 9
- Aroid House, 170
- Assassination, George III.’s escape from, 36
- Augusta, Princess of Saxe-Gotha, 13
- Australian vegetation, 182
- Ayrton, Mr., 109
- Azaleas, 196
- Bach, J. C., 40, 125
- Bacon’s Essay, Of Gardens, 85
- Bamboos, 186
- Bauer, Francis, 146
- Birch, uses of, 187
- Bluebells, 196
- Bohemia, Anne of, 2
- Boswell, 70
- Botanic Garden at Kew, 95, 101, 107, 112
- Botanists, portraits of explorers and, 195
- Bradley, Astronomer-Royal, 87
- Brazil nuts, 193
- Brentford, 8, 77, 113, 119, 132
- Bridgeman, gardener, 91
- Brown, “Capability,” 95
- Buckingham Palace, 27, 32, 78
- Buitenzorg Gardens, Java, 161
- Burney, Miss, quoted, 46, 59, 66, 67
- Burton, Decimus, 108
- Bushey Park, 149
- Bute, Earl of, 19, 23, 95, 123
- “Buttonmaker,” nickname of George III., 31
- Byam, Rev. R. B., 145
- Cactus aloe, 169
- Cambridge Cottage, 46, 123, 153, , 14
- Highwaymen, 121
- Hill, Sir John, 96
- Hofland, Barbara, 146
- Hollow Walk, the, 123
- “Honour, Maids of,” 8
- Hooker, Sir J. D., 109, 181
- Hooker, Sir W. J., 108, 109
- Horne Tooke, John, 132
- Horse-chestnut, old, 196
- Horticultural Society’s Garden, 107
- Huntingdon, William, S.S., 138
- Hurlbut, W. H., quoted, 171
- “Improvers,” 88
- India-rubber plants, 195
- Islay, Lord, 97
- Italian Gardens, 89
- Jacobi, Mdlle., 69, 72
- James I., 5
- Jefferies, Richard, quoted, 198
- Jones, Henry, 98
- Jones, Inigo, 88
- Juniper Hill, 71
- “Junius,” 134
- Kava root, 192
- Kent, Duke of, 45, 81
- Kent, William, 88
- Kew Bridge, 118
- Kew Castle, 77
- Kew Church, 115
- Kew Churchyard, 129
- Kew Cottage, 147
- Kew Green, 75, 157
- Kew House, 10, 29, 32, 46, 51, 54, 64, 76
- Kew in favour, 31
- “Kew in lilac-time,” 158
- Kew Observatory, 9, 88, 97, 111
- Kew, origin of name, 1
- Kew Palace, 10, 78, 80, 112, 197
- Kew Priory, 143
- Kew Volunteers, 149
- Kingston, 2
- Kirby, Joshua, 129
- Kit-Cat Club, 114
- 84
- South African plants, 168
- Spectator, the, quoted, 90
- Spencer, Lady Elizabeth, 27
- Story of the Gardens, the, 82
- Strand-on-the-Green, 113, 126
- Strawberry Hill, 90, 91
- Succulent House, 169
- Sudbrook Park, 114
- Suffolk House, 4
- Sun, Temple of the, 169
- Sunday opening, 110
- Sussex, Duke of, 45
- Swift, quoted, 114
- Switzer, Stephen, 87, 91
- Sydney, Botanic Gardens at, 164
- Syon House, 4, 84
- Syon Vista, the, 197
- Tamerlane’s garden, 100
- Teck, Duke of, 155
- Temple, Sir William, 87
- Temple of Æolus, 169
- Temple of the Sun, 169
- Temple Grove, 87
- Thackeray, quoted, 34
- Theobald’s Park, Enfield, 5
- Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T., 109
- Thomson, James, 140
- “Thresher-poet,” the, 116
- Thresher’s Labour, The, quoted, 117
- Thurlow, Lord Chancellor, 62
- Timber Museum, No. III., 190
- Tooke, John Horne, 132
- Topiarian art, the, 89
- Trimmer, Mrs., 129
- Tropical Lily House, 166
- Tropics, plagues of the, 176
- Tulips, 196
- Turner, Dr. William, 83
- Tutors of George III., 17
- Twickenham, 21
- “Two Kings of Brentford,” the, 132
- Upas tree, 195
- Victoria Gate, 112
- Victoria, Princess, 81
- Victoria, Queen, 112, 149
- Victoria Regia, the, 162, 167
- Visiting the Gardens, 157
- Wales, Dowager Princess of, 20, 95
- Wales, Prince Frederick of, 11, 88
- Wallace, Dr. A. R., quoted, THE END
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