
Adulteration of food, 214
Agraphia, 78
Anthropometry, 50
Arsenic in beer, 231
Arsenic poisoning, 176, 181, 183
Bank-note forgeries, 102
Beck case, 41, 92
Beer conners, 217
Bertillonage, 50
Blandy, Mary, 181
Blood, structure of, 154
—— stains identified, 155, 157
——, serum test for, 162
Bloodhounds, 29
Briggs, murder of, 33
Brinkley poisoning case, 109, 116
Capture of criminals, 22
Catchpole, Margaret, 22
Charlesworth case, 28
Circumstantial detection, 33
—— evidence, 11
Conflict of scientific evidence, 14, 19
Courvoisier, 4
Crippen case, 25, 167
Detective force, 2
Dodd, Dr., 140
Elizabethan ink, 107
Errors of eye-witnesses, 39
Essex, Earl of, 8
Fallibility of eye-witnesses, 37
Fauld’s observations on finger-prints, 62
Finger-prints, 54
——, detection by, 66, 68
——, heredity in, 62
——, identification by, 59
——, persistence of, 58
——, systems of classifying, 64, 67
Forged documents, 93
Forgery trials, 135
Gorse Hall murder, 41, 166
Gun-flash identification, 44
Hair, identification of, 167
—— of animals, 169
Hale, trial of, 135
Handwriting, 70
——, evidence as to, 85
——, heredity in, 71
——, hypnotic, 82
——, formation of, 73
—— in diseases, 78
—— in insanity, 79
—— in paralysis, 80
——, mistakes as to, 92
—— of Napoleon, 76
—— experts, 87
Herculaneum papyri, 113
Herschel’s finger-print system, 55
Hypnotic writing, 81
Ink in writing, 105
—— ——, age of, 105, 110
—— ——, differences in, 114
Insurance frauds, 8, 10
Lamson, Dr., 201
Laundry mark identification, 35
Lovibond’s tintometer, 108

Matlock will case, 143
Maybrick trial, 18, 206
Microscope in forgery cases, 93
Milton’s Bible, 108
Mirror writing, 80
Mistaken identity, 39, 41
MÜller, 34
Nairn, Katharine, 183
Napoleon’s signatures, 76
Ogilvie, trial of, 183
Overbury, murder of, 176
Palmer, trial of, 18, 191
Perreaus, trial of the, 136
Personal identification, 37
Photographic identification, 48
—— detection of forgery, 95
Physiological tests, 195
Pilcher’s trial, 111, 149
Poisons, definition of, 185
——, miraculous effects of, 171
Poisoning trials, 171
Police dogs, 32
Portraits, identification by, 27, 28
Preservatives in food, 224
Purkenje’s finger prints, 54
Rudd, trial of Mrs., 138
Russell, Lord William, 4
Scientific assistance for prisoners, 13
—— deduction, 6
—— proof, 12
Smethurst, trial of, 19
Somerset, Countess of, 179
Spencer Cowper, trial of, 15, 85
Standards for food, 234
Suffolk witches, 172
Swan and Jefferies, trial of, 4
Sympathetic inks, 130
Systems of identification, 48
Tawell, capture of, 24
—— trial of, 187
Telectrograph, 26
Telegraph, capture by aid of, 24, 25
Tichborne case, 46
Turner, Anne, 172, 177
Typewritten matter, 97
Weston, trial of, 172, 176
Whalley will case, 145
Witnesses as advocates, 19
Wireless telegraphy, 25, 27
Witchcraft and poisoning, 172
Wood, trial of, 121
Writers’ cramp, 78
Yarmouth murder, 34


Press of Isaac Pitman & Sons, Bath, England.


[1] War, Police, and Watch Dogs, by Major E. Richardson (Blackwood and Sons).

[2] Daily Mirror report.


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