OF THE EGYPTIAN WORDS OCCURRING ON THE NEW YORK OBELISK. The words in this Glossary are arranged according to the Hieroglyphic alphabet as follows: As there was no fixed orthography among the ancient Egyptians the same word is frequently spelled in many different ways. This will be noticed in the following pages.—The plural of nouns or adjectives was formed by adding three lines (glyph) to the word or by repeating the Hieroglyphic sign of the word three times.—The dual was formed by adding two lines (glyph) or by repeating the sign twice.—The dot before the t (·t) denotes that the t is the feminine ending, which was pronounced by the ancient Egyptians only slightly or, probably, not at all. Abbreviations: E stands for East Face of the Obelisk; W for the West Face; N for the North Face; S for the South Face. Pyr. stands for Pyramidion. EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH denote the vertical columns of the Obelisk on that particular side of its face. CENT. denotes the central column. The small numerals refer to the pages of the book. glyph ? glyph ?m. Prep. "in." Adv. "there, where." W CENT. 59 glyph ?men-mer-RÂ-meses-su. Second cartouche or the family name of Ramses II., "beloved of Amen, the Sun, begetting himself". E NORTH 62 63 SOUTH 64 64 S EAST 65 65 WEST 66 66 W SOUTH 68 68 NORTH 67 67 N WEST 70 70 EAST 69 69 glyph ?men-mer-RÂ-meses-su. Same as preceding. Base of E 71 71 S 71 71 W 71 71 N 71 71 glyph ?men-mer-Ûsarken. Second cartouche or the family name of Osarkon I., "beloved of Amen, Osarkon". SMALL SIDE INSCRIPTIONS E 72 72 S 72 72 W 72 72 N 72 72 glyph ?n. "Heliopolis." E CENT. 56 S CENT. 58 N EAST 69 Pyr. WEST 52 53 SOUTH 51 glyph ?r. Verb: "to make, form, fashion; making, maker". E CENT. 56 W NORTH 67 67 S CENT. 58 58 N WEST 70 Pyr. WEST 53 NORTH 54 55 glyph ?rÎtu. Noun, feminine, plural: "works". S EAST 65 glyph ?rp. Noun: "wine". Pyr. EAST 49 SOUTH 51 glyph ?ten. Noun: one of the names of "the sun". E NORTH 62 glyph  glyph Âa or Â. Adjective: "great, large". E CENT. 57 SOUTH 64 W SOUTH 68 Pyr. EAST 49 SOUTH 51 WEST 53 In combination with ?a·t. E CENT. 56 glyph Ânkh. Verb, &c.: "to live; living; life". E CENT. 57 NORTH 63 S EAST 65 W NORTH 67 N CENT. 61 EAST 69 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 47 49 SOUTH 50 51 WEST 52 53 53 NORTH 54 55 55 Base of E 71 71 S 71 71 W 71 71 N 71 71 glyph U glyph uÂ. Adj. and adv.: "one, sole, alone; only". E SOUTH 64 glyph uÂf. Verb, &c.: "to smite, ward off, vanquish; conqueror, victor". S WEST 66 glyph uÂf. Same as preceding. N WEST 70 glyph us. Noun and adj.: "strength, power; strong". E CENT. 57 Pyr. WEST 53 glyph Us. "Thebes." E CENT. 56 W CENT. 59 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph usem. Noun: "gold-metal; electrum", S CENT. 58 glyph user. Adj.: "great, powerful, long". E SOUTH 64 W SOUTH 68 glyph User-MÂ-RÂ-sotep-en-RÂ. The first cartouche or the royal name of Ramses II., "strong in truth, the sun, chosen of the sun". E NORTH 62 62 SOUTH 64 64 S EAST 65 65 WEST 66 66 W NORTH 67 67 SOUTH 68 68 N EAST 69 69 WEST 70 70 Base of (all reading from right to left) E 71 71 S 71 71 W 71 71 N 71 71 glyph utu. Verb, &c.: "to command, order; decree". N CENT. 60 glyph Û glyph Ûa?. Verb: "to place, put, establish". E CENT. 56 56 glyph Ûrui. Dual of the adjective Ûr "large", hence: "the two large" obelisks, referring