- Ability of the feeble-minded, 74, 92, 197
- Arrest of development, see maturity
- Average curves, 280 ff
- Binet Scale, 7, 172
- Borderline of deficiency, 5, 13, 304 ff
- For the mature, 82-95, 240, 315
- For the immature, 104-110
- Causes of delinquency, 203 ff, 210 ff
- City jails, 148
- Coefficient of intelligence, 305, 313
- Conative cases, 15, 18, 24-30, 34-40, 239, 248
- Convicts deficient, 142
- Correlation: of degree of deficiency with delinquency, 217
- Of deficiency and criminality, 220
- Significance of coefficients of, 219
- Of deficiency and juvenile delinquency, 220
- County institutions, 134, 148
- Crimes by the feeble-minded, 212, 214
- Criminal diathesis, 234
- Death rates, 30
- Deficiency, nature of, 21, 211 ff, 239
- Deficient delinquents, 158, 190, 199, 211 ff, 239, 246
- Delinquency, see frequency of, causes of, correlation, etc.
- Delinquents: first offenders, 165, 167
- Delinquents, tested: female, 128-141
- Development curves, 252 ff., 279 ff
- Diagnosis, Units of measurement, 254, 275, 317
- Vagrancy, 158
- Variability, 41-46, 280 ff.
- Year units, 260-266