Transcriptions from the Egyptian are given in heavy type, those from the Greek in Italics. ?a?mes I., 18. dyn. 102 110 126 150 ?a?mesnefert?ri, queen 18. dyn. 110 Abd-el-LatÎf, Arabic physician. 123 Abd-el-Qurnah. [Thebes] 96 Aboccis. [Abusimbel] 93 Abuncis. [Abusimbel] 93 Âbu·t. [Elephantine] 24 93 119 AchÆans, Greek tribe. 121 Ad, Arabic tribe. 93 Africanus. 94 AkaÜsha (?qaÛasha). [AchÆans] 121 Aleks?ndres I. and II. [Alexander III. and IV.] 94 111 Alexander I., 32. dyn., or Alexander III., the Great, of Macedon. 32 91 94 111 142 144 Alexander II., 32. dyn., or Alexander IV., of Macedon. 111 Alexander VII., Pope. 140 Alexandria. viii 8 35 39 40 41 42 43 44 72 73 79 81 82 91 94 95 101 102 105 129 131 141 144 154 Alexandrian Obelisk, in London. 8 10 41 95 130 Alnwick. Alnwick Castle, in England. 95 Alnwick Castle Obelisk. 10 95 147 Alsace. 118 ?men, god. 35 37 38 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 87 88 94 95 96 97 98 122 129 136 138 144 149 150 156 157 175 ?menem?Ât I., 12. dyn. 109 152 ?menem?Ât III., 12. dyn. 90 95 109 119 129 134 ?men?otep I., II., III., and IV., 18. dyn. 110 ?menÎ Inscription. 127 Amenophis II., 18. dyn. 6 10 95 96 110 133 137 151 Amenophis III., 18. dyn. 16 88 96 110 112 130 153 Amenophis IV., 18. dyn. 29 30 89 96 101 (110) 149 ?men-RÂ, god. 29 37 88 95 97 100 119 128 133 136 142 ?menrud [AmyrtÆus], 28. dyn. 98 110 Ammenemes I., II., III., and IV., 12. dyn. 109 Amru, Arabic general. 94 ?mseth, one of the genii. 97 Amyrteos I. [AmyrtÆus], 28. dyn. 110 ?n. [Heliopolis] 36 51 52 53 56 58 69 91 96 98 111 123 144 175 ?nbu-?ez·t. [Memphis] 132 ?ndÎnes. [AntinoÜs] 122 ?nÎt. [Esneh] 120 ?n-menth. [Hermonthis] 87 99 120 ?npu [Anubis], god. 99 ?ntarÎush (?nthalÎÛsh) [Darius I.], 27. dyn. 110 ?ntef I., II., III., IV., and V., 11. dyn. 109 ?ntef the Great, 11. dyn. 9 11 99 109 ?ntef [Antef the Great], 11. dyn. 99 ?nthrÎsh [Darius II.], 27. dyn. 110 Antioch, in Syria. 117 Antoninus Pius, Roman emperor. 111 Anubis, god. 89 97 98 99 100 147 160 Apeium. 100 Aphrodite [Venus], goddess. 123 Apollo, god. 118 Apollinopolis. 118 Arabia. Arabic. 19 79 88 93 94 100 106 114 120 122 123 126 127 133 140 142 149 153 Arabia Felix. 147 Aram. [Syria] 133 Aram-naharayim. [Mesopotamia] 133 Ares [Mars], god. 131 Arles, in France. 10 22 100 101 Artakhshashs [Artaxerxes], 27. dyn. 110 Artaxerxes I., 27. dyn. 98 110 Artaxerxes II., Persian king. 135 ?runuth. [Orontes] 137 Asia. Asiatic. 86 96 101 125 128 137 138 146 147 149 AssuÂn. [Syene] 13 23 24 86 101 119 123 148 152 ?s·t [Isis], goddess. 39 102 105 106 126 136 158 AswÂn. [AssuÂn] 149 ?ten, god. 62 63 75 89 96 97 101 149 176 Athene [Minerva], goddess. 136 AtrÎnes [Hadrian], Roman emperor. 122 Augustus, Roman emperor. 