The hounds they speed with hanging tongues; The deer they speed with bursting lungs; Foxes hurry, Field mice scurry. Eagles fly Swift, through the sky, And man, his face all wrinkled with worry, Goes speeding by tho’ he couldn’t tell why! But a little wild hare He pauses to stare At the daisies and baby and me Just sitting,—not trying to go anywhere, Just sitting and playing with never a care In the shade of a great elm tree. And the daisies they laugh As they hear the world pass, What is speed to the growing flowers? And my baby laughs As he sits in the grass, We all laugh through the sunshiny hours,— Through the long, dear sunshiny hours! For flowers and babies And I still know ’Tis fun to be happy, ’Tis fun to go slow, ’Tis fun to take time to live and to grow.
FIVE LITTLE BABIES This story was originally written because the children thought a negro was dirty. The songs are authentic. They have been enjoyed by children as young as four years old.