Continuation of the same.
MANU continued:—It is by the divine will, that the living souls of beings are evolved from the original intellect, (in which they are contained), as the waves rise from the main body of waters contained in the ocean. 2. These living souls, retain the tendencies of their prior states in former births, and are thereby led to move in their course of light or ignorance etc. in this world, and to accordingly subject either to happiness or misery, which is felt by the mind and never affects the soul itself. 3. The invisible soul is known in the knowable mind, which is actuated by it (the soul); as the invisible node of Rahu, becomes visible to us in the eclipse of the moon (which is affected by it): (so the mind acting under the impulse of the soul, becomes liable to pain or pleasure according to its desert). 4. Neither the preceptor of sÁstras nor the lectures of our spiritual preceptors, can show the supreme spirit before our sight; but it is our spirit which shows us the holy spirit, when our understanding rests in its own true essence (apart from its egoism and meism). 5. As travellers are seen to be journeying abroad with their minds, free from all attainment and aversion to any particular object or spot; so the self-liberated souls are found to sojourn in this world, quite unconcerned even with their bodies and the objects of their senses. 6. It is not for good and Godly men either to pamper or famish their bodies, or quicken or weaken their senses; but to allow them to be employed with their objects at their own option. 7. Be of an indifferent mind (udÁsina) with regard to your 8. The knowledge that "I am an embodied being" is the cause of our bondage in this world; and therefore it is never to be entertained by them, that are seekers of their liberation. 9. But the firm conviction that "I am no other than an intellectual being, and as rarefied as the pure air"; is the only belief that is able to extricate our souls from their bondage in this world. 10. As the light of the sun pierces and shines, both within and without the surface of a clear sheet of water; so doth the light of the Holy spirit, penetrate and shine both inside and outside of the pure souls of men, as well as in everything else. 11. As it is the variety of formation, that makes the various kinds of ornaments out of the same substance of gold; so it is the various dispositions of the one soul, that makes the difference of things in the world. (The same soul exhibiting itself in sundry forms). 12. The world resembles the vast ocean, and all its created are like the waves upon its surface; they rise for a moment, only to be succumbed to the latent flame of their insatiable desires. 13. Know all the worlds to be absorbed in the vast ocean of the universal soul of God, as all things are devoured by death or time (KÁla), and lie buried like the ocean itself in the insatiable womb of Agastya or Eternity. 14. Cease to consider the bodies of men as their souls, and to behold the visibles in a spiritual light; rely solely in thy spiritual self, and sit retired from all except alone with thyself. 15. Men are seen foolishly to wail for the loss of their souls, though lying within themselves; as a fond mother moans on missing her child, forgetful of its sleeping upon her lap. (We miss our souls though situated within ourselves). 16. Men bewail for themselves as lost upon the loss of their bodies, and exclaim as it saying "Oh I am dead and gone" and so on, not knowing that their souls are ever undecaying and imperishable. 17. As the fluctuation of water shows many forms upon its 18. Now king, keep the steadiness of your mind, repress thy imagination and the flights of thy fancy; call thy thoughts home and confine them to thyself; remain calm and cool and unperturbed amidst all perturbations, and go and rule thy realm with thy self possession. |