8 25 32 39 72 73 74 82 102 105 107 111 112 121 141 Augustus, title of Roman emperors. 117 122 Aurelian, Roman emperor. 111 Aurelius, Roman emperor. 111 Aurora, goddess. 153 Autocrator, title of Roman emperors. 39 102 106 111 117 122 136 Avaris. [Pelusium] 92 102 123 139 BalÎkh, river in Syria. 117 Banon, 15. dyn. 109 Barberini [Pope Urban VIII.]. 103 Barberini Obelisk. 9 103 121 134 144 Bashmuric dialect [Coptic]. 113 Bast, goddess. 92 98 103 105 146 158 Bedouins [Arabs]. 126 Bejij [Crocodilopolis]. 5 103 114 Benemthesti [Benevento]. 103 Benevento, in Italy. 8 10 103 104 Beq·t [Egypt]. 118 Berenice III., Ptolemaic queen. 111 Berlin, in Germany. 10 105 130 BÊth ShÊmesh [Heliopolis]. 2 Boboli Gardens Obelisk. 10 104 BÖckh, historian. 108 Bolbitine. 145 Bonomi, Egyptologist. 11 104 147 Book of the Dead. 33 34 98 99 104 118 134 136 Borgian Obelisk. 10 94 104 135 Bosphorus. 105 Boussard, French engineer. 92 105 British Museum. 10 98 135 139 145 Brugsch, H., Egyptologist. 26 105 108 118 119 Bubastis. 92 102 105 110 139 149 Bunsen, historian. 108 Buto, goddess. 98 Byzantium [Constantinople]. 8 105 113 CÆsar, Julius, Roman dictator. 112 CÆsar, emperor Augustus. 32 39 73 74 82 102 105 CÆsar, title of Roman emperors. 39 105 106 111 117 122 Cairo. 1 5 11 36 38 90 91 105 106 123 131 137 Campensis Obelisk. 9 106 134 141 Campus Martius, in Rome. 107 Canaan [Palestine]. 138 Caracalla, Roman emperor. 102 111 Carkhemish, on the Euphrates. 36 107 Cataracts of the Nile. 108 Champollion, Egyptologist. 112 114 Circus Maximus, in Rome. 121 Claudius, Roman emperor. 8 102 104 111 134 148 Clement XI., Pope. 131 Cleopatra II., Ptolemaic queen. 7 111 112 114 140 142 Cleopatra III., Ptolemaic queen. 111 142 Cleopatra VI., Ptolemaic queen. 39 40 111 112 Cleopatra's Needle, in New York. 8 10 41 42 81 112 136 Columbia College, in New York. 72 Commodus, Roman emperor. 111 Constantine the Great, emperor. 8 10 22 100 101 111 113 129 Constantinople. 8 9 101 102 105 113 141 Constantius II., emperor. 8 111 113 129 Coptic language. 90 105 113 116 145 149 Corfe Castle, in England. 114 Corfe Castle Obelisk. 10 114 140 Crocodilopolis. 5 11 90 103 114 120 Cyriacus MatthÆius, Roman senator. 153 Dakkeh, in Nubia. 114 DammÊsek [Damascus]. 114 Dareios Hystaspes, 27. dyn. 110 Dareios Xerxes, 27. dyn. 110 Decius, Roman emperor. 111 De?uti [Thoth], god. 49 56 58 60 61 115 150 151 158 159 161 190 Della Passeggiata Obelisk. 103 Delta. 84 90 93 98 102 115 130 Demotic language. 114 115 116 124 145 Denmark. Danish. 154 Denys of Telmahre, Syrian patriarch. 19 117 DÊr-el-Baheri [Thebes]. 88 117 Diana, goddess. 146 Dimashku [Damascus]. 114 Diodorus, Greek geographer. 132 Dionysius Tell-MahrÂyÂ. 117 Domitian, Roman emperor. 