CHAPTER I. Instructions CHAPTER II. Across Mesopotamia CHAPTER III. Into the Desert CHAPTER IV. Guests of the Aeniza CHAPTER V. Raiders CHAPTER VI. The Sheik's Story CHAPTER VII. The Fire of the Gods CHAPTER VIII. Raspul, the Seer CHAPTER IX. In the Temple of Sophana CHAPTER X. A Dash for Freedom CHAPTER XI. Only Half a Capture CHAPTER XII. Rival Doctors CHAPTER XIII. War's Alarm CHAPTER XIV. The Burst of the Storm CHAPTER XV. Fate CHAPTER XVI. Rescue CHAPTER XVII. The Trail of the Serpent CHAPTER XVIII. True Friendship CHAPTER XIX. In Clover CHAPTER XX. Re-Union CHAPTER XXI. A Desperate Plunge CHAPTER XXII. Brothers and Conspirators CHAPTER XXIII. Daud's Adventures CHAPTER XXIV. The Devil's Well CHAPTER XXV. For Dear Life CHAPTER XXVI. A Haven of Rest CHAPTER XXVII. Visitors CHAPTER XXVIII. Mysteries, Solved and Unsolved CHAPTER XXIX. A Prophecy Fulfilled