| Tofacepage | The White Castle | Vignette | 'Rollo,' she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling, half with fear, half with excitement, 'I do believe we've got into the cottage of the three bears' | 37 | Rollo could not help noticing the pretty picture the two made | 60 | 'It was the prettiest sight in the world to see AurÉole in her bower every morning' | 81 | 'AurÉole could not help shivering as the form of the monster came in sight' | 108 | I don't think ever children before had such fun | 149 | 'All right—we're off now,' Waldo called out, and at once, with a steady swing, the queer ship rose into the air | 180 | 'See, Rollo,' cried Maia; 'see, there is our Christmas tree' | 221 |