5 7 8 9 10 22 94 103 104 111 117 139 Dorsetshire, in England. 114 Drah-abul-Neggah [Thebes]. 88 117 Drah-abul-Neggah Obelisks. 9 11 118 DÛamutf, one of the genii. 97 Du en bekhen [HammamÂt]. 88 DÜmichen, Egyptologist. 61 100 118 133 DumyÂt [Damietta]. 115 Ebers, Egyptologist. 118 Ebjij [Crocodilopolis]. 103 Edfu. 31 87 115 118 125 126 138 Edrisi, Arabic geographer. 126 Eileithyia, goddess. 119 Eileithyia, district. 136 El-AssasÎf [Thebes]. 99 Elephantine. 4 24 29 86 93 109 119 128 137 El·Fatan-ibn-JÂrÛd, Arabic name. 80 El-Kab [Eileithyiapolis]. 87 119 El-KÂhira [Cairo]. 106 El-Khargeh, oasis. 89 119 127 130 El·ThabÛt-ben-Marrat, Arabic name. 80 119 England. English. 8 10 11 40 74 81 93 95 104 114 123 147 154 Epiphanes, Ptolemaic title. 111 142 145 Erment [Hermonthis]. 87 120 123 EsdraËlon, in Palestine. 131 Ethiopia. 110 120 130 137 140 141 152 Etruscans, ancient Italian tribe. 121 Evarts, U. S. Secretary of State. 83 Fayoom. 4 5 89 95 103 114 119 120 129 130 134 146 152 First Cataract. 24 86 101 108 118 Fort St. Julien. 105 FostÂt. 106 France. French. 8 10 22 92 100 105 130 Galba, Roman emperor. 111 Gallienus, emperor. 111 Germany. German. 10 94 129 135 Geta, Roman emperor. 111 Gizeh. 4 91 103 121 122 127 128 130 132 Glyptothek, in Munich, Germany. 94 Gorringe, U. S. Navy. 40 41 43 46 83 Graywacke Knoll, in Central Park, New York. 43 44 Greece. Greek. 12 21 51 72 73 74 84 87 89 90 91 96 97 98 100 103 105 111 112 113 114 118 119 120 121 122 123 125 126 127 128 129 131 132 135 136 137 139 144 145 146 148 149 151 152 153 Hadrian, Roman emperor. 5 7 9 22 103 111 121 122 Harm·t [Rome]. 144 ?a-Sebek [Crocodilopolis]. 103 114 Hatasu, queen 18. dyn. 6 9 11 19 23 35 117 122 127 131 133 150 Hatasu Obelisks. 122 ?a·t-?er [Hathor], goddess. 123 166 Hathor, goddess. 88 98 117 123 166 ?a·t-nebes·t [Damietta]. 115 ?a·t-Ûar·t [Avaris]. 92 102 123 ?auinebu [Greeks]. 121 Hayes, U. S. President. 83 Hegira, flight of Mohammed. 126 Heliopolis. 1 2 4 9 10 19 21 36 38 51 52 53 56 57 58 69 75 76 77 78 82 91 96 98 101 102 104 107 111 121 123 125 131 133 134 141 143 144 151 153 175 Heliupolis [Heliopolis]. 111 ?ep [Apis]. 100 ?epÎ, one of the genii. 97 ?eqet (?eq·t), goddess. 98 Heracleopolis. 109 Hermapion, Egyptian priest. 121 Herodotus, Greek historian. 132 Hieratic writing. 34 115 116 124 140 Hittites, nation. 36 37 101 107 125 127 128 139 144 147 Homer, Greek poet. 2 37 125 126 139 ?or (?er) [Horus], god. 29 56 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 136 160 161 166 181 184 ?or-?ud·t [Horus of Edfu], god. 31 125 Horus, god. 28 30 31 47 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 75 76 77 78 87 97 98 118 122 123 125 126 138 146 157 160 161 181 184 Howara Pyramid. 129 Hyksos. 