
A Little Girl Danced Into the Room
"Have You Got a Cuckoo in a Cage?"
She Could Not Help Very Softly Clapping Her Hands
"Are You Comfortable?" Inquired the Cuckoo
He Flapped His Wings, And Instantly a Palanquin Appeared at the Foot of the Steps
She Peered in with Great Satisfaction
"But I May See You Again," Said Phil
It Was Rowed by a Little Figure

"Now, these little folks, like most girls and boys,
Loved fairy tales even better than toys.
And they knew that in flowers on the spray
Tiny spirits are hidden away,
That frisk at night on the forest green,
When earth is bathed in dewy sheen—
And shining halls of pearl and gem,
The Regions of Fancy—were open to them."

"... just as any little child has been guided towards the true paradise by its fairy dreams of bliss."—E. A. Abbott.


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