Manifestation of ChÚdÁlÁ in her own form.
VASISHTHA related:—The princess retracted the enchantment by which she had presented the God Indra before the prince; and was glad to find, that he had subdued (lit.—put to blush) his desire of enjoyment. 2. He remained with perfect tranquillity and equanimity of his mind, at the advent and in the presence of the God Indra, and was fearless and indifferent to and unmoved even by the persuasion of that God. 3. I will again try to know by some artifice or other, whether this prince is subject to the passions of anger or annoyment or any other feeling, which serve at best but to blind-fold the understanding. 4. With this intention she took upon her the form of the chaste MadanikÁ, at the approach of night; and when the moon had already appeared above that forest land. 5. The wind was blowing gently, bearing the sweet fragrance of flowers; and Sikhidhwaja was sitting by the side of a river, to perform his evening devotion. 6. At this time she entered her bower formed by the twining creepers, and decorated with garlands of flowers, resembling the covert of a sylvan goddesses. 7. She slept there on the bed of flowers decked by herself, and adorned with wreaths of flowers on her own person; she had her beloved one seated in her heart; and laid her on a pillow. 8. Sikhidhwaja sought for her in the gardens and groves, and found her out at last sleeping in the bower, with the pretty paramour enfolding her neck in his arms. 9. He had his hairs hanging on his neck and shoulders, and his beauteous body daubed with pasted sandal wood. He 10. The flowing tresses of the mistress, fell in two fold braids, on her shoulder blades of golden hue; and hung over her ears and eye-brows and her cheeks and face. 11. He beheld the amorous pair, with their smiling faces; and both kissing and embracing one another, as when the ivy entwines a large tree. (Their bodies and lip-like leaves are joined together). 12. They lay with their wreathed flowers, hanging loosely on their persons; and both were enamoured of one another by the mutual contact of their bodies, which infused their reciprocal passion in the heart of each other. 13. They were both infatuated and ravished by their mutual love, and were both bruising their breasts on the bosoms of one another. 14. Seeing this, Sikhidhwaja felt no change in his disposition; but was rather pleased to find them sleeping so very happily in one another's embrace. 15. "Remain ye lovers, he said, as you are in your hearts' content; and I will put no obstacle in your way, nor make you afraid of me by my presence in this place." Saying so, he withdrew from there. 16. Immediately at this time, she also withdrew her charm, and disclosed herself as the beauteous Venus, and loving spouse of the prince. 17. She came out and saw the prince sitting in a crag of the mountain, in the posture of his intense meditation, and with both his eyes open. 18. The lady MadanikÁ advanced towards him with a bashful countenance, and then sat silent by his side with her down cast look and melancholy appearance; as if abashed and ashamed of her past misconduct. 19. Then as Sikhidhwaja was released after a moment from his meditation, he cast his eyes upon her; and spoke to her with an exceedingly sweet voice, which bespoke the frankness of his mind. 20. Lady, said he why do you come so soon to me, and leave off the enjoyment of thy happiness? Oh! happiness is the end and aim of all beings on earth. (Oh happiness! our being's end and aim. Pope). 21. Go, return to thy lover, and gratify him with all thy endearments; because mutual love which is so much desired by all, and is hard to be had by any in this world. 22. Think not, madam, that I am at all angry or sorry for this affair; as I am always contented in myself, with knowing the True One, that is only to be known. 23. Myself and my companion Kumbha, are always dispassionate in our dispositions; but thou that art sprung from the curse of DurvÁsa as a woman, art ever at liberty to do whatever thou likest, without incurring any displeasure of ours. 24. MadanikÁ replied:—So it is! Oh highly favoured one of Heaven, who knowest that women by their nature are ten times more passionate than men, and should not therefore be chid on account of their gratification of their natural passions. 25. I am but a frail woman, and find you absorbed in deep meditation, I could not choose other wise than take me a partner as you saw, in the depth of the forest and in the night: (Solitude and the darkness of night, being so very favourable to love affairs). 26. The weak sex in general, and the maidens in particular, are ever fond of paramour by their very nature for the gratification of their lust, which they can never have the power to check. 27. A woman becomes graceful in the company of man, and no anathema or prohibition, nor the menaces of men, nor regard of chastity, is of any avail to retard them from it. 28. I am a damsel and a weaker vessel and an ignorant and independent lass, therefore sir, it becomes you to forgive my fickleness, because forgiveness is the most prominent feature of holiness. 29. Sikhidhwaja replied:—Know my belle, that anger has no seat in my heart, as there grows no plant in the sky; and it is only for fear of incurring the ignominy of good people, that I must decline to take thee as my spouse. 30. But I can associate with thee as before in mutual friendship for ever more, without bearing any yearning or grudge in our hearts, either for or against one another (but remain in disinterested amity for life). 31. Vasishtha replied:—After Sikhidhwaja had consented to continue in his indifference and disinterested friendship, with his only companion in the forest; ChÚdÁlÁ was highly pleased to wit the nobleness of his mind, and thus said to herself. 32. O the transcendent tranquillity, which this lord of mine has gained, and whose dispassionateness has set him above anger, and his living liberation hath attained. 33. No delight doth attract his heart, nor any excellence ever allures his soul; whose mind is not elated by pleasure or prosperity, nor depressed by pain or calamity. 34. Methinks all the imaginable perfections, have jointly met in his person; as the goddess of prosperity, is united with the personage of NÁrÁyana. (The Lord is the model of all excellence and perfection). 35. It is now the proper time for me, to bring to his remembrance all and every thing relating to myself; by relinquishing my figure of Kumbha, and disclosing myself to him in my form of ChÚdÁlÁ. 36. With this thought, she shuffled off her shape of MadanikÁ, and took the complexion of ChÚdÁlÁ upon herself. 37. She then issued forth as ChÚdÁlÁ, from out of the body of MadanikÁ, and stood confest before him, as a jewel when taken out of the chest and exposed to view. 38. The prince beheld her unblemished and lovely figure, and found his beloved MadanikÁ transformed to his wedded spouse ChÚdÁlÁ again. 39. He saw his own wife present before him, like a lotus flower blooming in the spring; and as the goddess of prosperity rising out of the earth, or as a brilliant gem laid open from its casket. |