(Trufaldin taking Leander aside and whispering to him). LEL. What do I see? my rival and Trufaldin together! He is going to buy MASC. There is no doubt that he will do all he can; and if he has money, he can do all he will. For my part I am delighted. This is a just reward for your blunders, your impatience. LEL. What must I do? Advise me. MASC. I don't know. LEL. Stay, I will go and pick a quarrel with him. MASC. What good will that do? LEL. What would you have me do to ward off this blow? MASC. Well, I pardon you; I will yet cast an eye of pity on you. Leave me to watch them; I believe I shall discover what he intends to do by fairer means. (Exit Lelio). TRUF. (To Leander). When you send by and by, it shall be done. MASC. (Aside and going out). I must trap him and become his confidant, in order to baffle his designs the more easily. LEAND. (Alone). Thanks to Heaven, my happiness is complete. I have found the way to secure it, and fear nothing more. Whatever my rival may henceforth attempt, it is no longer in his power to do me any harm. |