
1. Baldwin, Bird T. The Learning of Delinquent Adolescent Girls as shown by a Substitution Test. J. of Educ. Psychol., 1913, 4, 317-332.

2. Blumel, C. S. Binet Tests on the Two Hundred Juvenile Delinquents. Training School Bull., 1915, 12, 187-193.

3. Bridgman, Olga Louise. An Experimental Study of Abnormal Children with Special Reference to the Problems of Delinquency and Dependency. Announcement of Examination for Ph.D., Stanford University, Calif.

4. Bridgman, Olga Louise. Delinquency and Mental Deficiency. Survey, 1914, 32, 302.

5. Bridgman, Olga Louise. Mental Deficiency and Delinquency. J. of Amer. Med. Assoc., 1913, 62, 471-472.

6. Bronner, Augusta F. A Comparative Study of the Intelligence of Delinquent Girls. Columbia Contrib. to Educ. 1914, No. 68, pp. v + 95.

7. Bronner, Augusta F. A Research on the Proportion of Mental Defectives Among Delinquents. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., Nov. 1914.

8. Chicago Municipal Court. The Psychopathic Laboratory Eighth and Ninth Annual Reports for the years Dec. 1, 1913, to Dec. 5, 1915, inclusive, pp. 34-48.

9. Crafts, L. W. Bibliography of Feeble-Mindedness in its Social Aspects. Monog. Sup., J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1916, 1, No. 3, pp. 72. A Bibliography on the Relations of Crime and Feeble-Mindedness. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1916, 7, 544-555.

10. Cramer, A. Bericht an das Landesdirektorium ueber die psychiatrisch-neurologische Untersuchung der F. Z. in dem Stephansstift bei Hannover, u. s. w., Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907, 18.

11. Davis, Katherine Bement. Feeble-minded Women in Reformatory Institutions. Survey, 1912, 27, 1849-1851.

12. Doll, E. A. Supplementary Analysis of H. B. Hickman's Study of Delinquents. The Training School, 1915, 11, 165-168.

13. Dosai-RÉvÉsz, Frau. Experimenteller Beitrag zu Psychologie der moralisch verkommenen Kinder. Zsch. f. angew. Psychol., 1911, 5, 272-330.

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18. Goddard, Henry H. The Criminal Imbecile. Macmillan, New York, 1915, p. 157.

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30. Hill, Helen F. and Goddard, H. H. Delinquent Girls Tested by the Binet Scale. The Training School, 1911, 8, 50-56.

31. Jennings, H. M. and Hallock, A. L. Binet-Simon Tests at the George Junior Republic. J. of Educ. Psychol., 1913, 4, 471-475.

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33. Kohs, Samuel C. The Practicability of the Binet Scale and the Question of the Borderline Case. Bull. No. 23, 1915, Research Dep't., Chicago House of Correction, pp. 23.

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35. McCord, Clinton P. One Hundred Female Offenders. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1915, 6, 385-407.

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38. Moore, Frank. Mentally Defective Delinquents. Proc. of Nat. Conf. of Char. and Cor., 1911, 65-68.

39. Morrow, Louise, and Bridgman, Olga. Delinquent Girls Tested by the Binet-Scale. The Training School, 1912, 9, May.

40. New Hampshire. Children's Commission Report to the Governor and Legislature of New Hampshire. Concord, 1914, pp. 136.

41. Ordahl, George. A Study of 341 Delinquent Boys. J. of Delinquency, 1916, 1, 72-86.

42. Orton, G. L. and Moore, Frank. The Procreative Regulation of Defectives and Delinquents. J. of Amer. Med. Assoc., 1912, 58, No. 26.

43. Otis, Margaret. The Binet Tests Applied to Delinquent Girls. Psychol. Clinic, 1913, 7, 127-134.

44. Pintner, Rudolf, and Paterson, Donald G. A Psychological Basis for the Diagnosis of Feeble-mindedness. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1916, 7, 32-55.

45. Porteus, S. D. Mental Tests with Delinquents and Australian Aboriginal Children. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 32-42.

46. Pyle, W. H. A Study of Delinquent Girls. Psychol. Clinic, 1914, 8, 143-148.

47. Renz, Emile. A Study of the Intelligence of Delinquents and the Eugenic Significance of Mental Defect. The Training School Bull., 1914, 11, 37-39.

