.html#Page_251" class="pginternal">251; cancelled chapter of Persuasion in the Memoir, 315. Baillie, Joanna, 172. Balls— Bath, at, 222-225. Country, 119-120. Dances at, 121 (see also Dancing). Dress at, 124-127; masculine, 126. Etiquette of, 121-123. Evelina, account in, 121-123. Formality of, 121. Partners at, 121-123. Bateson, Mary, cited, 238. Bath— Abbey, 219. Assembly Rooms, 220-221. Austens’ removal to, 212-213, 215-218; house in Sydney Place, 219; table of residences, 325. Balls at, 222-225. Characteristics of the town, 219. House-hunting in, 215-218. Nash’s renovation of, 220-221, 247-248. New Guide on, 224. Pump Room, 219-220. Society of, reproduced in Northanger Abbey, 189-190. Besant, Sir Walter, quoted—on eighteenth-century morals, 95; on franking of letters, 113-114; on wigs, 235-236. “Blue-stocking,” origin of epithet, 7. Boothby, Capt. Charles, quoted, 156-157. Brabourne, Lord, family of, 18, 301; cited—on the Coopers, 117-118; on Fanny Knight, 270; quoted—on Godmersham, 251-252, 261. Brasbridge, Joseph, cited, 114. Bridges, Harriet, see Moore. Bridges, Louisa, 148, 149. Bridges, Marianne, 253. BrontË, Charlotte, compared with George Eliot, 100-102; with Jane Austen, 103-104. Brydges, Sir Egerton, on Jane’s appearance, 57. Burnet, Bishop, quoted, 47. Burney, Fanny, works of, 86-87, 97; Macaulay’s criticism of, 164-165; Walpole’s criticism of, 165; lively environment of, 164; cited—on the Court, 305-306. Byron, 173. Cage, Lewis, 148, 149. Camilla, 165. Campbell, Thoma
i>French Revolution and Reign of Terror, 50-53. Furniture, 63. Gardening, 71-72. Garrick, David, 161, 291, 292. Gas, 284-285. Geography of the period, 6-7. George III., King, 94, 235, 305-306. Gibson, Mary (Mrs. F. Austen), 256, 258. Gloucester, Duke of, 253. Godmersham— Acquisition of, by Edward Knight, 17, 148. Description of, 251-252. Temple Plantation, 261. Goodnestone, visits to, 253. Gordon, Duchess of (1791), 56. Gosse, Edmund, on eighteenth-century literature, 169. Grosley, M., quoted—on English breakfasts, 66; on wages, 72; on coaching, 157-158; on King George III., 235; on London, 280-281, 283-286; on the stage, 291-292. Hair-dressing, 231, 233-234; feathers, 125, 232, 234, 283; wigs, 235-236, 239; powder, 237-239. Hastings, Warren, 56. Hats and bonnets, 234. Hatton, George, 253. Highwaymen, 158-160. Hill, Constance, cited, 46. Hill, Rowland, 109, 111. Housekeeping, 65. Inchbald, Mrs., 172. India, affairs of, 55-56. Ireland, union of, with England, 55. Jackson, Eleanor (Mrs. H. Austen), 18, 288. Jane Austen and Her Contemporaries—quoted, 92. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Jane’s partiality for, 58, 169; Fanny Burney influenced by, 164-165; wigs of, 236; otherwise mentioned, 164, 171. Kean, Charles, 294-295. Kemble, 291. Kensington Gardens, 288-289. Kent, Duke of, 307; letter of,
tml#Page_81" class="pginternal">81, 95-96, 123, 178-180, 182; Darcy, 179-181; Jane Bingley, 288. Date of, 98. Emma compared with, 308-310. First Impressions the original title of, 99, 176. Improbability in, 187. Opinions on—by Sir W. Scott, 182; by Miss Mitford, 181-182; by Jane Austen, 184-185. Publication of, 276-277. Publisher’s refusal of, 177. Social caste in, 92-93. Otherwise mentioned, 58, 81-82, 124, 128, 145. Prince Regent, Emma dedicated to, 163, 305, 307; librarian of, 304-305; character of, 306-307; home of, 286. Radcliffe, Mrs., 88, 172, 189. Residences of Jane Austen, table of, 325. Roads, state of, 75, 116, 151-154. Rogers, Samuel, Pleasures of Memory published by, 173; omnibus story of, 282; quoted—on novels, 168; on hair-powdering, 239; cited—on head-dresses, 234; on Fox, 247; on executions, 284. Romance, Scott’s plea for, 134-135. Rowling, life at, 148-150. St. Vincent, Battle of, 200. Scott, Sir W., review of Emma by, 134-135, 310-311; authorship of Waverley imputed to, 173; cited—on Pride and Prejudice, 182. Secker, Archbishop, cited, 35, 38. Sedan chairs, 282-283. Self Control, opinions on, 167-168. Selwyn, George, cited, 283-284. Sense and Sensibility— Anonymous issue of, 163. Characters of—children, 24-26; Elinor, 136; male characters, 86-187; minor characters, 188. Printed by Morrison & Gibb Limited, Edinburgh Transcriber's Note Original punctuation and spelling (including spelling variants such as near-sighted/nearsighted) have been preserved as much as possible, correcting minor typographical errors without note. Cover created by Transcriber and placed into the Public Domain. |