LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS "Oh look, look, Baby's made Peepy-Snoozle into 'the Parson in the Pulpit that couldn't say his Prayers,'" cried Denny | | He sat with one arm propped on the table, and his round head leaning on his hand, while the other held the piece of bread and butter—butter downwards, of course | | There was one trunk which took my fancy more than all the others | | For a minute or two Baby could not make out what had happened | | "Zou will p'omise, Betsy, p'omise certain sure, nebber to forget" | | Poor little boys, for, after all, Fritz himself wasn't very big! They stood together hand in hand on the station platform, looking, and feeling, rather desolate | | "Are that jography?" he said | | "Oh Auntie," he said, "p'ease 'top one minute. Him sees shiny glass jugs like dear little Mother's. Oh, do 'top" | | Baby ventured to peep round. The little black-eyed white-capped man came towards them smiling | | There was Baby, seated on the grass, one arm fondly clasping Minet's neck, while with the other he firmly held the famous money-box | | Auntie stood still a moment to listen | | Forgetting all about everything, except that her Baby was found, up jumped Mother |