to the New York and London Obelisks. S CENT. 58 glyph B glyph benben·t. Noun: "pyramidion". S CENT. 58 glyph P glyph pau·t. Noun: "circle, assembly, company". E CENT. 57 glyph per. Noun: "house". W CENT. 59 NORTH 67 glyph peru. Plural of the preceding word with the determinative of "city": "temples, sanctuaries". N EAST 69 glyph per. Verb: "to go out, proceed, issue". E SOUTH 64 glyph pe?u. Plural of pe? "back, behind": hence "farthest, extreme". N CENT. 60 glyph pesed. Verb: "to shine, illumine". E NORTH 62 glyph pet. Noun and adj.: "heaven; heavenly". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 56 SOUTH 63 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 N EAST 68 CENT. 60 WEST 70 glyph Pta?-tathunen. Epithet of the god "Ptah" of Memphis. S EAST 65 glyph Pta?-tathunen. A variant (different spelling) of the preceding word. N EAST 69 glyph F glyph f. Third person sing. masc. pers. and possessive pronoun: "he, him, his; it, its". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 56 56 57 SOUTH 64 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 58 58 58 W NORTH 67 67 CENT. 59 N EAST 69 CENT. 60 60 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 49 SOUTH 51 WEST 53 NORTH 54 55 glyph M glyph m. Prep.: "in, for; at; as; (made) of; with". E CENT. glyph m. Same as preceding: "in; at; from". E NORTH 62 SOUTH 64 S EAST 65 W NORTH 67 glyph ma or m?. Adv.: "like, as". E CENT. 56 57 SOUTH 64 S WEST 60 W SOUTH 68 N EAST 69 WEST 70 glyph m?. Same word as the preceding: "like, as". E NORTH 62 S EAST 65 WEST 66 N EAST 69 glyph MÂ. The goddess of truth, "Ma". S EAST 65 N EAST 68 glyph mÂk. Verb, &c.: "to protect, ward off; protector". S WEST 66 glyph mÂk. Same word as the preceding: "to protect; protector". N WEST 70 glyph mennu. Noun: "monument; monuments". S CENT. 58 glyph men·tu or setu. Noun, plural of men·t or set "country", hence: "countries, foreign nations". N CENT. 60 S WEST 66 N WEST 70 glyph Men-kheper-RÂ. The first cartouche or the royal name of Thothmes III., "the stable and creative sun". E CENT. 56 S CENT. 58 W CENT. 59 N CENT. 60 Pyr. EAST 47 48 SOUTH 50 50 WEST 52 53 NORTH 54 55 glyph menkh. Verb and adjective: "to be beautiful; beautiful, kind". S WEST 66 Cf. also the causative form of the same word s·menkh "to embellish". W CENT. 59 glyph mer. Verb, &c.: "to love; loving; beloved; love; lover". E NORTH 62 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 W NORTH 67 N EAST 68 CENT. 60 glyph merÎ. Adj., derived from the preceding: "beloved". E CENT. 57 S CENT. 58 W CENT. 60 glyph merÎti. Lengthened form of the preceding word: "beloved, lovely, beautiful". E NORTH 62 glyph mes or meses. Verb, &c.: "to bring forth, beget; born of; birth; child". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 64 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 N EAST 69 glyph meses. Same word as the preceding: "to bring forth; birth; born of; child". E CENT. 56 N EAST 69 glyph N glyph n. Prep.: "by, for". E CENT. 56 SOUTH 64 S CENT. 58 58 58 58 N EAST 69 CENT. 60 Sign of the genitive case: "of, in". E CENT. 56 56 SOUTH 64 64 W CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 Pyr. WEST 53 Sign of the accusative case. E CENT. 56 glyph n. Same as the preceding. Sign of the genitive case: "of". E NORTH 63 SOUTH 64 glyph neb. Noun: "lord, master". E NORTH 62 SOUTH 64 64 S