MASC. What, you were out? I have been hunting for you everywhere. Well, have we succeeded at last? I will give the greatest rogue six trials to do the like. Come, give me the money that I may go and buy the slave; your rival will be very much astonished at this. LEL. Ah! my dear boy, our luck has changed. Can you imagine how ill fortune has served me? MASC. What? What can it be? LEL. Anselmo having found out the trick, just now got back every sou he lent us, pretending some of the gold-pieces were bad, and that he was going to change them. MASC. You do but joke, I suppose? LEL. It is but too true. MASC. In good earnest? LEL. In good earnest; I am very much grieved about it. It will put you into a furious passion. MASC. Me, sir! A fool might, but not I! Anger hurts, and I am going to take care of myself, come what will. After all, whether Celia be captive or free, whether Leander purchases her or whether she remains where she is, I do not care one stiver about it. LEL. Ah! do not show such indifference, but be a little more indulgent to my slight imprudence. Had this last misfortune not happened, you would have confessed that I did wonders, and that in this pretended decease I deceived everybody, and counterfeited grief so admirably that the most sharp-sighted would have been taken in. MASC. Truly you have great reason to boast. LEL. Oh! I am to blame, and I am willing to acknowledge it; but if ever you cared for my happiness, repair this mishap, and help me. MASC. I kiss your hands, I cannot spare the time. LEL. Mascarille, my dear boy! MASC. No. LEL. Do me this favour. MASC. No, I will not. LEL. If you are inflexible, I shall kill myself. MASC. Do so—you may. LEL. Can I not soften your hard heart? MASC. No. LEL. Do you see my sword ready drawn? MASC. Yes. LEL. I am going to stab myself. MASC. Do just what you please. LEL. Would you not regret to be the cause of my death? MASC. No. LEL. Farewell, Mascarille. MASC. Good bye, Master Lelio. LEL. What…? MASC. Kill yourself quick. You are a long while about it. LEL. Upon my word, you would like me to play the fool and kill myself, so that you might get hold of my clothes. MASC. I knew all this was nothing but a sham; whatever people may swear they will do, they are not so hasty now-a-days in killing themselves. |