1. Cracks and fissures—Materials discharged from fissures—Explanation of fissure phenomena. 2. Disturbances in lakes, rivers, springs, wells, fumaroles, &c.—Explanation of these latter phenomena. 3. Permanent displacement of ground—On coast lines—Level tracts—Among mountains—Explanation of these movements. Cracks and fissures formed in the ground.—Almost all large earthquakes have produced cracks in the ground. The cracks which were found in the ground at Yokohama (February 22, 1880) were about two or three inches wide, and from twenty to forty yards in length. They could be best seen as lines along a road running near the upper edge of some cliffs which overlook the sea at that place. The reason that cracks should have occurred in such a position rather than in others was probably owing to the greater motion at such a place, due to the face of the cliff being unsupported, and there being no resistance opposed to its forward motion. It often happens that earthquake cracks are many feet in width. At the Calabrian earthquake of 1783, one or two of the crevasses which were formed were more than 100 feet in width and 200 feet in depth. Their lengths varied from half a mile to a mile.[38] Besides these large cracks, many smaller ones of one or two feet in breadth and of great length were formed. In During an earthquake large cracks may suddenly open and shut. During the convulsions of 1692 which destroyed Port Royal, it is said that many of the fissures which were formed, opened and shut. In some of these, people were entirely swallowed up and buried. In others they were trapped by the middle, and even by the neck, where if not killed instantaneously they perished slowly. Subsequently their projecting parts formed food for dogs.[39] The earthquake which, July 18, 1880, shook the Philippines caused many fissures to be found, which in some places were so numerous that the ground was broken up into steps. Near to the village of San Antonio the soil was so disturbed that the surface of a field of sugar-canes was so altered that in some cases the top of one row of full grown plants was on a level with the roots of the next. Into one such fissure a boat disappeared, and into another, a child. Subsequently the child was excavated, and its body, which was found a short distance below the surface, was completely crushed.[40] At the time of the Riobamba earthquake, not only were men engulfed, but animals, like mules, also sank into the fissures which were formed. The fissures which were formed at the time of the Owen’s Valley earthquake in 1872 extended for miles nearly parallel to the neighbouring Sierras. In some places the ground between the fissures sank twenty or thirty feet, and at one place about three miles east of Independence, a portion of the road was carried eighteen feet to the south by a fissure.[41] Speaking generally, it may be said that all large earthquakes are accompanied by the formation of fissures. The Japanese have a saying that at the time of a large earthquake persons must run to a bamboo grove. The object of this is to escape the danger of being engulfed in fissures, the ground beneath a bamboo grove being so netted together with fine roots that it is almost impossible for it to be rent open. Materials discharged from fissures.—Together with the opening of cracks in the earth it often has happened that water, mud, vapours, gases, and other materials, have been ejected. At the time of the Mississippi earthquake water, mixed with sand and mud, was thrown out with such violence that it spurted above the tops of the highest trees. In Italy such phenomena have often been repeated. From the fissures which were formed in 1692 at the time of the earthquakes in Sicily, water issued which in some instances was salt.[42] By the Cachar earthquake (January 10, 1869) numerous fissures were formed parallel to the banks of a river, from this water and mud were ejected. Dr. Oldham, who describes this earthquake, says that the In 1755, when Tauris was destroyed, boiling water issued from the cracks which were formed. Similar phenomena were witnessed at a place eight miles from La Banca in Mexico, in the year 1820. Part of this hot water was pure and part was muddy. Sometimes the water which has been ejected has been so muddy that the mud has been collected to form small hills. This was the case at the time of the Riobamba earthquake. The mud in this case consisted partly of coal, fragments of augite, and shells of infusoria. At the time of the Jamaica earthquake men who had fallen into crevices were in some cases thrown out again by issuing water. Sometimes, as has already been mentioned, vapour, gases, and even flames issue from fissures. Vapour of sulphur appears to be exceedingly common. Kluge says that many fish were killed in consequence of the sulphurous vapours which rose in the sea near to the coast of New Zealand in 1855. On December 14, 1797, an insupportable smell of sulphur was observed to have accompanied the earthquake which at that time shook Cumana, which was greatest when the disturbance was greatest. Sulphurous fumes which were combustible were belched out of the earth at the time of the Jamaica earthquake in 1692. The smell which accompanied this From the fissures formed at Concepcion in 1835, water, which was black and foetid, issued.[45] The earthquakes of New England in 1727 were accompanied by the formation of fissures, from which sand and water boiled out in sufficient quantity to form a quagmire. In some places ash and sulphur are said to have been ejected. At one house the stink of sulphur accompanying the earthquake was so great that the family could not bear to remain in doors.