92 101 102 109 110 126 147 149 Ibn-el-Vardi, Arabic geographer. 79 126 India. 13 Innocent X., Pope. 139 Ipsambul [Abusimbel], in Nubia. 93 IshmaËl, Khedive. 40 111 126 137 Isis, goddess. 86 98 102 106 114 123 125 126 136 138 140 158 Isle of Purbeck, in England. 114 IstambÛl [Constantinople]. 113 Jacobites, sect. 117 Jebel Barkal, in Nubia. 137 Jebel Selseleh [Silsilis]. 86 126 128 JerablÛs, in Syria. 107 Joseph, biblical patriarch. 2 127 Josiah, king of Judah. 131 Judah, kingdom in Palestine. 132 Jupiter, god. 95 KaÎseres [CÆsar], title. 106 Kambyses [Cambyses], 27. dyn. 110 KanÂna [Canaan]. 138 Karnak [Thebes]. 2 3 6 88 112 121 122 127 149 153 Karnak Obelisks. 9 10 11 19 127 Karukamsha [Carkhemish]. 107 Kemb?thet [Cambyses], 27. dyn. 106 110 Kenemti [El-Khargeh]. 89 119 127 Kharu, Syrian tribe. 36 101 127 131 Khefren or Khephren, 4. dyn. 91 109 127 Kheops, 4. dyn. 91 109 122 128 Kheper?, god. 63 64 75 128 185 Kheper-RÂ, god. 98 Kher-nuter [Elysium]. 97 Kheta [Hittites], nation. 36 37 101 125 128 KhittÎm [Hittites], nation. 128 Khnum, god. 86 87 98 120 128 158 159 Khnum-?otep Tomb. 104 Khnumu, god. 128 KhshÎarush [Xerxes I.], 27. dyn. 110 Khu-en-?ten [AmenÔphis IV.], 18. dyn. 97 Khu-en-?ten [Tel-el-Amarna]. 89 Khufu, 4. dyn. 5 109 128 133 143 148 Kircher, mathematician. 79 129 KÎsers [CÆsar], title. 111 117 122 KossÊr, on the Red Sea. 23 88 122 129 Kush [Ethiopia. Nubia]. 137 Lateran Obelisk. 9 20 23 25 129 Latopolis [Esneh]. 120 Lauth, Egyptologist. 108 Lenormant, Orientalist. 128 Lepsius, Egyptologist. 4 5 36 37 99 104 105 108 119 129 130 155 Lesseps, engineer. 148 Leukos-Limen [KossÊr]. 129 London. 8 10 36 39 41 81 91 95 102 154 London Obelisk. 8 25 40 59 72 73 130 177 Louis XIV., king of France. 101 Louis Philippe, king of France. 130 Lower Egypt. 1 16 30 31 48 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 75 76 77 78 84 90 94 95 96 97 99 105 106 107 111 113 114 115 117 121 122 123 127 128 130 132 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 144 145 147 149 150 151 152 161 162 168 181 187 Lucilius Lupus. 104 Luku (Leka) [Lycians], Greek tribe of Asia Minor. 121 Luxor [Thebes]. 2 4 9 88 112 130 150 Luxor Obelisk, in Paris. 8 10 23 41 130 Luxor Obelisk, in Thebes. 9 130 Lycians, Greek tribe of Asia Minor. 121 M (MaÂ), goddess. 37 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 76 78 87 95 96 98 99 122 130 131 144 147 152 158 177 179 MÂkar [Hatasu], queen 18. dyn. 6 35 100 110 122 131 MÂketh? [Megiddo], in Syria. 132 Manetho, Egyptian priest. 108 111 126 MaqdÂm-ibn-el·?Amr-ben-abÎ-Re?Âl, an Arabic name. 80 131 Mariette, Egyptologist. 105 108 Mark Antony, Roman triumvir. 112 MatarÎyeh [Heliopolis]. 1 5 36 91 123 131 Mecca, in Arabia. 126 MedÎna, in Arabia. 126 MedÎnet-Habu [Thebes]. 