
List of the Principal Books, Papers, Periodicals, which are referred to in the Preceding Pages.

For a more complete bibliography of earthquakes refer to Mallet’s catalogue of works given in his report to the British Association in 1858.

A True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima, &c. (1746). 1768.

Abbot, Gen. H. L. On the Velocity of Transmission of Earth Waves. Am. Jour. Sci. XV., March 1878.

— Shock of the Explosion at Hallet’s Point, Nov. 14, 1876. Battalion Press.

Alexander, Prof. T. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

American Journal of Science.

Annali del reale osservatorio meteorologico Vesuviano.

Annual Register, The.

Anonymous, A Chronological and Historical Account of the most Memorable Earthquakes in the World, &c. 1750.

— A Vindication of the Bishop of London’s Letter occasioned by the Late Earthquake. 1750.

— Phenomena of the Great Earthquake of Nov. 1, 1755.

— Serious Thoughts occasioned by the Late Earthquake at Lisbon. 1755.

Asiatic Society of Japan, Transactions of.

Ayrton, Prof. W. E. See Perry, J.

BÁrceno, M. Estudio del Terremoto (May 17, 1879) Mexico. 1879.

Beke, Dr. C. T. Mount Sinai a Volcano.

Bissett, Rev. J. A Sermon (on account of the Earthquake at Lisbon, Nov. 1, 1755). 1757.

Bittner, A. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss des Erdbebens von Belluno vom 29. Juni 1873.

— Sitzungsb. der K. Akad. d. Wissensch., lxix. II. Abth., 1874.

Bollettino del Vulcanismo Italiano.

BouÉ, Dr. A. Ueber das Erdbeben welches Mittel-Albanien im October d. J. so schrecklich getroffen hat. Die K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften, Nov. 1851.

— Parallele der Erdbeben, des Nordlichtes und des Erdmagnetismus.

— Ueber die Nothwendigkeit die Erdbeben und vulkanischen Erscheinungen genauer als bis jetzt beobachten zu lassen. Die K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften, 1851 and 1857.

Bouguer, M. Of the Volcanoes and Earthquakes in Peru.

British Association, Reports of.

Brunton, R. H. Constructive Art in Japan. Trans. Asiatic Soc. of Japan, II. and III., Pt. 2.

Bryce, J. Report to British Association, 1841.

Buffour, M. The Natural History of Earthquakes and Volcanoes.

C. H. A Physical Discussion of Earthquakes, &c. 1693.

Canterbury, Thomas, Lord Archbishop of, The Theory and History of Earthquakes.

Casariego, E. A. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Cawley, G. Some Remarks on Construction in Brick and Wood, &c. Trans. Asiatic Soc. of Japan, VI. Plate ii.

Chaplin, Prof. W. S. An Examination of the Earthquakes recorded at the Meteorological Observatory, Tokio. Trans. Asiatic Soc. of Japan, VI. Part ii.

Comptes Rendus.

Credner, H. Das Dippoldiswalder Erdbeben vom Oktober 1877.

— Zeitschr. f. d. Naturwiss. f. Sachsen u. ThÜringen.

— Das VogtlÄndisch-erzgebirgische Erdbeben, 23. Nov. 1875.

— Zeitschr. f. d. gesammt. Naturwissenschaften, xlviii., Oktober.

Dan, T. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Darwin, Charles. Researches on Geology and Natural History.

— Geological observations.

Darwin, G. H. Reports on Lunar Disturbance of Gravity to British Association, 1881. 1882.

Diffenbach, F. Plutonismus und Vulkanismus in der Periode von 1868–1872, und ihre Beziehungen zu den Erdbeben im Rheingebiet.

Doelter, C. von. Ueber die Eruptivgebilde von Fleims, nebst einigen Bemerkungen Über den Bau Älterer Vulcane.

— lxxiv. Band d. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wissensch., I. Abth., Dec. Heft, Jahrg. 1876.

Doolittle, Rev. T. Earthquakes Explained and Practically Improved, &c. 1693.

Doyle, P. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Emerson, Prof., B.A. Review of Von Seebachs’ Earthquake of March 6, 1872. Am. Jour. Sci., Series III.

Ewing, Prof. J. A. Earthquake Measurement. A memoir published by the Tokio University. 1883.

— See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Falb, R. Gedanken und Studien Über den Vulkanismus, &c. 1875.

— GrundzÜge zu einer Theorie der Erdbeben und VulkanausbrÜche.

— Das Erdbeben von Belluno. ‘Sirius,’ Bd. VI., Heft ii.

Flamstead, J. A Letter concerning Earthquakes. 1693.

Forel, F. A. Les Tremblements de Terre (Suisse). Arch. des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, VI. p. 461.

— Tremblement de Terre du 30 DÉcembre 1879.

Fuchs, Karl. Vulkane und Erdbeben.

Die Vulkanischen Erscheinungen der Erde.

