Description of Bhusunda's Person.
VASISHTHA said:—Now RÁma, know this Bhusunda, who was of a complexion as black as that of a cloud heavy with water in the rainy season; to have a countenance which neither merry nor sorry, and a mind free from guile and cunning. 2. His voice was grave and mild, and his words were accompanied by a gentle smile, and he spoke of the three worlds, as if he balanced three beal fruits in his hands. (His knowledge of the worlds, was as that of the globe in his hands). 3. He looked on all things as they were mere straws before him, and weighted the lives of men in proportion to their enjoyments, and by the ratio of their rations on earth, he had the knowledge of the knowables and the unknowable one (called the common and transcendental knowledge-parÁnara). 4. He was big bodied grave and quiet, and sedate as the mount Mandara; and his mind was as full and clear as the calm ocean after a storm. 5. His mind was perfectly tranquil and quite at ease; and full of joy within itself; and acquainted with the appearance and dis-appearance of all beings born in this world. 6. His countenance was delightsome with his inward delight, and his voice was as sweet as the melody of a sweet song; he seemed to have taken a new born form on himself, and his joyfulness dispelled the fears of men. 7. After he had respectfully received and accosted me, with his pure and dulciate words; he began to recite to me his own narration, as the rumbling of a rainy cloud, delights the hearts of the thirsty world. |