[46] Emanations of gas sometimes appear to have burst out from submarine sources. Thus the earthquake at Lima, in March, 1865, was accompanied with great agitation of the water and an odour of sulphuretted and carburetted hydrogen. This former gas was developed to such an extent that the white paint of the U.S. ship ‘Lancaster’ was blackened.[47] With the smell, flames have sometimes been observed, as, for instance, at the time of the Lisbon earthquake. At the time of the earthquakes of 1811 and 1813, in the Mississippi valley, steam and smoke issued from some of the fissures which were formed. Instances are recorded where stones have been shot up from fissures unaccompanied by water, as, for instance, at the earthquake of Pasto (January, 1834). It is imagined that the propelling power must have been the sudden expansion of escaping gases. It has been suggested that flames seen above fissures In addition to flames lights appear often to have been observed, the origin of which cannot be easily explained. The earthquake of November 22, 1751, at Genoa is said to have been accompanied by a light like that of a prodigious fire which seemed to arise out of the ground.[49] Explanation of fissure phenomena.—The manner in which fissures are formed has already been explained when referring to the want of support in the face of hills (page 136). Similar remarks may be applied to the banks of rivers and all depressions, whether natural or artificial, which have a steep slope. At such places the wave of shock emerges on a free surface, which, being unsupported in the direction of its motion, tends to tear itself away from the material behind, and form a fissure parallel to the face of the free surface. The distance of the fissure from the face of the free surface will, theoretically, be equal to half the amplitude of the wave of motion, one half tending to move forwards, and the other half backwards. The reason that water and other materials rush forth from fissures has been explained by SchÜler as being due to cracks having been opened through impervious Kluge explains the coming up of the waters as being due to the same causes which he considers may be the origin of disturbances in the sea. The most reasonable explanations of the eruption of water, mud, sand, and gas through fissures are those given by Oldham and Mallet in their account of the Cachar earthquake. In the case of a horizontal shock passing through a bed of ooze or water-bearing strata, the elastic wave will tend to pack up the water during the forward motion to such an extent that it will flow or spout up through any aperture communicating with the surface. By the repetition of these movements causing ejections, sand or mud cones, like those produced by a volcanic eruption, may be formed, and by a similar action water may be shot violently up out of wells, as was the case in Jamaica in 1692. If an emergent wave acts through a water-bearing bed upon a superincumbent layer of impervious material, this upper layer is, during the upward motion, by its inertia suddenly pressed down upon the latter. This pressure is equal to that which would raise the upper layer to a height equal to the amplitude of the motion of an earth particle, and with a velocity at least equal to the mean velocity of the earth particle resolved in the vertical direction. For a moment the water-bearing strata receive an enormous squeeze, and the water or mud starts up through any crevice which may be formed leading to the surface. From this we see that liquids may rise far beyond the level due to hydrostatic pressure.[51] Volger has attributed the origin of lights or flames appearing above fissures to the friction which must take place between various rocky materials at the time when the fissures are opened. As confirmatory of this he refers to instances where similar phenomena have been observed at the time of landslips. At the time of these landslips the heat developed by friction has been sufficiently intense to convert water into steam, the tension of which threw mud and earth into the air like the explosion of a mine.[52] The gas eruptions which occasionally take place with earthquakes are probably due to the opening of fissures communicating with reservoirs or strata charged with products of natural distillation, or chemical action, which previously had accumulated beneath impervious strata. Of the existence of such gases we have abundant evidence. In coal mines we have fire damp which escapes in increased quantities with a lowering of the barometrical pressure. In volcanic regions we have many examples of natural springs of carbon dioxide. These various gases sometimes escape in quantity, or erupt without the occurrence of earthquakes. Rossi mentions an instance where a few years ago quantities of fish were killed by the eruption of gas in the Tiber, near Rome. Another instance is one which occurred at Follonica on April 6, 1874. On the morning of that day many of the streets and roads were covered with the dead bodies of rats and mice. It seemed as if it had rained rats. From the facts that the bodies of the creatures seemed healthy, Disturbances in lakes.