"The city looked sad. The heaven was gray." "Gladdie, are you awake?" These were the first words that fell on Gladys's ears the next morning. I cannot say the first sounds, for all sorts of strange and puzzling noises had been going on above and below and on all sides since ever so early, as it seemed to her—in reality it had been half-past six—she had opened her eyes in the dark, and wondered and wondered where she was! Still in the railway carriage was her first idea, or on the steamer—once she had awakened enough to remember that she was not in her own little bed at Mrs. Lacy's. But no—people weren't undressed in the railway, even though they did sometimes lie down, and then—though the sounds she heard were very queer—she soon felt she was not moving. And bit by bit it all came back to her—about the long tiring "Gladdie, are you awake?" "Yes, dear," she replied, "I've been awake a long time." "So have I," said Roger in all sincerity—he had "No, I don't think so," Gladys replied. "I hear people making a lot of noise." "Gladdie," resumed Roger half timidly—Gladys knew what was coming—"may I get into your bed?" "It's very small," said Gladys, which was true, though even if it had not been so, she would probably have tried to get out of Roger's proposal, for she was not half so fond of his early morning visits as he was. In the days of old "nurse" such doings were not allowed, but after she left, Gladys had not the heart to be very strict with Roger, and now in spite of her faint objection, she knew quite well she would have to give in, in the end. "So's mine," observed Roger, though Gladys could not see what that had to do with it. But she said nothing, and for about half a minute there was silence in the dark little room. Then again. "Gladdie," came from the corner, "mayn't I come? If we squeezed ourselves?" "Very well," said Gladys, with a little sigh made up of many different feelings. "You can come and try." But a new difficulty arose. "I can't find my way in the dark. I don't 'amember "How can I find my way if you can't," Gladys was on the point of replying, but she checked herself! She felt as if she could not speak the least sharply to her little brother, for he had nobody but her to take care of him, and try to make him happy. So she clambered out of her bed, starting with the surprise of the cold floor, which had no carpet, and trying to remember the chairs and things that stood in the way, managed to get across the room to the opposite corner where stood Roger's bed, without any very bad knocks or bumps. "I'm here," cried Roger, as if that was a piece of news, "I'm standing up in my bed jigging up and down. Can you find me, Gladdie?" "I'm feeling for you," Gladys replied. "Yes, here's the edge of your cot. I would have found you quicker if you had kept lying down." "Oh, then, I'll lie down again," said Roger, but a cry from Gladys stopped him. "No, no, don't," she said. "I've found you now. Yes, here's your hand. Now hold mine tight, and see if you can get over the edge. That's right. Now "I think it's littler than my bed," said Roger consolingly. "It's not any bigger anyway," replied Gladys, "we might just as well have stayed in yours." "Is it because they're poor that the beds is so very little?" asked Roger in a low voice. "Oh, no, I don't think so," said Gladys gravely. "They've very nice beds; I think they're almost quite new." "Mine was very comfitable," said Roger. "Do you think all poor childrens have as nice beds?" "I'm afraid not," said Gladys solemnly. "I'm afraid that some haven't any beds at all. But why do you keep talking about poor children, Roger?" "I wanted to know about them 'cos, you see, Gladys, if Papa wasn't never finded and we had to stay here, we'd be poor." "Nonsense," said Gladys rather sharply, in spite of her resolutions, "it couldn't be like that; of course Papa will come in a few days, and—and, even if he didn't, though that's quite nonsense, you know, I'm "Where would we go?" said Roger practically. "Oh, back to Mrs. Lacy perhaps. I wouldn't mind if Miss Susan was married." "I would rather go to India with them," said Roger. Gladys knew whom he meant. "But we can't, they've gone," she replied. "Are they gone, and LÉonie, that nice nurse—are they gone?" said Roger, appalled. "Yes, of course. They'll be nearly at India by now, I daresay." Roger began to cry. "Why, you knew they were gone. Why do you cry about it now—you didn't cry yesterday?" said Gladys, a little sharply it must be confessed. "I thought," sobbed Roger, "I thought they'd gone to look for Papa, and that they'd come to take us a nice walk every day, and—and——" He did not very well know what he had thought, but he had certainly not taken in that it was good-bye for good to the new friends he had already become fond of. "I'm sure you said they were gone to look for Papa," he repeated, rather crossly in his turn. "Well, dear," Gladys explained, her heart smiting "Is this Paris?" asked Roger. "Yes, of course," replied Gladys. "I don't like it," continued the little boy. "Do you, Gladys?" "It isn't like what I thought," said Gladys; "nothing's like what I thought. I don't think when we go home again, Roger, that I'll ever play at pretend games any more." "How do you mean when we go home?" said Roger. "Where's home?" "Oh, I