48. Rossy, C. S. Report on the First Three Hundred Cases Examined at the Massachusetts State Prison. Bull. No. 17 of the Mass. State Brd. of Insanity, 1915.

49. Rowland, Eleanor. Report of Experiments at the State Reformatory for Women at Bedford, N. Y. Psychol. Rev. 1913, 20, 244-249.

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51. Smedley, Fred. W. Child Study Reports No. 2 and No. 3, 1901, 1902. Chicago Public Schools.

52. Smith, M. H. The Binet-Simon Method and the Intelligence of Adult Prisoners. Lancet, 1915, 17, 120.

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55. Storer, Mary. The Defective Delinquent Girl. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1914, 19, 23-30.

56. Sullivan, W. C. La mesure de developpement intellectual chez les jeunes delinquantes. L'annÉe psychol., 1912, 18, 341-361.

57. Terman, Lewis M. The Measurement of Intelligence. An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1916, pp. xviii + 362.

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62. Williams, J. Harold. Intelligence and Delinquency. A Study of Two Hundred and Fifteen Cases. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1916, 6, 696-705.


63. Abelson, A. R. The Measurement of Mental Ability of Backward Children. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1911, 4, 268-314.

64. American Association for the Study of the Feeble-Minded. Report of Committee on Classification of Feeble-Minded. Chippewa Falls, 1909. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1910, 15, 61.

65. Anderson, V. V. The Laboratory in the Study and Treatment of Crime. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1915, 5, 840-850.

66. Anonymous. Recommendations on the Binet. Ungraded, 1915, 1, 7.

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70. Australian Minister of Public Instruction. Report for 1911-12. Albert J. Mullett, Melbourne, 1913.

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72. Bachman, Frank P. Supplementary Report on Overage and the Method of Determining Overage. New York.

73. Baldwin, Bird T. Individual Differences in the Correlation of Physical Growth of Elementary and High School Pupils. J. of Educ. Psychol., 2, 315-341.

74. Baldwin, Bird T. Physical Growth and School Progress. Bull. U. S. Bur. of Educ., 1914, No. 10.

75. Baldwin, Bird T. The Normal Child. Its Physical Growth and Mental Development. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1914, 75, 550-567.

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80. Boas, Franz. Growth, Monroe Cyclop. of Educ.

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82. Breckenridge, Sophonisba P., and Abbott, Edith. The Delinquent Child and the Home. Charities Publication Committee, New York, 1912, pp. 355.

83. British Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded. Report of the Commission. Wyman and Sons, Ltd. London, 1908, 8 vols.

84. Burt, Cyril. Experimental Tests of General Intelligence. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1910, 3, 94-177.

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86. Cajori, Florian. A New Marking System and Means of Measuring Mathematical Abilities. Science, 1915, 39, 874-881.

87. Carpenter, D. F. Mental Age Tests. J. of Educ. Psychol., 1913, 4, 538-544.

88. Children's Bureau of the U. S. Department of Labor. Mental Defectives in the District of Columbia. Children's Bull., 1915, No. 13, pp. 39.

89. Chotzen, F. Die Bedeutung der IntelligenzprÜfungsmethode von Binet und Simon fÜr die Hilfsschule. Hilfsschule, 1915, 5, 153-162.

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93. Cornell, Walter S. Health and Medical Inspection of School Children. F. A. Davis Co., Phila., 1912, pp. xiv + 614.

94. Coulter, Ernest K. Mentally Defective Delinquents and the Law. Proc. Nat. Conf. Char. and Cor., 1911.

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108. Gilbert, J. Allen. Researches on the Mental and Physical Development of School-Children. Stud. from the Yale Psychol. Lab., 1894, 2, 40-100.

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110. Goddard, Henry H. Binet's Measuring Scale for Intelligence. The Training School, 1910, 6, No. 11.

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112. Goddard, Henry H. Feeble-mindedness: Its Causes and Consequences. Macmillan, N. Y., 1914, pp. xii + 599.

113. Goddard, Henry H. Four Hundred Feeble-Minded Children Classified by the Binet Method. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1910, 15, 28.