—It has often been observed that, at the time of large earthquakes, lakes have been thrown into violent agitation, and their waters have been raised or lowered. At the time of the great Lisbon earthquake, not only were the waters of European lakes thrown into a state of oscillation, but similar effects were produced in the great lakes of North America. In some instances, as in the case of small ponds, these movements may be produced by the horizontal backward and forward motion of the ground. At other times they are probably due to an actual tipping of a portion of their basins. Movements like these latter will be again referred to in the chapter on Earth Pulsations. On January 27, 1856, there was a shock of earthquake at Bailyborough, Ireland, which occasioned an adjacent lough to overflow its banks and rush into the town with great impetuosity. In returning it swept away two men, leaving behind a great quantity of pike and eels of a prodigious growth.[54] Disturbances in rivers.—Just as lakes have been disturbed, so also have there been sudden disturbances in rivers. Sometimes these have overflowed their banks, whilst at other times they have been suddenly dried up. In certain cases the reason that a portion of a river should After the earthquake of Belluno (June 29, 1873), the torrent Tesa, which is ordinarily limpid, became very muddy.[55] Similar phenomena have been observed even in Britain, as, for instance, in 1787, when, at the time of a shock which was felt in Glasgow, there was a temporary stoppage in the waters of the Clyde. Again, in 1110, there was a dreadful earthquake at Shrewsbury and Nottingham, and the Trent became so low at Nottingham that people walked over it. The earthquake of 1158, which was felt in many parts of England, was accompanied by the drying up of the Thames, which was so low that it could be crossed on foot even at London.[56] Facts analogous to these are mentioned in the accounts of many large earthquakes. Sometimes rivers only come muddy or change their colour. In an account of the Lisbon earthquake we read that some of the rivers near NeufchÂtel suddenly became muddy.[57] At other times large waves are formed. Thus the earthquake of Kansas (April 24, 1867) apparently created a disturbance in the rivers at Manhattan, which rolled in a heavy wave from the north to the south bank.[58] Sometimes curious phenomena have happened with regard to rivers without the occurrence of earthquakes. Thus, for instance, on November 27, 1838, there was a simultaneous stoppage of the Teviot, Clyde, and Nith. In these rivers similar phenomena have been observed in previous years. Again, on January 1, 1755, there was a sudden sinking of the river Frooyd, near Pontypool. This appears to have been due to the water sinking into chasms which were suddenly opened.[59] Effects produced in springs, wells, fumaroles, &c.—Springs also are often affected by earthquakes. Sometimes the character of their waters change; those which were pure become muddy, whilst those which were hot have their temperature altered. Sometimes springs have been dried up, whilst at other times new springs have been formed. This latter was the case in New England (October 27, 1727). In some places springs were formed, whilst at other places they were either entirely or partly dried up.[60] At and near Lisbon, in 1755, some fountains became The baths at Toplitz, in Bohemia, which were discovered in a.d. 762, were seriously affected by the same earthquake. Previous to the earthquake it is said that they had always given a constant supply of hot water. At this time, however, the chief spring sent up vast quantities of water and ran over. One hour before this it had grown turbid and flowed muddy. After this it stopped for about one minute, but recommenced to flow with prodigious violence, driving before it considerable quantities of reddish ochre. Finally, it settled back to its original clear state and flowed as before.[61] In 1855, at the earthquake of Wallis, many new springs burst forth, and some of these in Nicolai Thale were so rich in iron that they quickly formed a deposit of ochre. At the time of the Belluno earthquake (June 29, 1873), a hot spring, La Vena d’Oro, suddenly became red.[62] The following examples of like changes are taken from the writings of Fuchs.[63] In 1738 the hot springs of St. Euphema rose considerably in their temperature. During the earthquake of October, 1848, the hot springs of Ardebil, which usually had a temperature of from 44° to 46° C., rose so high that their temperature was sufficient to cause scalding. At the time of the earthquake of Wallis, in 1855, the temperature of hot springs rose 7°, and the quantity of water increased three times. During the earthquake of 1835 in Chili, the springs Fumaroles are similarly disturbed. Thus, at the time of the earthquakes of Martinique (September, 1875), the fumaroles there showed an abnormal activity.[64] Wells often appear to be acted upon in the same manner as springs. At the time of the California earthquake (April, 1855), the level of the water in certain wells was raised ten to twelve feet. A consequence of the earthquake at NeufchÂtel, in 1749, was to fill some of the wells with mud.[65] At Constantinople, on September 2, 1754, wells became dry.[66] Explanation of the above phenomena.