tenberg@html@files@48966@48966-h@48966-h-4.htm.html#Page_164" class="pginternal">164 n. Augustodunum, seat of Gallic studies, i. 112 f. Augustinus, Aurelius, picture of Carthage, ii.341; - Itala, 343 n.;
- Confessions, 345.
Augustus, the Emperor: expedition against Alpine tribes, i. 16; - monument to, above Monaco, 17;
- roads or colonies in Alps, 19 f.;
- visit to Germany, 26;
- German policy and motives for changing it, 56–59;
- visits Spain, 64;
- organisation of towns there, 68 f.;
- organisation of the three Gauls, 84 f.;
- restricted franchise of Gauls, 98;
- altar at Lugudunum, 94;
- altar for Germanic cantons, 35, 97, 118;
- discharge of Batavian guards, 121;
- project of connecting Rhine and Danube, 148;
- projects as to Britain not carried out, 172;
- reasons for and against its occupation, 172;
- conviction of its necessity, 173 f.;
- arrangements on the Danubian frontier, 195 f.;
- Illyricum subdued, 201;
- settlement of veterans in Dalmatia, 202;
- his Amphictiony, 254 f.;
- dealings with Greece, 261;
- treatment of Athens, 277;
- insurrection at, 279;
- foundation and privileges of Nicopolis, 294 f.;
- colonies in Macedonia, 301;
- pacification of Cilicia and Pisidia, 335 f.;
- diets and festivals for, in Asia Minor, 345;
- cancels debtors’ claims there, 357;
- decorum of, ii.26 n.;
- first arrangements in East, 34 f.;
- policy open to him, 36;
- inadequate measures, 36 f.;
- in Syria (20 B.C.), 37 f.;
- mission of Gaius to East, 39;
- Nicolaus Damascenus on his youth, 168;
- treatment of the Jews, 171 f.;
- dealing with Herod’s testament, 182, 184;
- attitude towards Jewish worship, 187;
- annexation of Egypt, 232 f., 239;
- Egyptian titles, 244;
- policy as to south–western Arabia, 290;
- expedition of Gallus, 290 f.;
- of Gaius, 293;
- repression of piracy in Red Sea, 298;
- colonisation in Mauretania, 333;
- death, i. 50.
Aurelianus, defeats the Juthungi, i. 166; - combats with the Goths on Danube, 248 f.;
- against the Palmyrenes, ii.108 f.;
- battle of Hemesa, 109 n., 110 n.;
- destruction of Palmyra, 111 n.
Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, Germany under, i. 160; - Chattan war, 161;
- Roman wall in Britain attacked, 188;
- Marcomanian war, 229 f.;
- his qualities, 232;
- progress of war, 232 f.;
- takes name of Germanicus, 234;
- terms laid down for the vanquished, 234;
- second war, 235;
- death, 235;
- Parthian war under Marcus and Verus, ii.74 f.;
- embassy to China, 302.
Aures, ii.317, 318, 320. Ausonius, i. 109, 113, 114 n. Autonomy, idea of, ii.120. Autricum, i. 91. Auzia, ii.319, 325. Aventicum, i. 139, 141. Canopus, ii.258 n.; Cantabri, i. 65, 66, 67. Cantonal system of Spain, i. 71, 72 n.; - of Gaul, 90 f.;
- influence of, 94;
- cantons represented in diet, 95 n., 96 n.;
- in Britain, 191.
Cappadocia, i. 323, 324; - inland, 332;
- division into praefectures, 332;
- Greek accent of, 333; ii.19, 41, 63.
Caracalla, Severus Antoninus, campaign against Alamanni, i. 162; - named Geticus, 139;
- Parthian war, ii.87;
- assassinated, 88;
- treatment of Alexandria, 263;
- uniting the vices of three races, 126, 340.
Caratacus, i. 175 f., 178. Caravans, Palmyrene, ii.98 n. CarÊn, ii.6, 46, 84. Carnuntum, i. 23, 198, 206. Carnutes, i. 91. Carpi, i. 238 f. Carrhae, ii.21, 22, 23, 77, 114. Carteia, i. 68. Carthage, ii.307, 330, 331, 341. Carthage, New, i. 68. Cartimandus, i. 182 f. Carus, Marcus Aurelius, Persian war, ii.112 f.; Caspian gates, ii.62 n. Cassius, Avidius, ii.75 n., 262. Cassivellannus, i. 170. Castra Regina, i. 197. Cattigara, ii.302. Catualda, i. 61, 215. Caucasian tribes, ii.35, 36, 61, 68, 72 n., 73, 91 n. Cavalry recruited mainly from Gaul, i. 107. Celtic inscriptions, i. 100 n.; - divinities, 104 f.;
- language;
- see Gaul.
Cenomani, i. 91. Census of Gaul, i. 84. Cerialis, Quintus Petillius, i. 140 f., 142, 180, 183. Cernunnos, i. 104. Chaeremon, ii.259, 273 n. Chaeronea in the civil wars, i. 267. Chalcedon, i. 245. Chalcidian peninsula, i. 300. Chandragupta, ii.13. Charax Spasinu, ii.68, 98 n. Charibael, ii.294 n. Chariomerus, i. 146. Chastisement, corporal, in Egypt, ii.240 n. Chatramotitis, ii.286, 290, 295. Chatti, i. 27, 28, 29, 51, 133; - take the lead, 149;
- Chattan wars, 150 n.;
- under Domitian, 151 n., 158;
- under Marcus, 161, 94;
- composition of the diets, 95 f.;
- officials, Judaea: distinction between Jewish land and Jewish people, ii.160;
- priestly rule under Seleucids, 160 f.;
- kingdom of Hasmonaeans, 161;
- Pharisees and Sadducees, 161;
- under the republic, 174;
- Caesar’s arrangements, 175 f.;
- freedom from dues, 175 n.;
- Parthians in Judaea, 177 f.;
- under Herod, 180–182;
- under Archelaus, 183 f.;
- Roman province, 184, 185 n.;
- provincial organisation, 186;
- military force in, 186;
- tribute, 186 f.;
- native authorities, 187;
- deference to Jewish scruples, 189 f.;
- the Jewish opposition, 190 f.