EAST 65 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 SOUTH 68 N EAST 69 69 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 47 49 49 SOUTH 50 51 51 WEST 52 53 53 NORTH 54 54 55 Adj.: "all, every". E CENT. 57 N EAST 69 CENT. 60 61 WEST 70 70 Pyr. EAST 49 SOUTH 51 NORTH 55 glyph neb·t. Feminine of the preceding word: "mistress, glyph Pronunciation doubtful, either neb mut neb Âr or neb sheta neb me?en·t: "the lord of the Vulture and UrÆus diadems". The title of Pharaoh as the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. E CENT. 56 S WEST 66 N WEST 70 glyph nub. Noun: "gold". In the phrase Hor-nub "the golden hawk or Horus". E SOUTH 64 W SOUTH 68 N CENT. 60 glyph nefer. Adj.: "good, gracious, benevolent, beautiful". Pyr. EAST 47 SOUTH 50 WEST 52 53 NORTH 54 Base of E 71 71 71 71 S 71 71 71 71 W 71 71 71 71 N 71 71 71 71 glyph neferu. Plural of the preceding word: "beauty". E CENT. 56 glyph nen. Adv.: "not". S CENT. 58 W NORTH 67 glyph ne?e? or, possibly, only ?e?. Noun, &c.: "eternity; eternal; forever". E CENT. 56 glyph nekht. Adj. and noun: "powerful, valiant, mighty; strength". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 63 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 N EAST 68 CENT. 60 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph nekhtu. Plural of the preceding word: "victory". N CENT. 60 glyph nekhtu. Same word as the preceding: "victory". E SOUTH 64 W SOUTH 68 glyph ent. Lengthened form of the preposition n (cf. above). Sign of the genitive case: "of". N CENT. 60 glyph enti (others read entet). Relative pronoun: "who, which, what; whose; whom". E CENT. 56 glyph nuter. Noun and adj.: "god; divine". E CENT. 57 Pyr. EAST 47 49 SOUTH 50 51 WEST 52 53 NORTH 54 Base of E 71 71 S 71 71 W 71 71 N 71 71 Reading from right to left. Base of E 71 71 S 71 71 W 71 71 N 71 71 glyph nuter. Same word as the preceding: "god". S EAST 65 glyph nuteru. Plural of nuter: "gods". E CENT. 57 glyph nuteru. Same word as the preceding: "gods". E NORTH 62 W NORTH 67 glyph nuteri dÛa. Noun: "morning-star". S EAST 65 glyph R glyph r. Prep.: "out, over, for, as, in order to". E SOUTH 64 64 N EAST 69 69 CENT. 60 60 Pyr. E 49 S 51 W 53 N 55 glyph ru. Noun: "mouth, end". N CENT. 60 glyph RÂ. "Ra, the sun." E NORTH 62 62 CENT. 56 57 SOUTH 64 64 S EAST 65 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 66 W NORTH 67 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 68 N EAST 69 69 CENT. 61 WEST 70 70 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 SMALL SIDE INSCRIPTIONS E 72 72 S 72 72 W 72 72 N 72 72 glyph RÂ. Same word as the preceding: "Ra, the sun". E SOUTH 64 64 S WEST 66 66 W SOUTH 68 N EAST 69 69 WEST 70 glyph RÂ. Same word as the preceding: "Ra, the sun". N CENT. 60 glyph RÂ. Same word as the preceding: "Ra, the sun". E NORTH 62 W NORTH 67 glyph RÂ. Same word as the preceding: "Ra, the sun". E NORTH 62 63 SOUTH 64 S CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 SOUTH 68 N CENT. 60 WEST 70 glyph RÂ-Hor-khuti. A name of the sun-god: "Ra, the hawk in the horizon". S CENT. 58 W CENT. 60 Pyr. EAST 49 North 55 glyph renpe·tu. Noun, plural of renpe·t "year", hence: "years". E SOUTH 61 W SOUTH 68 glyph rekh. Verb: "to know, understand". E CENT. 56 glyph Same word as the preceding: "to know, understand". S EAST 65 glyph H glyph hapu. Noun, plural of hap "law, judgment", hence: "laws". S EAST 65 glyph har. Adj.: "calm, satisfied, glad". N CENT. 60 glyph ? glyph ?