88 113 131 MÊdÛn [Meydoom]. 133 Me?·t [Lower Egypt]. 90 Memphi [Memphis]. 90 Memphis. 4 10 19 65 76 90 91 93 100 106 109 113 115 121 127 132 133 142 143 145 151 178 Memphitic dialect [Coptic]. 113 Menephthah I., 19. dyn. 121 134 Menephthes, 19. dyn. 110 Menes, 1. dyn. 89 108 109 132 150 Menthu [Mars], god. 87 120 131 132 133 157 Menthu?otep I., II., III., and IV., 11. dyn. 109 Mephre [Hatasu], queen 18. dyn. 110 Merenpta? I. and II., 19. dyn. 110 Merηt [Mareotis Lake]. 91 131 133 Merriam, classical philologist. 72 103 Mer·t [Egypt]. 118 Mer Ûr [Moeris Lake]. 90 Mesphres [Thothmes III.]. 36 133 Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York. 43 72 82 Meydoom or Meydoon. 90 120 130 133 Minerva, goddess. 136 MÎtrahÎneh [Memphis]. 91 113 132 133 MÔf [Memphis]. 132 Mohammedans. viii 79 94 106 118 Monte Cavallo Obelisk. 9 134 148 Monte Citorio Obelisk. 22 25 106 134 Monte Pincio Obelisk. 22 103 134 Mu-qed·t [Red Sea]. 144 Mut, goddess. 99 Nahar [Syria]. 133 Napata, in Nubia. 137 Naples, in Italy. 10 94 103 104 135 Naples Obelisk. 135 Napoleon I. 105 Napoleon III. 101 Nar?ni [Nero]. 136 Naville, Egyptologist. 104 Nectanebo I., 30. dyn. 9 111 135 NeferkarÂÂnnu, 7.-10. dyn. 109 NeferkarÂkhendu, 7.-10. dyn. 109 NeferkarÂnebÎ, 7.-10. dyn. 109 NeferkarÂpepÎseneb, 7.-10. dyn. 109 NeferkarÂtererel, 7.-10. dyn. 109 Nephthys, goddess. 136 Nerva, Roman emperor. 111 Net [Neith], goddess. 136 New York. 8 36 40 41 42 43 44 82 91 102 New York Obelisk. 8 20 23 25 39 46 49 72 73 79 81 91 112 136 151 177 Nile. 2 4 16 27 84 86 88 90 91 92 93 102 103 105 106 108 115 117 118 119 127 130 137 140 143 145 148 152 158 Nineveh, capital of Assyria. 36 96 137 NÔ [Thebes]. 149 NÔf [Memphis]. 132 Northumberland, in England. 95 147 Nu·t [Thebes]. 149 Nu·t-·t [Thebes]. 149 Octavianus [emperor Augustus]. 102 Octavius [emperor Augustus]. 112 Omar, caliph. 94 Omboo [Ombos]. 129 On [Heliopolis]. 123 Orontes, river in Syria. 36 137 147 Osarkon I., 22. dyn. 38 71 72 75 76 77 78 96 110 128 138 175 185 Osiris, god. 61 87 88 92 94 97 98 100 105 125 126 138 146 150 156 Osorkhon I. and II., 22. dyn. 110 Osymandyas [Ramses II.]. 132 Otho, Roman emperor. 111 Padan-aram [Mesopotamia]. 133 Painezem I., II., and III., 21. dyn. 110 Palestine. 35 115 131 138 144 147 Pamphili [Pope Innocent X.]. 139 Pan, god. 139 Pantheon, in Rome. 131 ParakhistÆ, embalmers. 134 Paris, in France. 8 10 23 41 130 PasebkhÂnu I. and II., 21. dyn. 110 Pasht [Bast], goddess. 92 103 139 146 Pa ta res [Upper Egypt]. 84 Per-ba-neb-ded·t [Mendes]. 92 139 Per-Bas·t [Bubastis]. 92 105 139 Per-khem·t [Panopolis]. 89 139 Persia. Persians. 94 98 106 110 111 127 135 Per-Us?r·t [Busiris]. 92 105 139 Peserk·t [Pselcis], in Nubia. 114 Pharos of Alexandria. 