Abu Simbel by sunrise, 109.
Acre, 147.
Aden, 165.
Africa, 51.
Albert, Lake, 55.
Amenhetep ii., tomb of, 90.
Amenhetep iii., 79.
Ants, white, 278, 279.
Anuradhapura, 194.
Apes, Barbary, 27.
Arabs, 128.
Asia, 120.
Assouan, 102.
dam at, 118.
Babel Mandeb, Straits of, 165.
Bakshish, 70, 181.
Banff, Canada, 369.
Barbary apes, 28.
Battle River, 380.
Bazaar, an Indian, 228.
at Jerusalem, 129.
Benares, 242.
Betel-nut chewing, 258.
Bethany, 137.
Bethlehem, 137.
Bisharin tribe, 105.
Bison, Canadian, 370.
Bitter Lake, 157, 160.
Bo tree, the sacred, 200.
Bombay, 203-208.
Bonito, the, 168.
Borneo, 313.
Boxing in Burma, 269.
Brahmans, 214, 231.
Brazen Palace, Ceylon, 198.
Buddha, 186, 196, 254, 260, 261.
Buddhists, 186, 244, 252, 321.
Buffalo, a Burmese, 292.
North American, 370.
Burma, 250.
Cairo, 53, 56, 58.
Calcutta, 218.
Calgary, 372.
Camels, 68, 104.
Canada, 345.
Canadian Pacific Railway, 360.
CaÑons in the Rockies, 367.
Caste, Indian, 214.
Cathedral Rocks, 369.
Cattle ranch, a Canadian, 371-381.
Cattle train, a Canadian, 363, 376.
Cawnpore, 235.
Well of, 236.
Ceylon, 179.
Cheops, King, 61, 62.
Child-widows of India, 231.
Chinamen in Malay, 306, 308.
in Vancouver, 347.
Chinese temple, 307.
Chuprassie, a Burmese, 264.
Cingalese, the, 180.
Circuit House, Mandalay, 272.
Clogs, Japanese, 327.
Colombo, 179.
Colossi, the, 87.
Corn-growing in Canada, 382, 384.
Cotton-growing in Egypt, 68.
Crees, 380.
Customs house, French, 10.
Cyclone, a, 175, 176.
Dagoba, a, 194, 195.
Dead Sea, 136.
Delhi, 218-234.
Delta of the Nile, 54.
Der El Bahari, Temple of, 92.
Desert, the, 157.
Dolphins, 172.
Dover, 5, 7, 8.
Dragoman, the Egyptian, 85, 87.
Dutugemunu, King, 197.
Earthquakes, 50.
Edmonton, 380.
Edward, Lake, 55.
Egypt, 53.
Egyptian gods, 82.
Elala, story of, 197.
Elephants, Burmese, 276, 292, 360.
Esquimault, 346.
Etna, Mount, 49.
Fakir, a, 244, 245.
Fellaheen, Egyptian, 69.
Figs, Indian, 45.
Fire-flies, 201.
Fish, deep-sea, 170.
Flying fish, 168.
France, journey through, 8-19.
Fraser River, 348.
Fruit-growing in Canada, 368, 369.
Fruits preserved, 16, 17.
Fujiyama, 318, 338.
Galilee, Sea of, 145.
Ganesh, the elephant-god, 247.
Ganges, the, 242, 243.
Garden party in Burma, a, 264.
Gateway, Japanese, 320.
Gendarmes, French, 16.
Georgetown, Penang, 305.
Geta clogs, Japanese, 327.
Gethsemane, Garden of, 136.
Ghurkas, 220.
Gibraltar, 27-32, 50.
Gizeh, Pyramids of, 60, 62.
Glacier, 369.
Golden Pagoda, the, 257.
Gophers, 379.
Grain elevators, 383.
"Great Divide," the, 369.
Haifa, adventures on way to, 146, 147.
Hatshepset, Queen, 92.
Herculaneum, destruction of, 40.
Hindus, the, 244.
Holy Land, the, 120.
Hong-Kong, 314.
Huron, Lake, 387.
India, 203.
travelling in, 208-217.
Indian corn, 66.
Indian Ocean, 168.
Indians, North American, 350, 352, 380, 383.
Irrawaddy, the, 251.
the voyage by cargo boat on, 278.
Ismailia, 156.
Israel, the land of, 123.
Italy, in, 36.
Jaffa, 121.
Japan, 320.
Japanese gateway, a, 327.
inn, in a, 332-344.
porters, 335.
Jerusalem, a walk about, 120-138.
Jews, the, 121, 128, 134.
Jews' Wailing-Place, 134.
Jim's story of his adventure with Joyce, 291-303.
Jordan, the river, 137.
Joyce, 278-289.
her adventure with Jim, 291-303.
Kandy, 184.
Karnak, Temple of, 83.
Kashmir Gate, Delhi, story of, 224.
Khartoum, 106, 115.
Kicking Horse Pass, 369.
Kishon, the river, 149.
KobÉ, 317.
Kootenay, 368.
Kutab Minar, Delhi, 227, 228.
Kutho-daw, Mandalay, the, 275.
Lakes, the great African, 55.
the great American, 382-387.
Lascars, 157, 281.
Leogryphs, Burmese, 257.
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 52, 153, 154.
Let-pet, 281.
Lulu Island, salmon cannery on, 349.
Lumbering, 359.
Luxor, 65, 75.
Temple of, 78-84.
Macaroni, 39.
Malays, 306, 312.
Mandalay, 272.
Mangoes, 266.
Manitoba, 385.
Maples, Canadian, 393.
Marseilles, 16-19.
strange bridge at, 18, 19.
Mecca, 159.
Medicine Hat, town of, 383.
Messina earthquake, 47-49.
Straits of, 47.
Mikado, the, 329.
Mimosas, 292.
Mohammedans, 107, 159.
Monkeys, grey, of Ceylon, 195.
Monks, Burmese, 252.
Monsoon, the North-East, 175, 176.
Montreal, 392.
Moses' Well, 161.
Mosque of Omar, 132, 133.
Mosquitoes, 57.
Mount of Olives, 134, 135.
Mummies, Egyptian, 89.
Naples, 37, 50.
Nazareth, 138, 140-146.
Negro attendants on C.P.R., 361.
New Zealand, 166.
NgapÉ, 253.
Niagara Falls, 388.
Nile, the, 53-56, 77.
voyage by steamer up, 95-108.
North-American Indians, 350, 352, 380, 383.
Nubia, 103.
Ocean, depths of the, 168-178.
Olives, Mount of, 134, 135.
Orient line, the, 6, 20.
Pagahn, Burma, 284.
Pagodas, Burmese, 257, 284.
Palestine, 120.
Paris, 14.
Parsees, 207.
Penang, 304.
Persian, a, 206, 207.
Pharaohs, the, 79.
tombs near Thebes, 85.
Phosphorescence, 174.
Policemen, French, 16.
Pompeii, story of, 39, 40-45.
Poongyi, a Burmese, 252.
Port Moody, 360.
Port Said, 52, 153.
Porters, Japanese, 335.
Potter, an Indian, 232.
Prairie, the Canadian, 371.
Pulo Pera, sea-birds on, 305.
PwÉ, a Burmese, 285.
Pyramids, the, 60.
Quebec, 393.
Raffles, Sir Stamford, 312, 313, 314.
Rameses ii., 79, 80, 194.
statues of, 110, 111.
Rangoon River, 251.
Red Sea, 162.
Regina, 383.