A la reine soup, 5
Almond cake, 215
—— custards, 216
—— nuts, 200
—— paste, 198
—— pudding, 219
Almonds devilled, 312
Anchovie essence for fish sauces, 234
——— sauce, 265
Apples, to stew, for tarts, 203
Apple dumplings, 223
—— fritters, 190
—— pudding baked, 223
————— boiled, 222
—— sauce for pork, &c., 267
Apricot jam, 211
Apricots, preserved, for tarts or desserts, ib.

Artichoke bottoms fried, 171
—————— stewed, 144
——————, to dry, 243
——————, to pickle, 248
AshÉe sauce, 45
Asparagus peas, 155
——— peas another way, 156
——— tops for sauces, 157
Aspect of fish, 181
—— of meat or fowl, 182
Atlets curried, 168
Bacquillio with herbs, 27
Bagnets a l'eau, 189
Baked beef, 47
—— pears, 273
Barberries, to pickle, 251
———— to preserve. 279
Bath cakes, 291
Batter, to prepare, for frying, 170
——— pudding, 221
Beef collops, 42
—— palates stewed, 43
—— red, for slices, 179
—— steaks broiled, 128
—— steak pudding, 129
—— stock, 1
—— tails, 41
Beet root, to pickle, 247
Benshamelle, or white cullis, 4
Black puddings, french, 257
Blancmange, white, 185
Boiled sweetbreads, 313
Breadcrumbs to prepare for frying, 88
Bread pudding, 220
—— sauce for turkies, &c., 269
Breast of lamb with benshamelle, 72
————— en matelote, ib.
————— with peas, 73
Breast of veal en gallentine, 61
————— ragout, ib.
————— with oysters, 70
Bride cakes, 193
————— syrup of, 275
Gooseberries, to bottle, 282
————— another way, 283
Gooseberry fool, 280
Gravy for meats and poultry, 95
Green codlins frosted, 297
—— gage jam, 210
—— geese for roasting, 91
—— peas soup, 10
—— sauce for poultry, 268
—— truffles for a dish, 139
Grills generally eaten after dinner, 255
Grown geese and ducks prepared for roasting, 92
Guinea fowls for roasting, ib.
Haggess, to make, 256
Ham braised and glaized, 140
Hard eggs fried, 172
Hare glaized, 123
—— jugged, 122
Hares to prepare for roasting, 89
—— another way, ib.
Haricot mutton cutlets, 49
——— sauce, 41
Hashed beef, in N. B., 126
—— calves head, 60
—— fowl, 127
—— hare, wild fowl, &c., 128
—— mutton, 125
—— venison, 126
Haunch of venison, &c. to prepare for roasting, 86
Herbs dried, 233
Hodge podge, or an english olio, 36
Hyde park corner cakes, 288
I. J.
Ice cream, 228
Iceing for cakes, 206
India pickle, 241
Jerusalem artichokes stewed, 141
——————— another way, 142
Lamb, hind quarter of, marinated, 79
—————— with spinach, 80
——, leg of, with oysters, ib.
Lamb or pork chops plain broiled, 130
Lamb's fry with parsley, 173
———— another way, ib.
—— head minced, 71
—— tails and ears, 167
Larks, to prepare for roasting, 88
Leason for fricassees and soups, 6
Lemonade or orangeade, 261
Lemon peel candied, 260
—— puffs, 295
—— sauce, to make, 116
Light forcemeat for pies, &c., 38
Liquid of colour for sauces, 3
Lobsters buttered, 176
Lobster sauce for fish, 262
Loin of veal a la cream, 64
Macaroni stewed fo 1352@41352-h@41352-h-8.htm.html#Page_218" class="pginternal">218
—— soup, 7
——, plain, to be eaten with currie, 82
Rich plum cake, 299
Rissoles, 110
Roasting, directions for, 84
Robert sauce, to make, 55
Rump of beef a-la mode, 46
———— daubed or plain, 43
Rules to be observed in pickling, 245
Rusks, or tops and bottoms, 271
Sago, 281
Salad of asparagus, 155
—— of lobster, 184
Salmagundy, 183
SalmÉ of woodcocks, 256
Salmon broiled, 24
SantÉ soup, or with bouillie, 9
Savory jelly, 180
Savoy cake, 308
—— sauce, 44
Sausage meat, 232
Sea pie, 110
Seed cakes common way, 285
Shoulder of lamb en epigram, 78
—————— glaized, 77
—————— grilled, 78
Shrewsbury cakes, 292
Shrimp sauce, 264
Slices of cod fried with oyster sauce, 311
Small cakes, 283
Small crusts to be eaten after dinner with cheese or wine, 311
Sorrel sauce, 69
Soup a la reine, 5
—— for a family, 85
Sour crout, 252
Spanish onion sauce, 44
Sponge biscuits, 284
Stewed apples for tarts, 203
—— cucumbers, 50
—— peas for a dish, 154
———— for sauces, 73
Stock, cleared, (brown), 6
Stores, observation on, 228
Stuffing for veal, turkey, &c., 94
Sturgeon roasted, 26
Suet pudding, 307
Sugar, to clarify, 273
Sweetbreads boiled, 313
———— broiled, ib.
———— en erison, 138
———— fried, 171
———— glaized, 137
———— roasted, 93
———— with veal and ham, 309
Sweet omlet of eggs, 304
Syllabub, 200
Syrup of capillaire, 276
—— of cloves, 274
—— of golden pippins,

Page x, "FishmeagrÉ" changed to "Fish MeagrÉ" to match usage in text (Fish MeagrÉ soup)

Page xix, "Preser ed" changed to "Preserved" (Preserved apricots for)

Page 59, "glaise" changed to "glaize" to match rest of usage (dry, glaize the top)

Page 69, "into it" changed to "it into" (it into a stewpan)

Page 142, "posssible" changed to "possible" (white as possible)

Page 185, "sallad" changed to "salad" (eat with this salad)

Page 281, "tea-poonful" changed to "tea spoonful" (red port, tea spoonful)

Page 315, "dumplins" changed to "dumplings" (Apple dumplins, 223)

Page 317, "Blancmonge" changed to "Blancmange" (Blancmange, white, 185)

Page 318, "parmesan" changed to "parmezan" to match usage in text (————— with parmezan cheese, ib.)

Page 320, "blancmonge" changed to "blancmange" (—— blancmange, 186)

Page 322, "megre" changed to "meagrÉ" to match usage in text (—— meagrÉ soup)

Page 324, index, reference for "India pickle" moved to land above "Jerusalem"

Page 331, "blancmonge" changed to "blancmange" (Riband blancmange, 187)

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