ANS. (Coming out of Pandolphus' house). Let us leave the house. I cannot, without great sorrow, see him wrapped up in this strange manner. Alas! in so short a time! He was alive this morning. MASC. We go sometimes over a good deal of ground in a short time. LEL. (Weeping). Oh! ANS. Dear Lelio, he was but a man after all; even Rome can grant no dispensation from death. LEL. Oh! ANS. Death smites men without giving warning, and always has bad designs against them. LEL. Oh! ANS. That merciless foe would not loosen one grip of his murderous teeth, however we may entreat him. Everybody must feel them. LEL. Oh! MASC. Your preaching will all be in vain; this sorrow is too deep-rooted to be plucked up. ANS. If, notwithstanding all these arguments, you will not cast aside your grief, at least, my dear Lelio, endeavour to moderate it. LEL. Oh! MASC. He will not moderate it; I know his temper. ANS. However, according to your servant's message, I have brought you the money you want, so that you might celebrate your father's funeral obsequies! LEL. Oh! oh! MASC. How his grief increases at these words! It will kill him to think of his misfortune. ANS. I know you will find by the good man's books that I owe him a much larger sum, but even if I should not owe anything, you could freely command my purse. Here it is; I am entirely at your service, and will show it. LEL. (Going away). Oh! MASC. How full of grief is my master! ANS. Mascarille, I think it right he should give me some kind of receipt under his hand. MASC. Oh! ANS. Nothing in this world is certain. MASC. Oh! oh! ANS. Get him to sign me the receipt I require. MASC. Alas! How can he comply with your desire in the condition he now is? Give him but time to get rid of his sorrow; and, when his troubles abate a little, I shall take care immediately to get you your security. Your servant, sir, my heart is over full of grief, and I shall go to take my fill of weeping with him. Hi! Hi! ANS. (Alone). This world is full of crosses; we meet with them every day in different shapes, and never here below… |