don't know; I said it without thinking. Roger——" "What?" said Roger. "Are you hungry?" asked Gladys. "A little; are you?" "Yes, I think I am, a little," replied Gladys. "I couldn't eat all that meat and stuff they gave us last night. I wanted our tea." "And bread and butter," suggested Roger. "Yes; at home I didn't like bread and butter "It wouldn't be so bad if we knew their talking," sighed Roger. "It wouldn't be so bad if it would get light," said his sister. "I don't know what to do, Roger. It's hours since they've all been up, and nobody's come to us. I wonder if they've forgotten we're here." "There's a little tiny, weeny inch of light beginning to come over there. Is that the window?" said Roger. "I suppose so. As soon as it gets more light I'll get up and look if there's a bell," decided Gladys. "And if there is?" "I'll ring it, of course." "But what would Miss—— Oh, Gladys," he burst out with a merry laugh, the first Gladys had heard from him since the journey. "Isn't I silly? I was just going to say, 'What would Miss Susan say?' I quite forgot. I'm not sorry she's not here. Are you, Gladdie?" "I don't know," the little girl answered. Truth to tell, there were times when she would have been very thankful to see Miss Susan, even though she "Bon jour, my children," she said. "That means 'good-morning,'" whispered Gladys, "I know that. Say it, Roger." Why Roger was to "say it" and not herself I cannot tell. Some unintelligible sound came from Roger's lips, for which Gladys hastened to apologise. "He's trying to say 'good-morning' in French," she explained, completely forgetting that poor Madame Nestor could not understand her. "Ah, my little dears," said the old woman—in her own language of course—"I wish I could know what you say. Ah, how sweet they are! Both together in one bed, like two little birds in a nest. And have you slept well, my darlings? and are you hungry?" The children stared at each other, and at their old hostess. "Alas," she repeated, "they do not understand. "Chocolate!" exclaimed both children. At last there was a word they could understand. Madame Nestor was quite overcome with delight. "Yes, my angels, chocolate," she repeated, nodding her head. "The little servant is bringing it. But it was not she that made it. Oh, no! It was myself who took care it should be good. But you must have some light," and she went to the window, which had a curtain drawn before it, and outside heavy old-fashioned wooden shutters. No wonder in November that but little light came through. It was rather a marvel that at eight o'clock in the morning even a "tiny weeny inch" had begun to make its way. With some difficulty the old woman removed all the obstructions, and then such poor light as there was came creeping in. But first she covered the two children up warmly, so that the cold air when the window was opened should not get to them. "Would not do for them to catch cold, that would be a pretty story," she muttered to herself, for she had a funny habit of talking away about everything she did. Then, when all was air-tight again, there came a knock at the door. Madame Nestor opened "But we're not ill," exclaimed Gladys; "we never stay in bed to breakfast except when we're ill." Madame Nestor smiled and nodded. She had not a notion what Gladys meant, and on her side she quite forgot that the children could not understand her any better than she understood them. "We never stay in bed to breakfast unless we're ill," repeated Gladys more loudly, as if that would help Madame Nestor to know what she meant. "Never mind, Gladdie—the chocolate's very good," said Roger. As before, "chocolate" was the only word Madame Nestor caught. "Yes, take your chocolate," she repeated; "don't let it get cold," and she lifted Gladys's bowl to give it to her. "Stupid old thing," murmured Gladys, "why doesn't she understand? I should like to throw the chocolate in her face." "Oh, Gladdie," said Roger reproachfully, "think what a mess it would make on the clean sheets!" "I was only in fun—you might know that," said Gladys, all the same a little ashamed of herself. Madame Nestor had by this time left the room with a great many incomprehensible words, but very comprehensible smiles and nods. "I think breakfast in bed's very good," said Roger. Then came a sadder exclamation. "They've given me a pudding spoon 'stead of a teaspoon. It's so big—it won't hardly go into my mouth." "And me too," said Gladys. "How stupid French people are! We'll have to drink it out of the bowls, Roger. How funny it is not to have tea-cups!" "I think it's best to take it like soup," said Roger; "you don't need to put the spoon so much in your mouth if you think it's soup." "I don't see what difference that makes," returned Gladys. But anyhow the chocolate and the bread disappeared, and then the children began to wonder "Mayn't we get up?" cried both children, springing up in bed and jumping about, to show how ready they were. The old lady seemed to understand this time, but first she stood still for a moment or two with her head on one side admiring them. "The little angels!" she said to herself. "How charming they are. Come now, my darlings, and get quickly dressed. It is cold this morning," and she took Roger in her arms to lift him down, while Gladys clambered