MASC. What, sir? will you tempt Heaven? Do not be so presumptuous! VAL. What are you looking at yonder? MASC. I smell a cudgel that way. In short, if you will take my prudent advice, do not let us be so obstinate as to remain in the street; let us go and shut ourselves up. VAL. Shut ourselves up, rascal? How dare you propose to me such a base action? Come along, and follow me, without any more words. MASC. Why, sir, my dear master, life is so sweet! One can die but once, and it is for such a long time! VAL. I shall half kill you, if I hear anything more. Here comes Ascanio; let us leave him; we must find out what side he will choose. However, come along with me into the house, to take whatever arms we may want. MASC. I have no great itching for fighting. A curse on love and those darned girls, who will be tasting it, and then look as if butter would not melt in their mouth. |