MASC. I think she gave me a box on the ear. ALB. Be gone! rascal, villain! Her father approves the way in which she has made her hand felt upon your cheek. MASC. May be so; yet may the devil take me if I said anything but what was true! ALB. And may I lose an ear if you carry on this impudence any further! MASC. Shall I send for two witnesses to testify to the truth of my statements? ALB. Shall I send for two of my servants to give you a sound thrashing? MASC. Their testimony will corroborate mine. ALB. Their arms may make up for my want of strength. MASC. I tell you, Lucile behaves thus because she is ashamed. ALB. I tell you, you shall be answerable for all this. MASC. Do you know Ormin, that stout and clever notary? ALB. Do you know Grimpant, the city executioner? MASC. And Simon, the tailor, who used formerly to work for all the people of fashion? ALB. And the gibbet set up in the middle of the market-place? MASC. You shall see they will confirm the truth of this marriage. ALB. You shall see they will make an end of you. MASC. They were the witnesses chosen by them. ALB. They shall shortly revenge me on you. MASC. I myself saw them at the altar. ALB. And I myself shall see you with a halter. MASC. By the same token, your daughter had a black veil on. ALB. By the same token, your face foretells your doom. MASC. What an obstinate old man. ALB. What a cursed rascal! You may thank my advanced years, which prevent me from punishing your insulting remarks upon the spot: but I promise you, you shall be paid with full interest. |