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115. Goddard, Henry H. The Binet-Simon Measuring Scale for Intelligence. Revised Edition, 1911. Department of Psychological Research, The Training School, Vineland, N. J.

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118. Goddard, Henry H. The Prevention of Feeble-Mindedness. Transactions of the 15th Internat. Cong. of Hygiene and Demography.

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128. Hinckley, Alice C. The Binet Tests Applied to Individuals Over Twelve Years of Age. J. of Educ. Psychol., 1915, 6, 43-58.

129. Huey, Edmund Burke. Backward and Feeble-Minded Children. Educ. Psychol. Monog. Warwick and York, 1912.

130. Kelley, Truman Lee. Educational Guidance. Columbia Contributions to Educ., 1914, No. 71, pp. xi + 116.

131. Key, Wilhelmine E. Feeble-Minded Citizens in Pennsylvania. Public Charities Assoc. of Penn., 1915, Pub. No. 16, pp. 63.

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134. Knox, Howard A. Alien Mental Defectives, A Collection of Papers. C. H. Stoelting Co., Chicago.

135. Kuhlmann, F. A Revision of the Binet-Simon System of Measuring the Intelligence of Children. Monog. Sup. to J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1, No. 1, pp. 41.

136. Kuhlmann, F. Binet and Simon's System for Measuring the Intelligence of Children. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1911, 15, Nos. 3 and 4.

137. Kuhlmann, F. Degree of Mental Deficiency in Children as Expressed by the Relation of Age to Mental Age. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1913, 17, 132-144.

138. Kuhlmann, F. Some Results of Examining a Thousand Public School Children with a Revision of the Binet-Simon Tests of Intelligence by Untrained Examiners. Jour. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1914, 18, 150-179, 233-269.

139. Kuhlmann, F. The Binet and Simon Tests of Intelligence in Grading Feeble-Minded Children. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1912, 16, 173-193.

140. Kuhlmann, F. What Constitutes Feeble-Mindedness? J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1915, 19, 214-236.

141. LaPage, C. Paget. Feeble-mindedness in Children of School Age. Manchester Univ. Press, 1911, pp. viii + 359.

142. Lindsay, S. M. Juvenile Delinquency. Monroe's Cyclopedia of Education.

143. London County Council. Annual Report, 1909-10.

144. London County Council. Annual Report, 1912, Chap. XLI. Special Schools, Industrial and Reformatory Schools and Places of Detention. Also Board of Education, Statistics of Public Educ. in Eng. and Wales, Part 1, Educ. Statistics, 1912-13.

145. McKinnie, Adele E. The Feeble-Minded in One Michigan County. J. of Psycho-Asthenics, 1914, 18, 142-146.

146. MacMillan, D. P. The Physical and Mental Examination of Public School Pupils in Chicago. Charities, Dec. 22, 1906.

147. Manheim. Bericht ueber den stand der dem Volksschulrektorat unterstellten Stadtischen Schulern in Manheim in den Schuljahren 1909-10, 1910-11, 1911-12.

148. Merrill, Lilburn. The Clinical Classification of Delinquent Children According to Causative Pathology. Seattle, Wash., 1913.

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150. Meumann, Ernst. Vorlesungen zur Einjuehrung in die experimentelle Paedagogik and ihre psychologishen Grundlagen., 1913, 2 vol.

151. Miner, James Burt. A Percentage Definition of Intellectual Deficiency. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 89-90.

152. Miner, James Burt. The Discovery of Capacity in Backward Children. Proceedings of the Twentieth Minnesota State Conference of Charities and Correction, 1911, 150 ff.

153. Miner, James Burt. The Scientific Study of Juvenile Delinquents in Minneapolis. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1913, 3, 781-782.

154. Minnesota State School for Feeble-Minded. Biennial Report for 1912.

155. Monroe, Will S. Feeble-Minded Children in Public Schools. Proceedings of the Assoc. of Med'l. Officers of Amer. Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons, at Fort Wayne, Ind., May, 1894, pp. 11.

156. Moore, Anne. The Feeble-Minded in New York. A Report Prepared for the Public Education Association of New York, United Charities Building, N. Y. City, 1911, pp. iii + 57.