Âu. Noun, plural of ? "limb", hence: "limbs". glyph ?u. Verb: "to smite, strike". N CENT. 60 glyph ?eb. Noun: "festival, feast". S EAST 65 glyph ?ebu. Plural of the preceding word: "festivals". N EAST 69 glyph ?eb. Noun: "festival". In the phrase sed-?eb "the thirty-year period". S CENT. 58 glyph ?un. Noun: "child, boy, youth". E NORTH 62 glyph ?enÂ. Prep.: "with". E CENT. 57 glyph ?er. Noun: "face". N WEST 70 glyph ?er. "Horus" with the double crown of Egypt. E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 63 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 N EAST 68 CENT. 60 WEST 70 glyph See under RÂ-?or-khuti. glyph ?er-nub. "The golden Horus." E SOUTH 64 W SOUTH 68 N CENT. 60 glyph See under ne?e?. E CENT. 56 glyph ?eq. Noun: "prince, chief". Pyr. SOUTH 51 WEST 52 glyph ?equ. Plural of the preceding word: "princes, chiefs". N CENT. 60 glyph ?a·t. Noun: "temple". Pyr. SOUTH 51 WEST 53 glyph ?a·t-Â. From the preceding word with the adjective  "great", hence: "the great temple". E CENT. 56 glyph ?ez. Adj.: "white". Noun: "the white crown" of Upper Egypt. N CENT. 60 glyph Kh glyph khÂ. Adj.: "glorious, crowned". E CENT. 56 W CENT. 59 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph khÂu. Noun, plural of kh "crown", hence: "diadems, crowns". E SOUTH 64 glyph khu. Verb, &c.: "to be glorious; resplendent; glory, splendor". E NORTH 63 SOUTH 64 glyph khu·t. Noun: "horizon". E NORTH 62 glyph khuti. Dual of the preceding word: "the two horizons". See under RÂ-?or-khuti. glyph Kheper?. The god "Khepera", literally "the creator". E SOUTH 63 glyph khepesh. Noun: "strength, power, victory". N CENT. 60 glyph kher. Conj. and prep.: "for". E CENT. 56 glyph Kherp-kheper-RÂ-sotep-en-RÂ. The first cartouche or the royal name of Osarkon I., glyph kha·t. Noun: "belly, womb". E CENT. 56 glyph kha·t. Same word as the preceding: "belly, womb". E SOUTH 64 glyph khet. Noun: "thing; things". Pyr. NORTH 54 glyph khatf. Prep. and conj.: "for, before; since, because". N CENT. 60 WEST 70 glyph S glyph sa. Noun: "son, child, offspring". E NORTH 62 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 64 64 S EAST 65 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 66 W NORTH 67 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 68 N EAST 69 69 CENT. 61 WEST 70 70 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 SMALL SIDE INSCRIPTIONS E 72 72 S 72 72 W 72 72 N 72 72 glyph sa. Same word as the preceding: "son, child, offspring". E SOUTH 63 S WEST 66 W SOUTH 68 N WEST 70 glyph s·Â?Â. Verb, causative form of Â? "to raise", hence: "to cause to be raised, erect". S CENT. 58 glyph su. Personal pronoun third person: "he, him; himself; she, her; herself; it; itself; they, them; themselves". E SOUTH 64 N EAST 69 glyph su. Same word as the preceding: "he; him; &c." N CENT. 60 glyph s·usekh. Verb, causative form of usekh "to extend", hence: "to cause to be extended". N CENT. 60 glyph sep. Noun: "time, times", after numerals. S CENT. 58 glyph s·menkh. Verb, causative of menkh "to be beautiful", hence: "to render beautiful, embellish". W CENT. 59 glyph sen. Personal pronoun third person plural masculine: "they; them; their". E CENT. 56 56 glyph s·?eb. Verb, causative form of ?eb "to be glad", hence: "to cause to rejoice, gladden". N EAST 69 glyph suten. Noun: "king". E CENT. 56 glyph suten. Same word as the preceding: "king". S WEST 66 N WEST 70 glyph sutenηt. Noun, derived from the preceding word: "kingdom". E CENT. 56 glyph suten-kaut (doubtful!). Noun: "the king of Upper and Lower Egypt". