| PAGE | "Grandmother Dear's" Old Watch— | "'Come out here for a moment, Sylvia,' she called to her sister; 'we can see her as far as the corner.'" | 2 | My Pink Pet— | "One day I was playing as usual in my own little room, when the door suddenly opened." | 43 | An Honest Little Man— | "Him has one, zank you." | 55 | The Six Poor Little Princesses— | "Ginevra found herself running upstairs, though not so fast as the evening before, for fear of dropping the precious parcel she held in her arms." | 71 | Basil's Violin— | "In the pantry, when he took it into his head to pay a visit to the footmen." | 101 | The Missing Bon-bons— | "'Yes,' said Maggie, 'I was getting the parasol.'" | 139 | Lost Rollo— | "He stopped when he got up to us and began wagging his tail and rubbing his head against us in the sweetest way." | 160 | The Blue Dwarfs— | "They were sliding down the branches of the tree in all directions." | 195 | |