157. New Orleans. Public School Alliance. Report of the Committee on Exceptional Children in the Public Schools of New Orleans, March, 1913.

158. New York State Board of Charities. Eleven Mental Tests Standardized. Eugenics and Social Welfare, 1915. Bull. No. 5, Albany, pp. 87.

159. Norsworthy, Naomi. Psychology of Mentally Deficient Children. Archives of Psychol., 1906, No. 1.

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163. Otis, Arthur S. Some Logical Aspects of the Binet Scale. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 129-152, 165-179.

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165. Pearson, Karl. On Certain Errors with Regard to Multiple Correlation Occasionally made by those who have not Adequately Studied this Subject. Biometrika, 1914, 10, 181-187.

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167. Pearson, Karl, and Jaederholm, Gustav A. Mendelism and the Problem of Mental Defect. II. On the Continuity of Mental Defect. Questions of the Day and Fray, 1914, No. VIII.

168. Philadelphia Department of Public Health and Charities. The Number of the Feeble-Minded, 1910.

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170. Reed, Mrs. Frederick W. Research Work in the Minneapolis Juvenile Court. Amer. Rev. of Rev., Aug., 1913, 48, 214-217.

171. Rhoades, Mabel Carter. A Case Study of Delinquent Boys in the Juvenile Court of Chicago. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1907, pp. 25.

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179. Schmidt, Clara. The Binet-Simon Tests of Mental Ability, Discussion and Criticism. Ped. Sem., 1912, 19, 186-200.

180. Schwegler, Raymond A. A Teacher's Manual for the use of the Binet-Simon Scale of Intelligence. Kansas State Printing Office, Topeka, 1914, pp. 56.

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182. Simon, Th. Measurement of Intelligence. Eugenics. Rev., 1915, 6, 291-307.

183. Spaulding, Edith R. The Results of Mental and Physical Examinations of Four Hundred Women Offenders, with Particular Reference to their Treatment during Commitment. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1915, 5, 704-717.

184. Spearman, C. The Heredity of Abilities. Eugenics Review, 1914, 6, 219-237.

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206. United States Bureau of Census, Dept. of Commerce. U. S. Special Report of Census Office on Mortality. Government Printing Office, 1916.

207. United States Bureau of Census, Department of Commerce. United States Life Tables, 1910. Prepared under the Supervision of James W. Glover, Government Printing Office, 1916.

208. United States Commissioner of Education. Annual Report, 1914.

209. Van Sickle, James H.; Witmer, Lightner; Ayres, Leonard P. Provisions for Exceptional Children in Public Schools. Bull. of U. S. Bur. of Educ., 1911, No. 14, pp. 92.

210. Wallin, J. E. Wallace. Eight Months of Psycho-Clinical Research at the New Jersey State Village for Epileptics, with Some Results for the Binet-Simon Testing. Trans. of the Nat. Assoc. for the Study of Epilepsy, 1911, 29-43.

211. Wallin, J. E. Wallace. Mental Health of the School Child. Yale Univ. Press, 1914, pp. 463 + ix.

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215. Wallin, J. E. Wallace. Who is Feeble-Minded? A Reply to Mr. Kohs. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 1916, 7, 56-78.

216. Wallin, J. E. Wallace, and Kohs, Samuel C. Who is Feeble-Minded? A Rejoinder and a Rebuttal. J. of Crim. Law and Criminol., 7, 219-226.

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220. Whipple, Guy Montrose. Manual of Mental and Physical Tests. Warwick and York, Baltimore, 1915, 2 vols.

221. Witmer, Lightner. Children With Mental Defect Distinguished from Mentally Defective Children. The Psychol. Clinic., 1913, 7, 175-182.

222. Woolley, Helen Thompson. A New Scale of Mental and Physical Measurements for Adolescents and Some of its Uses. J. of Educ. Psychol., 1915, 6, 521-550.

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225. Yerkes, Robert M.; Bridges, James W.; and Hardwick, Rose S. A Point Scale for Measuring Mental Ability. Warwick and York, Baltimore, 1915, pp. viii + 218.

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228. Yule, J. Udny. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. Charles Griffen and Co., London, 1911, pp. xiii + 376.

34.Additional references on tested delinquents will be found as footnotes in Chapter VI.


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