out by herself. Their clothes were neatly placed in two little heaps on the top of the chest of drawers, which, besides the two beds and two or three chairs, was the only furniture in the room. Madame Nestor sat down on one of the chairs with Roger on her knee and began drawing on his stockings. "Well done," she said, when one was safely in its place; "who would have thought I was still so clever a nurse!" and she surveyed the stockinged leg with much satisfaction. Roger seemed quite of her opinion, "Roger," she exclaimed when she turned round and saw him established on Madame Nestor's motherly lap; "what are you thinking of? You haven't had your bath." Roger's face grew red, and the expression of satisfaction fled. "Need I——?" he was beginning meekly, but Gladys interrupted him indignantly: "You dirty little boy," she said. "What would Miss Susan say?" at which Roger began to cry, and poor Madame Nestor looked completely puzzled. "We didn't have a bath last night, you know, because in winter Miss Susan thinks once a day is But Madame Nestor only continued to stare. "What shall I say? How can I make her understand?" said Gladys in despair. "Where's the little basin we washed our faces and hands in yesterday, Roger?" she went on, looking round the room. "Oh, I forgot—it was downstairs. There's no basin in this room! What dirty people!" then noticing the puzzled look on Madame Nestor's face, she grew frightened that perhaps she was vexed. "Perhaps she knows what 'dirty' means," she half whispered to herself. "Oh dear, I don't mean to be rude, ma'am," she went on, "but I suppose you don't know about children. How can I explain?" A brilliant idea struck her. In a corner of the room lay the carpet-bag in which Miss Susan had packed their nightgowns and slippers, and such things as they would require at once. There were, too, their sponges; and, as Miss Susan had been careful to point out, a piece of soap, "which you never find in French hotels," she had explained to Gladys. The little girl dived into the bag and drew out the sponges and soap in triumph. "See, see," she exclaimed, darting back again to the old lady, and flourishing her treasure-trove, "that's what I mean! We must have a bath," raising her voice as she went on; "we must be washed and sponged;" and suiting the action to the word she proceeded to pat and rub Roger with the dry sponge, glancing up at Madame Nestor to see if the pantomime was understood. "Ah, yes, to be sure," Madame Nestor exclaimed, her face lighting up, "I understand now, my little lady. All in good time—you shall have water to wash your face and hands as soon as you are dressed. But let me get this poor little man's things on quickly. It is cold this morning." She began to take off Roger's nightgown and to draw on his little flannel vest, to which he would have made no objection, but Gladys got scarlet with vexation. "No, no," she cried, "he must be washed first. If you haven't got a bath, you might anyway let us have a basin and some water. Roger, you are a dirty boy. You might join me, and then perhaps she'd do it." Thus adjured, Roger rose to the occasion. He slipped off Madame Nestor's knee, and stepping out "No, no," said Roger, in his turn—he had left off crying now—even the cold wasn't so bad as Gladdie calling him a dirty boy. Besides who could tell whether, somehow or other, Miss Susan might not come to hear of it? Gladys might write her a letter. "No, no," repeated Roger valorously, "we must be washed first." "You too," said Madame Nestor in despair; "ah, what children!" But her good-humour did not desert her. Vaguely understanding what they meant—for recollections began to come back to her mind of what LÉonie's mother used to tell her of the manners and customs of her nurseries—she got up, and smiling still, though with some reproach, at her queer little guests, she drew a blanket from the bed and wrapped it round them, and then opening the door she called downstairs to the little servant to bring a basin and towel and hot water. But the little servant did not understand, so after all the poor old lady had to trot downstairs again herself. "My old legs will have exercise enough," she said "I'm sure she's angry," whispered Roger to Gladys inside the blanket, "we needn't have a bath every day, Gladdie." "Hush," said Gladys sternly. "I'm not going to let you learn to be a dirty boy. If we can't have a bath we may at least be washed." "But if Papa's coming for us to-day or to-morrow," Roger said, "the new nurse could wash us. I don't believe Papa's coming for us," he went on as if he were going to cry again. "I believe we're going to stay here in this nugly little house always—and it's all a trick. I don't believe we've got any Papa." Poor Gladys did not know what to say. Her own spirits were going down again, for she too was afraid that perhaps Madame Nestor was vexed, and she began to wonder if perhaps it would have been better to let things alone for a day or two—"If I was sure that Papa would come in a day or two," she thought! But she felt sure of nothing now—everything had turned out so altogether differently from what she had expected that her courage was flagging, and she too, for the first time since their troubles had begun, followed Roger's example and burst into tears. |