—That the water in springs and wells should be caused to rise at the time of an earthquake, admits of explanation on the supposition of compressions taking place similar to those which cause the rise of water in fissures. That the water in wells and springs should be rendered turbid, is partly explained on the supposition of more or less dislocation taking place in the earthy or rocky cavities in which they are contained or through which they flow. At the time of a large earthquake it is extremely probable that there is a general disturbance in the lines of circulation of subterranean waters and gases throughout the shaken area. By these disturbances, new waters may be brought to the surface, two or more lines of circulation may be united, and the flow of a spring or supply of a well be augmented. Fissures, through which waters reached the surface, may be closed, wells may become dry, or springs may cease to flow, hot springs may have their The change which is usually observed in hot springs is, that before or with earthquakes they increase in temperature, but afterwards sink back to their normal state. This increase in temperature may possibly be due to communication being opened with new or deeper centres of volcanic activity, or a temporarily increased rate of flow. That the water issuing from newly formed fissures or springs should be hot, might be explained on the supposition of its arising from a considerable depth, or from some volcanic centre. It might also be attributed to the heat developed by friction at the opening of the fissures. These changes which earthquakes produce upon the underground circulation of waters are phenomena deserving especial attention. Although we know much about the circulation of surface water, it is but little that we yet know about the movement of the streams hidden from view, from which these surface waters have their sources. Earthquakes may be regarded as gigantic experiments on the circulatory system of the earth, which, if properly interpreted, may yield information of scientific and utilitarian value. The sudden elevations, depressions, or lateral shifting of large tracts of country at the time of destructive earthquakes Movements on coast lines and level tracts.—At the time of the great earthquake of Concepcion, on February 20, 1835, much of the neighbouring coast line was suddenly elevated four or five feet above sea level. This, however, subsequently sank until it was only two feet. A rocky flat, off the island of Santa Maria, was lifted above high-water mark, and left covered with ‘gaping and putrefying mussel-shells, still attached to the bed on which they had lived.’ The northern end of the island itself was raised ten feet and the southern extremity eight feet.[68] By the earthquake of 1839, the island of Lemus, in the Chonos Archipelago, was suddenly elevated eight feet.[69] Of movements like these, especially along the western shores of South America, Darwin, who paid so much attention to this subject, has given many examples. In 1822, the shore near Valparaiso was suddenly lifted up, and Darwin tells us that he heard it confidently asserted ‘that a sentinel on duty, immediately after the shock, saw a part of a fort which previously was not within the line of his vision, and this would indicate that the uplifting was not vertical.’[70] That the large areas of land should be shifted permanently in horizontal directions, as well as vertically, we should anticipate from the observations which we are able to make upon large fissures which are caused by earthquakes. Another remarkable example of sudden movement in In the ‘Gentleman’s Magazine’ we read of the little territory of Causa Nova, in Calabria, being sunk twenty-nine feet into the earth by an earthquake, without throwing down a house. The inhabitants, being warned by a noise, escaped into the fields, and only five were killed.[72] Other examples of these permanent dislocations of strata are to be found in almost every text-book on geology. Geological changes produced.—Passing over the accounts of earth movements which are more or less fictitious, and confining our attention to the well authenticated facts, we see at once the important part which earthquakes have played as agents working geological changes. Even in the nineteenth century long tracts of coast, as in Chili and New Zealand, have been raised, whilst other areas, like the Delta of the Indus, have been sunk. Sir H. Bartle Frere, speaking about the disturbance which took place in his latter region in 1819, remarks that all the canals drawn from the Fullalee River ceased to run for about three days, probably indicating a general upheaval of the lower part of the canal. In consequence of the earthquakes in former times it is not unlikely that water-courses have ceased to flow, water has decreased in wells, and districts have been depopulated.[73] Sometimes these changes have taken place gradually and sometimes with violence. Mountains have been toppled over, valleys have been filled, cities have been submerged or buried. With the records of these convulsions before us, we see that seismic energy yet exhibits a terrible activity in changing the features of the globe. Reason of these movements.—To formulate a single reason for these catastrophes would be difficult. Where they are of the nature of landslips, or materials have been dislodged from mountain sides, the cause is evidently the sudden movement of this ground acting upon strata not held together in a sufficiently stable condition. A similar explanation may be given for the sudden elevations or depressions of strata in a district removed from the centre where the disturbance had its origin. The seismic effort exhibits itself in a certain area round its origin as a sudden push, and by this push, strata are fractured and caused to move relatively to each other. At or near to the origin of an earthquake it might be argued that it was the sudden falling of rocky strata towards a position of stable equilibrium that caused the shaking, and in such a case the movements referred to may be regarded as the cause rather than the effect of an earthquake. A subject closely connected with the sudden dislocation of strata, is the production of secondary or consequent earthquakes, due to the disturbance of ground in a critical state (see p. 248). |