1. Granitic Rocks off the Shetland Islands, 63
2. Iceberg seen in mid ocean, 1400 miles from land, 75
3. Block of Limestone Rock with Glacial-markings, 78
4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Examples of living Zoophytes:
Campanularia Gelatinosa; Gorgonia Patula, 131
Frustra Pilosa; Madrepora Plantaginea, 132
Corallium Rubrum, 133
9, 10. Fossil Ferns from the Coal Measures, 143
11. Trunk and roots of a forest tree; found erect in a Coal Mine, near Liverpool, 152
12. Fossil Irish Deer, 163
13. Fossil Wood, showing the rings of annual growth, 171
14, 15. Fossil Fish from Monte Bolea in Italy, 173, 174
16. Group of several Fossil Fish in one block of Limestone, 176
17. Fossil Fish from the Chalk Rock of Sussex, 177
18, 19. Two Skeletons of the Ichthyosaurus, from the Lias of Dorsetshire, preserved in the Museum of Trinity College, Dublin, 179
20. Plesiosaurus Cramptonii, from the Lias of Yorkshire, preserved in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society, 182
21. The Megatherium, or Great Wild Beast, 185
22. The Mylodon Robustus, 186
23. Section of a Quarry in the Island of Portland, showing the stumps of an ancient forest standing erect in the solid rock, 189
24. Calamite from the Coal Measures of Newcastle, 191
25. Lepidodendron Sternbergii; a forest tree erect in a Coal Mine, 192
26. Lepidodendron Elegans; Stem and branches, from a Coal Mine, near Newcastle, 193
27. Section of a Coal Mine near Lyons, showing an ancient forest enveloped in Sandstone, 194
28. Bird’s-eye View of Santorin during the volcanic eruption of 1866, 255


Table of Stratified Rocks Chronologically arranged, 211
Table of Geological Formations, showing the first appearance on the Earth of the various forms of Animal Life, 226
Table exhibiting the Genealogies of Genesis according to the various Readings of the three most ancient Versions, the Hebrew, the Samaritan, and the Septuagint, 291
Table representing a possible Adjustment of the Mosaic Days with the Periods of Geology, 351



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