94 PhilÆ. 4 7 9 10 22 84 86 93 108 112 114 140 Philip II., king of Macedon. 94 Philippus AridÆus, 32. dyn. 111 Phiops I. and II., 6. dyn. 109 PiÂnkhÎ I., 24. dyn. 21 110 140 Piazza della Minerva Obelisk. 10 140 Piazza del Popolo Obelisk. 141 145 Piazza di San Pietro, in Rome. 153 Piazza Navona Obelisk. 22 139 141 PÎ-BÊseth [Bubastis]. 105 Pireq [PhilÆ]. 86 Pius VII., Pope. 103 Place de Concorde, in Paris. 130 Pliny, Roman author. 36 133 141 Pompeius, Roman prefect. 141 Pompey's Pillar, in Alexandria. 91 94 141 Poole, R. S., archÆologist. 108 Porta del Popolo, in Rome. 11 120 141 Probus, emperor. 111 Psametik I., 26. dyn. 110 115 141 Psametik II., 26. dyn. 7 9 10 22 107 110 140 141 153 Psametik III., 26. dyn. 106 110 Psametikhos I., II., and III., 26. dyn. 110 Pselcis, in Nubia. 114 Pta?, god. 39 65 69 76 78 90 98 100 102 105 106 132 136 142 146 147 156 178 Pta?-Seker-Us?r, god. 142 Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, god. 29 142 145 Pta?-tathunen, god. 65 142 149 178 Ptolemies, the 33. dyn. 9 21 22 81 94 111 114 124 142 Ptolemy I. SotÊr I., 33. dyn. 111 142 Ptolemy II. Philadelphus, 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy III. Euergetes I., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy IV. Philopator I., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy V. Epiphanes, 33. dyn. 111 145 Ptolemy VI. Eupator, 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy VII. Philometor, 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy VIII. Philopator II., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy IX. Euergetes II., 33. dyn. 7 10 111 112 114 140 142 Ptolemy X. SotÊr II., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy XI. Alexander I., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy XII. Alexander II., 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy XIII. Neos Dionysius, 33. dyn. 111 Ptolemy XVI. CÆsarion, 33. dyn. 111 112 PtÛlmÎs [Ptolemy], 33. dyn. 142 Publius Rubrius Barbarus, Roman prefect. 39 73 74 82 103 Pusiri [Busiris]. 105 Qebe?senef, one of the genii. 97 Qedesh [Kadesh], in Syria. 127 Qem·t [Egypt]. 61 66 70 84 118 143 188 Qerti, cataracts of Elephantine. 119 Qertus Dab?rsa [Claudius Tiberius]. 111 QÎsers [CÆsar]. 102 QlÛpedra·t [Cleopatra II.]. 112 QlÛpeter [Cleopatra VI.]. 39 112 Quirinal, in Rome. 134 RÂ, god. 21 22 27 30 31 36 37 38 39 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 76 77 78 87 91 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 106 107 111 117 122 123 127 128 130 131 132 133 135 136 138 140 141 142 143 146 147 150 151 152 157 160 164 175 177 179 182 183 185 186 RÂ-?or, god. 160 RÂ-?or-khuti, god. 28 29 30 46 47 49 55 58 59 60 75 76 77 78 144 183 184 185 Rameseum, temple. 