
We have sought to gather into this little volume, a few of the incidents that are prominent in the History of Company K, as they have presented themselves to us, after the facts related have passed almost beyond recall. We have been obliged, for the sake of brevity, to omit much that might have been recorded, and to give only that, which we think should be preserved in some way.

Our Children, and Children's children, as they scan these pages in the days to come, may proudly boast of ancestors, who were among "The Boys who fought at Gettysburg their own home."

We are aware that inaccuracies and imperfections will be found in the book, for while the collecting of material has been in progress for quite a while, the editing and compiling, has come upon us in the midst of other cares and duties, in our chosen walk of life.

We trust our labor will not be in vain, but that our little volume will be appreciated and preserved, by those still in life, who remember the scene and experience so imperfectly set forth, as well as by their pasterity, through all time to come.

We have already commenced the revision of this volume, and propose soon to publish a larger and revised edition; and, therefore, I ask all comrades who may find errors in the present edition, to acquaint me at once of the fact, that such errors may be corrected.

H. N. M.


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