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 63 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 N EAST 68 CENT. 60 WEST 70 Pyr. WEST 52 NORTH 54 SMALL SIDE INSCRIPTIONS E 72 72 S 72 72 W 72 72 N 72 72 glyph sed. In the phrase sed-?eb "the thirty year period festival". S CENT. 58 glyph s·zef. Verb, causative form of zef "to be glyph Sh glyph shep. Verb: "to seize, obtain". E SOUTH 64 glyph shepes. Adj.: "beautiful, glorious". E NORTH 62 glyph shef·t. Noun: "terror, awe". S EAST 65 glyph Q glyph qa. Verb, abbreviated form of glyph qa: "to raise". N CENT. 60 glyph qa. Noun: "bull". E NORTH 62 CENT. 56 SOUTH 63 S EAST 65 CENT. 58 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 CENT. 59 SOUTH 68 N EAST 68 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 48 SOUTH 50 WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph qebe?. Noun: "libation". Pyr. WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph Qem·t. "Egypt". S WEST 66 N CENT. 61 WEST 70 glyph qema. Verb: "to create". E CENT. 56 glyph qen. Noun: "force, triumph, victory". N WEST 70 glyph G glyph ger. Verb: "to seize, possess". E NORTH 62 W NORTH 67 glyph T glyph ta. Noun: "land, earth". N CENT. 60 glyph ta. Same word as the preceding: "land, earth". N WEST 70 glyph taui. Dual of the two preceding words: "the two countries", Egypt. E NORTH 62 62 SOUTH 64 S EAST 65 65 WEST 66 W NORTH 67 67 SOUTH 68 N EAST 69 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 47 SOUTH 50 51 WEST 52 NORTH 54 55 Written separately. Pyr. EAST 49 glyph tash·tu. Noun, plural of tash·t "boundary", hence: "boundaries". N CENT. 60 glyph tep. Adj.: "first". S CENT. 58 glyph tef. Noun, contracted form of glyph ?tef: "father". S CENT. 58 N CENT. 60 glyph tef. Same word as the preceding: "father". S EAST 65 W NORTH 67 N EAST 69 glyph Tum. The god "Tum". E CENT. 57 Pyr. SOUTH 51 WEST 53 glyph Tum. Same word as the preceding: the god "Tum". E CENT. 56 glyph tekhenui. Noun, dual of tekhen "obelisk", hence: "two obelisks". S CENT. 58 glyph D glyph du. Verb, &c.: "to give; giving; gift". E NORTH 63 CENT. 57 S EAST 65 W NORTH 67 N EAST 69 CENT. 61 WEST 70 Pyr. EAST 47 49 SOUTH 50 51 WEST 52 53 53 NORTH 54 55 55 glyph du·t. Noun, from the preceding word: "gift, present". Pyr. EAST 49 SOUTH 51 WEST 53 NORTH 55 glyph dÛa. Noun: "star". In the phrase nuterti dÛa "the morning-star". S EAST 65 glyph dem. Adj.: "all, complete". N WEST 70 glyph dem·t. Noun, from the preceding word: "completeness, totality". N CENT. 60 glyph De?uti. The god "Thoth". E CENT. 56 glyph De?uti-meses-nefer-kheperu. The second cartouche or the family name of Thothmes III., "the child of Thoth, beautiful in his transformations (or of beautiful form)". S CENT. 58 W CENT. 60 N CENT. 61 glyph ded. Noun: "stability". E CENT. 57 Pyr. WEST 53 glyph dedui. Noun, dual of ded "hand", hence: "the two hands". N CENT. 60 glyph dedui. Same word as the preceding: "two hands". N WEST 70 glyph Z glyph zeta. Noun, &c.: "eternity; eternal; forever". E CENT. 57 S CENT. 58 W CENT. 60 N CENT. 61 Pyr. EAST 47 SOUTH 50 WEST 52 NORTH 54 |