- See also Jews.
- Judaism;
- Judas, the Galilean, ii.195, 198.
- Jugurtha, war with, ii.307.
- Julianus defeats Dacians at Tapae, i. 220.
- Julianus, Emperor, epigram on barley–wine, i. 108;
- reply to “beard–mockers” of Antioch, ii.135.
- Julii, tomb of, at S. Remy, i. 115.
- Juridicus, ii.247 n.
- Jurisprudence, studied at Berytus, ii.130.
- Juthungi, i. 161, 166.
- Kainepolis, ii.75 n.
- Kanata and Canatha, ii.146 n.
- Kanerku, ii.16, 17 n.
- Kerykes, i. 246, 281.
- King of kings, ii.11.
- Labeo, Claudius, i. 136.
- Labienus, Quintus, ii.22, 23.
- Lachares, i. 283.
- Lactantius, ii.345.
- Lactora, i. 97 n.
- Laetus, ii.79.
- Lagids, government of, ii.238;
- Lambaesis, ii.319.
- Lancia, i. 66.
- Langobardi, i. 35, 37, 146, 230.
- Laodicea, i. 327, 360; ii.130.
- Larisa, i. 298.
- Latifundia, ii.334.
- Latin version of Bible, ii.343 n.
- Latobici in Carniola, i. 200.
- Latro, Marcus Porcius, i. 76.
- Lauriacum, i. 198.
- Leagues of Greek cities, i. 259, 264 n.;
- Lentulus, Gnaeus, Dacian war, i. 42.
- Leptis, Great, ii.316, 326, 327, 328.
- Leuce Come, ii.148, 280, 285, 288, 291.
- Leuga, i. 103.
- Lex Julia II., i. 10.
- Libanius, description of Antioch, ii.129 n.
- Library of Alexandria, ii.271 f.
- Libyans, ii.304, 317.
- Licinianus, Valerius, i. 76.
- Limes, meaning of, i. 122 n.;
- falsifications of the Imperial Biographies in his case, 164 n.
Potaissa, i. 228. Praaspa, ii.29. Praefectus, ii.233 n., 246, 247 n. Prasutagus, i. 176. Premis, ii.276. Priests in Asia Minor, i. 348. Princeps: position as to Egypt, ii.233 f.; - princeps et undecim primus, 335 n.
Priscus, Statius, ii.75. Priscus, governor of Macedonia, i. 240. Proaeresios, ii.268 n. Probus, opens vine–culture to provincials, i. 109; - resumes aggression against the Germans, 166 f.;
- transfers Bastarnae to Roman bank, 249;
- subdues Lydus in Isauria, 337;
- delivers Egypt from Palmyrenes, ii.108, 250, 277;
- restores water–works on Nile, 253.
Provincia, alleged use of term, ii.233 n. Prucheion, ii.250, 251. Pselchis, ii.276. Pseudo–Nero, ii.62, 64 f. Ptolemaeus Philadelphus, son of Antonius, ii.25. Ptolemaeus Philadelphus, ii.280. Ptolemaeus, king of Mauretania, ii.312 f. Ptolemais, “Greek” city in Egypt, ii.235, 236. Ptolemais “for the Chase,” on Red Sea, ii.280. Ptolemies, court of the, ii.245 f. Punic inscriptions, ii.326 n. Punt, ii.285 n. Purple dyeworks, Syrian, ii.137. Puteoli, called little Delos, ii.139 n. Quadi, i. 214, 229, 230, 233, 234, 237. Quadratus, Ummidius, ii.48 f., 202. Quarries, Egyptian, ii.256. Quietus, Fulvius, ii.103. Quietus, Lusius, i. 222; ii.69, 223, 322 n. Quinquegentiani, ii.325 n. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius, i. 77. Quirinius, Publius Sulpicius, i. 336; ii.136, 188, 315. Raetia, affinity of Raeti, i. 196; - subjugation, 16, 17;
- organisation, 17 f.;
- war in Raetia, 161;
- late civilisation, 196;
- military arrangements, 197;
- Raetian limes, 197.
Ratiaria, i. 214. Religion in Spain, i. 75; - in Gaul, 103 f.;
- in Britain, 193;
- in Greece, 280;
- in Asia Minor, 350;
- in Iran, ii.9 f.;
- in Syria, 123;
- in Egypt, 265, 266 n.
Resaina, battle at, ii.91, 95. Rhadamistus, ii.47 f. Rhagae, ii.4, 28. Rhandeia, capitulation of, ii.56, 57 f. Rhapta, ii.289. Rhetoric, professors of, at Treves, i. 89 n.; - professorship of Greek, at Rome, ii.272.
Rhetors in Alexandria, ii.264 n. Rhine, boundary, i. 25; - camps on left bank, 31 f.;
- positions on right bank, 33 f.;
- canal to Zuider–Zee, 28, 34;
- dyke between Ems and Lower Rhine, 34;
- Rhine–army as bearing on Gaul, 81;
- Rhine fleet, 119;
- army of Lower Rhine, 147 n.
Rhodians, Dio’s address to, i. 270 f., 285. Rhoemetalces, i. 40, 209 f. Riff in Morocco, ii.321, 324. Roads in Spain, i. 74; |