Chapter I. Obelisks—where found, and when, and by whom erected. 111
§1. The present site of obelisks. 1-5. §2. By whom obelisks were erected. 5-7. §3. By whom obelisks were transported. 7-8. §4. List of obelisks. 8-11. I. Erect Obelisks. 9-10. II. Prostrate Obelisks. 10-11.
Chapter II. The quarrying, transporting, and raising of obelisks. 1217
§1. How obelisks were quarried. 12-15. §2. How obelisks were transported. 15-17. §3. How obelisks were raised. 17.
Chapter III. The form, name, dimensions, invention, material, and use of obelisks. 1825
§1. The form of the obelisk and the pyramidion. 18-21. §2. The derivation of the name "obelisk". 21-22. §3. The dimensions of obelisks. 22-23. §4. The material of obelisks. 23-24. §5. The invention of obelisks and the use they were put to. 24-25.
Chapter IV. The signification of the obelisk and the worship of the sun. 2634
Chapter V. The history of the New York Obelisk, and its removal from Alexandria. 3545
§1. History of the New York Obelisk. 35-40. §2. The removal of the obelisk to New York City. 40-45.
Chapter VI. The inscriptions of the New York Obelisk. 4678

I. Inscriptions of Thothmes III. 46-61. The Pyramidion. 46-55. The Obelisk Proper. 56-61.

II. Inscriptions of Ramses II. 62-71. Vertical columns. 62-70. The base. 71.

III. Inscriptions of Osarkon I. 71-72.

IV. Inscriptions of Augustus. 72-74.

The full translation of the obelisk. 74-78.

Chapter VII. Notes on the translation and the crabs. 7983
§1. Arabic and other translations of the New York Obelisk. 79-81. §2. The crabs of the obelisk and the inscriptions on them. 81-83.
Chapter VIII. Egypt: its geographical divisions and its cities. 8492
Upper Egypt. 84-90. Lower Egypt. 90-92.
A Glossary of names and terms occurring in this book and pertaining to Egyptological subjects. 93154
List of the Egyptian dynasties. 108-111. The Coptic alphabet. 113. The Demotic alphabet. 116. The Hieratic alphabet. 124.
A Glossary of hieroglyphs occurring in this book, together with their pronunciation and determinative value. 155173
A Glossary of the Egyptian words occurring on the New York Obelisk. 174190
Index of Proper Names. 191202


Chapter I. (Page 1.) The goddess of victory in the form of a vulture holding a flabellum or fan of feathers and a signet-ring in each claw.

Chapter II. (Page 12.) The goddess Nekheb, the tutelary deity of kings, represented as a vulture carrying the Atef-crown on its head and holding a flabellum or fan of feathers and a signet-ring in each claw.

Chapter III. (Page 18.) The winged UrÆus-snake or cobra, the tutelary goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Chapter IV. (Page 26.) The symbol of the god Horus of Edfu, represented as the winged disk of the sun encircled by two UrÆus-snakes or cobras.

Chapter V. (Page 35.) Ancient Alexandria reconstructed.


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