132 Ramesses III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., and XIV., 20. dyn. 110 Ramesses Miammun [Ramses II.], 19. dyn. 110 Ramses II., 19. dyn. viii 4 7 8 9 10 11 16 36 37 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 75 76 77 78 88 91 93 96 104 110 112 113 117 121 127 128 130 131 132 134 139 140 143 144 145 146 147 148 152 153 175 177 Ramses III., 20. dyn. 110 112 117 131 144 Ramses IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., and XIII., 20. dyn. 110 RÂqedηt [Alexandria]. 91 144 Red Sea. 86 88 122 129 144 148 Rehoboam, king of Judah. 132 Rethennu, Syrian tribe. 145 Rhakotis [Alexandria]. 91 94 144 Rhoda, island in the Nile. 137 Romans. viii 4 5 7 10 11 20 22 24 25 48 51 61 81 82 93 94 95 102 103 105 106 108 111 113 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 131 132 136 139 140 141 143 145 153 Rome. 5 7 8 9 11 20 22 23 25 93 103 104 107 111 120 121 129 131 134 139 140 141 144 145 148 153 154 Rosetta Stone. 105 116 121 145 Rotennu, Syrian tribe. 36 101 145 Ru-Âu·t [Troy in Egypt]. 151 Ru-?un·t [El-Lahoon]. 119 Rupu ru?un [Labyrinth]. 129 Ruseti [Hades]. 97 Sabina, queen. 121 SÂbÎna·t [Sabina]. 121 Saccarah [Memphis]. 91 132 145 Sahidic dialect [Coptic]. 113 SaÏ [SaÏs]. 145 St. Anthony's Cross. 99 St. Ephraim Syrus, Syrian patriarch. 19 148 San Giovanni in Laterano, church in Rome. 129 Santa Maria Maggiore, church in Rome. 148 Santa Maria Maggiore Obelisk. 9 134 148 Santa Trinita dei Monte, church in Rome. 145 SÂqanekhtkheperurÂ, 18. dyn. 110 Sardinians, tribe. 121 Sarbut-el-Khedem, in the Sinaitic Peninsula. 9 146 Sebek, god. 90 98 103 120 129 146 162 Sebek?otep I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., and VIII., 14. dyn. 109 Sebennytus. 111 Sekhet, goddess. 98 103 139 146 158 Sekti or Sektet Boat, of Tum. 22 131 146 Seqenenr I., II., and III., 17. dyn. 110 Serapeum, temple. 100 Serapis, god. 94 Sesonkhis I., II., III., and IV., 22. dyn. 110 Sesortasis I., II., and III., 12. dyn. 109 Sesostris [Seti I.]. 147 Set, god. 87 125 126 138 146 147 157 160 Sethos I. and II., 19. dyn. 110 SetÎ I., 19. dyn. 6 9 86 87 88 110 117 121 127 128 131 133 137 143 144 145 147 148 SevÊnÊh [SyÊne]. 149 Severus, Roman emperor. 111 Sextus, Roman name. 94 Shakalusha [Sicilians], tribe. 121 Shamy and Damy, colossi of Thebes. 153 Sharutana (Sharudana) [Sardinians], tribe. 121 Shekh-abd-el-Qurnah [Thebes]. 132 Shepherd Kings [Hyksos]. 92 146 147 Sheshenq I., II., III., and IV., 22. dyn. 110 Shu, god. 156 Sinai, Mount. 146 Sinaitic Peninsula. 1 4 9 11 135 146 147 Sixtus V., Pope. 121 129 148 153 Somali Coast, in Africa. 122 Sphinx, the Great. 121 122 148 Staten Island, N. Y. 44 Strabo, Greek geographer. 120 129 Strassburg, in Germany. 