| PAGE | 1. Granitic Rocks off the Shetland Islands, | 63 | 2. Iceberg seen in mid ocean, 1400 miles from land, | 75 | 3. Block of Limestone Rock with Glacial-markings, | 78 | 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Examples of living Zoophytes: | Campanularia Gelatinosa; Gorgonia Patula, | 131 | Frustra Pilosa; Madrepora Plantaginea, | 132 | Corallium Rubrum, | 133 | 9, 10. Fossil Ferns from the Coal Measures, | 143 | 11. Trunk and roots of a forest tree; found erect in a Coal Mine, near Liverpool, | 152 | 12. Fossil Irish Deer, | 163 | 13. Fossil Wood, showing the rings of annual growth, | 171 | 14, 15. Fossil Fish from Monte Bolea in Italy, | 173, 174 | 16. Group of several Fossil Fish in one block of Limestone, | 176 | 17. Fossil Fish from the Chalk Rock of Sussex, | 177 | 18, 19. Two Skeletons of the Ichthyosaurus, from the Lias of Dorsetshire, preserved in the Museum of Trinity College, Dublin, | 179 | 20. Plesiosaurus Cramptonii, from the Lias of Yorkshire, preserved in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society, | 182 | 21. The Megatherium, or Great Wild Beast, | 185 | 22. The Mylodon Robustus, | 186 | 23. Section of a Quarry in the Island of Portland, showing the stumps of an ancient forest standing erect in the solid rock, | 189 | 24. Calamite from the Coal Measures of Newcastle, | 191 | 25. Lepidodendron Sternbergii; a forest tree erect in a Coal Mine, | 192 | 26. Lepidodendron Elegans; Stem and branches, from a Coal Mine, near Newcastle, | 193 | 27. Section of a Coal Mine near Lyons, showing an ancient forest enveloped in Sandstone, | 194 | 28. Bird’s-eye View of Santorin during the volcanic eruption of 1866, | 255 | LIST OF TABLES. GEOLOGY AND REVELATION.