> Henley Regatta, 3, 100 Henry I., 42, 141, 195 Henry V., 195 Henry VI., 169 Henry VII., 195 Henry VIII., 68, 158, 178 Hoby, Sir Thomas, 111 Hogarth, 6, 183, 204 Holme Park, 75 Home Park, 145 Hook, Theodore, 184 Horton, 158 Hotels, 18 House-boats, 235 Houses of Parliament, 218 Howard, Katherine, 198 Hurley, 116 Hurlingham Club, 227 Hurst Park Racecourse, 182 Icknield Street, 59 Iffley, 29 Isleworth, 197 James II., 221 James Stuart, 143 Joan, 54 John, 78, 156, 213 Johnson, Dr., 183 Jones, Inigo, 199 Juxon, 221 Kelmscott Press, 230 Kempenfelt, Admiral, 120 Kew Gardens, 199 Kew Observatory, 197 Kew Palace, 6 Kingis Quair, 144 King's Stone, 187 Kingston, 186 Kingston Rowing Club, 186 Kit-Kat Club, 228 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 190, 191, 228 Lady Place, 116 Laleham, 161, 167 Lambeth Bridge, 221 Lambeth Palace, 221 Laud, Archbishop, 71, 221, 228 Leicester, Earl of, 215 Leicester House, 215 Leland, 78 Llyn-din, 212 Locks, 239 - Bell Weir, 159
- Benson, 59
- Boulter's, 223
- Teddington Lock, 187
- Temple, 214
- Temple Island, 101
- Temple Lock, 115
- Temple Mill, 115
- Tennyson, 95, 191
- Terry, Ellen, 166
- Thame, The, 52
- Thames Conservancy, 233
- Thames, derivation of, 4
- Thames Ditton, 184
- Thames Gardens, 19
- Thomson, 6, 137, 230
- Thorney Island, 222
- Torpids, The, 29
- Tow-path, 237
- Tower, 210
- Tower Bridge, 210, 211
- Tower Royal, 213
- Turner, 173, 191, 226, 230
- Twickenham, 191
- Twickenham Reach, 188
- Upper Hope, 149
- Upper Mall, 230
- Upper Thames Sailing Club, 139
- Vanbrugh, 228
- Vauxhall Bridge, 223
- Vintners' Company, 122
- Walbrook, 208
- Walbrook Wharf, 212
- Walker, Frederick, 153
- Wallingford, 53
- Walpole, Horace, 6, 183, 189, 228
- Walton Bridge, 173
- Walton Church, 174
- Walton, Izaak, 147
- Wandle River, 227
- Wandsworth, 227
- Warbeck, Perkin, 196
- Wargrave, 80
- Warwick, "King Maker," 113
- Waterloo Bridge, 216
- Watermen, 206
- Weirs, 239
- Westminster Abbey, 222
- Westminster Bridge, 220
- Westminster Palace, 6
- Wey River, 171
- Weybridge, 170, 171
- Whitchurch, 63
- Whitehall, 218
- Whitehall Palace, 6
- White Hart Hotel, Sonning, 74
- Whitehill, 60
- Wigod, 53
- William the Conqueror,
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