118 Stuart, Villiers, traveler. 2 148 SÛan [Syene]. 149 Sun·t [Syene]. 24 86 101 148 149 Syene. 5 13 16 23 24 36 82 86 101 108 139 141 148 149 Syria. Syrians. 36 114 117 126 127 131 133 137 144 145 147 148 149 Tacitus, Roman name. 94 Ta-en-ta-rer·t [Denderah]. 88 116 149 Takelot I. and II., 22. dyn. 110 Takelothis I. and II., 22. dyn. 110 Ta me?ηt [Lower Egypt]. 90 Tanis. 4 11 45 92 110 145 146 149 154 TarakheutÆ, embalmers. 134 Ta-rer·t [Denderah]. 117 TarÎm, mountain. 80 Ta-Ru-Âu·t [Troy in Egypt]. 151 Ta-sheti [Fayoom]. 90 Tathunen, name of Ptah. 149 TaÛr·t, goddess. 98 Tel-Basta [Bubastis]. 92 105 149 Tell-MahrÊ, in Syria. 117 Tentyra [Denderah]. 117 TerÎnus [Trajan]. 122 Thebes. 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 23 29 48 49 50 53 55 56 57 59 60 75 76 77 78 87 88 89 95 96 97 99 100 109 110 112 117 118 119 127 129 130 131 132 133 143 149 153 176 Themesqu [Damascus]. 115 Theodosius the Great, emperor. 102 111 This [Thinis]. 150 Thoth, god. 49 56 57 75 97 98 115 150 151 158 159 161 190 Thothmes I., 18. dyn. 5 9 10 110 127 150 151 Thothmes II., 18. dyn. 6 110 131 150 Thothmes III., 18. dyn. viii 6 7 9 10 19 31 35 36 37 38 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 75 76 77 78 82 96 101 110 115 117 122 127 129 131 132 133 137 138 150 153 179 190 Tiberius, Roman emperor. 102 111 Titus, Roman emperor. 111. Name. 104 Trajan, Roman emperor. 102 111 Troja, in Asia Minor. 151 Tum, god. 22 27 28 29 46 51 53 56 57 58 67 75 76 77 90 98 102 123 131 133 146 147 151 189 TumtÎnes [Domitian]. 117 Turin, in Italy. 104 Tursha [Etruscans], tribe. 121 Tuthmosis I., II., III., and IV., 18. dyn. 110 Ûaz-Ûr [Mediterranean Sea]. 131 Unger, historian. 108 Upper Egypt. 2 3 30 31 48 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 75 76 77 78 84 89 93 94 95 96 97 99 103 104 106 107 111 113 114 116 117 118 119 120 122 127 128 129 132 133 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 147 148 149 150 151 152 161 162 168 181 185 187 Urban VIII., Pope. 103 Us?r [Osiris], god. 138 Ûrsarken [Osarkon I.]. 38 72 96 138 175 Userenr or RÂnuser, 5. dyn. 93 109 Usertesen I., 12. dyn. 5 9 11 36 91 103 109 123 152 Usertesen II., 12. dyn. 109 119 Us or Us·t [Thebes]. 48 49 50 53 55 56 59 87 96 149 153 176 Vanderbilt, W. H. 40 41 44 45 83 Vatican, in Rome. 153 Veranian Obelisk. 103 Verus, Roman emperor. 111 Vespasian, Roman emperor. 111 Villa Albani, near Rome. 93 Villa Celimontana, in Rome. 153 Villa Mattei, in Rome. 153 WÂdi Nasb, in the Sinaitic Peninsula. 135 Wanstead, near London, England. 154 Washington, D. C. 18 Wilkinson, Egyptologist. 14 108 154 Wilson, Erasmus, professor. 95 Xois, city in the Delta. 109 Ya?mer-ben-ShaddÂd, Arabic name. 80 154 Zahi, Asiatic tribe. 101 |