Garcia, J. C. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Geinitz, Dr. E. Das Erdbeben von Iquique am 9. Mai 1877, &c. Die K. Leop.-Carol.-Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, Band xl., Nr. 9.

Gentleman’s Magazine, The.

Geographical Society, Proceedings of.

Geological Society, Proceedings of.

Girard, Dr. H. Ueber Erdbeben und Vulkane. 1845.

Gray, T. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

— On Instruments for Measuring and Recording Earthquake Motions. Phil. Mag. Sept. 1881.

— On Recent Earthquake Investigation. The Chrysanthemum, 1881. Guiscardi, Prof. G. Notizie del Vesuvio. 1857.

— Il terremoto di Casamicciola del 4 Marzo. 1881.

Hales, S., D.D., F.R.S. Some Considerations on the Causes of Earthquakes. 1750.

Hamilton, Sir W. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, &c. 1774.

Hattori, I. Destructive Earthquakes in Japan. Trans. Asiatic Soc. of Japan, V. Plate i.

Heim, Prof. A. Les Tremblements de Terre et leur Etude Scientifique. 1880.

— Prof. A. Die Schweizerischen Erdbeben in 1881–1882.

Hoeffer, Prof. H. Die Erdbeben KÄrntens und deren Stosslinien. Die Kais. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, Band xlii.

HÖfer, Prof. H. Das Erdbeben von Belluno, am 29. Juni 1873. Sitzungsb. der K. Akad. d. Wissensch., I. Abth., Band lxxiv.

Hoff, K. E. A. von. Geschichte der durch Ueberlieferung nachgewiesenen natÜrlichen VerÄnderungen der ErdoberflÄche. 1822.

Hooke, R., M.D., F.R.S. Discourses concerning Earthquakes.

Hopkins, William. Report to the British Association on the Geological Theories of Elevation and Earthquakes. 1847.

Horton, Rev. Mr. An Account of the Earthquake which happened at Leghorn in Italy (Jan. 1742). 1750.

Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos.

— Travels.

Jeitteles, L. A. Bericht Über das Erdbeben am 15. Januar 1858.

— Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe d. K. Akad. d. Wissensch., xxxv. S. 511.

Judd, J. W., Prof. Volcanoes, What they Are and What they Teach.

Knipping, E. Verzeichniss von Erdbeben wahrgenommen in Tokio, &c. Mitt. d. Deutsch. Gesellsch. fÜr Natur- und VÖlkerkunde Ostasiens, Heft 14.

— See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Lasaulx, A. von. Das Erdbeben von Herzogenrath am 22. October 1873.

Lemery, M. A Physico-Chemical Explanation of Subterranean Fires, Earthquakes, &c.

Lescasse, M. J. Etude sur les Constructions Japonaises, &c. MÉmoires de la SociÉtÉ des IngÉnieurs Civils.

Lister, M., M.D., F.R.S. Of the Nature of Earthquakes.

Little, Rev. J. Conjectures on the Physical Causes of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. 1820.

Mallet, R. The Neapolitan Earthquake, Vol. II. Reports to the British Association, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1858, 1861.

— Secondary Effects of the Earthquake of Cachar. Proc. Geolog. Soc., 1872.

— Dynamics of Earthquakes. Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 1846.

Milne, David. Reports to British Association, 1841, 1843, 1844.

Milne, John. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

— On Seismic Experiments (with T. Gray, B.Sc., F.R.S.E.) Trans. Royal Soc. 1882.

— On Seismic Experiments (with T. Gray, B.Sc., F.R.S.E.) Proc. Royal Soc. No. 217, 1881.

— Earthquake Observations and Experiments in Japan (with T. Gray, B.Sc., F.R.S.E.) Phil. Mag., Nov. 1881.

— On the Elasticity and Strength Constants of certain Rocks (with T. Gray, B.Sc., F.R.S.E.) Jour. Geolog. Soc., 1882.

— A Visit to the Volcano of Oshima. Geolog. Mag., Dec. 2, Vol. IV., pp. 193–197, 255.

— On the Form of Volcanoes. Geolog. Mag., Dec. 2, Vol. V., and Dec. 2, Vol. VI.

— Note upon the Cooling of the Earth, &c. Geolog. Mag., Dec. 2., Vol. VII., p. 99.

— Investigation of the Earthquake Phenomena of Japan. Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1881 and 1882.

— A Large Crater. Popular Science Review.

— The Volcanoes of Japan (a series of Articles). Japan Gazette.

— Earthquake Literature of Japan (a series of Articles). Japan Gazette.

— The Earthquake of Dec. 23, 1880. The Crysanthemum, 1881.

— Earthquake Motion. The Crysanthemum, 1882.

— Seismology in Japan. Nature, Oct. 1882.

— Earth Movements. The Times, Oct. 12, 1882.

Mitchell, Rev. J. Conjectures Concerning the Cause and Observations upon the Phenomena of Earthquakes. 1760.

Mohr, Dr. F. Geschichte der Erde. 1875.

Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. 1875–1880.

Naumann, Dr. E. Ueber Erdbeben und VulkanausbrÜche in Japan. Mitt. d. Deutsch. Gesellsch. fÜr Natur- und VÖlkerkunde Ostasiens. Heft 15.

Noggerath, Dr. J. Die Erdbeben vom 29. Juli 1846 im Rheingebiet, &c.

— Die Erdbeben im Vispthale (1855).

— Die Erdbeben im Rheingebiet in den Jahren 1868, 1869, 1870.

— JahrgÄnge d. Verbandlungen d. Natur. Vereins fÜr 1870. Rheinland u. Westphalen, xxvii.

Oldham, Dr. Secondary Effects of the Earthquake of Cachas. Proc. Geolog. Soc. 1872.

— Thermal Springs of India. Memoirs of Geolog. Survey of India, XIX. Plate 2.

— A Catalogue of Indian Earthquakes. Memoirs of Geolog. Survey of India, XIX. Plate 3.

— The Cachas Earthquake. Memoirs of Geolog. Survey of India, XIX. Plate 1.

Palmer, Col. H. S. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Palmieri, Prof. L., e Scacchi, A. Della Regione Volcanica del Monte Vulture, e del Tremuoto ivi avvenuto nel dÌ 14 Agosto 1851, 1852.

— Annali del reale Osservatorio Meteorologico Vesuviano.

— Il Vesuvio, il Terremoto d’ Isernia e l’eruzione sottomarina di Santorino. R. Accad. d. Sci. Fis. e Mat. di Napoli, iv. 1866.

— Sul recente Terremoto di Corleone. R. Accad. d. Sci. Fis. e Mat., v. 1876.

— Il Terremoto di Scio del dÌ 4 Aprile. R. Accad. d. Sci. Fis. e Mat. di Napoli, v. 1881.

— Sul Terremoto di Casamicciola del 4 Marzo 1881. R. Accad. d. Sci. Fis. e. Mat. di Napoli. 1881.

Paul, Prof. H. M. See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Perrey, Prof. A. Earthquake Catalogue and Memoirs. (For list see Mallet’s Report to British Association. 1858.)

— See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Perry, J., and W. E. Ayrton. On a Neglected Principle that may be Employed in Earthquake Measurement.

— See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Philosophical Magazine.

Pickering, Rev. R. An Address to those who have either retired or intend to leave Town under the Imaginary Apprehension of the Approaching Shock of another Earthquake. 1750.

Ray, J., F.R.S. A Summary of the Causes of the Alterations which have happened to the Face of the Earth.

Rockstroh, E. Informe de la Comision CientÍfica del Instituto Nacional de Guatemala, nombrada por el Sr. Ministro de Instruccion PÚblica para el Estudio de los FenÓmenos VolcÁnicos en el Lago de Ilopango. 1880.

Rockwood, Prof. C. G. Notes on Earthquakes. Annually in the Am. Jour. Sci.

— Japanese Seismology. Am. Jour. Sci., XXII. Dec. 1881.

Romaine, W. A Discourse occasioned by the Late Earthquake. 1755.

Rossi, Prof. M. S. di. Intorno all’ odierna fase dei Terremoti in Italia, e segnatamente sul Terremoto in Casamicciola del 4 Marzo 1881. SocietÀ Geografica Italiana. 1881.

— La Meteorologia Endogena, 2 vols.

Royal Society, Transactions of.

Scacchi, A. See Palmieri.

Schmidt, Dr. J. F. Untersuchungen Über das Erdbeben am 15. Januar 1858.

— Studien Über Erdbeben. 1879.

— Die Eruption des Vesuv (1855). 1856.

Scrope, G. P. Volcanoes.

Seebach. Das mittle Deutsche Erdbeben (1872). Mitt. der K.K. geograph. Gesellsch., II. Jahrg., 2. Heft, 1873.

Serpieri, Prof. A. C. S. Nuove Osservazioni sul Terremoto avvenuto in Italia il 12 Marzo 1873. Istituto Lombardo. 1873.

— Il Terremoto di Rimini della notte 17–18 Marzo 1875.

— Documenti nuove e Riflessioni sul Terremoto della notte 17–18 Marzo 1875. Meteorologia Italiana, iv. 1875.

— Determinazione delle fasi e delle leggi del grande Terremoto avvenuto in Italia nella notte 17–18 Marzo 1875. Istituto Lombardo. 1875.

— Dell’ influenza del Lume Solare sui Terremoti. Istituto Lombardo. 1882.

Sherlock, T., D.D. (Lord Bishop of London). A Letter on the occasion of the late Earthquakes. 1750.

Shower, Rev. J., D.D. Practical Reflections on the Earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, &c. 1750.

StÜbel, A. (see Reiss, W.)

Stukeley, Rev. W., M.D., F.R.S. The Philosophy of Earthquakes, Natural and Religious, &c. Plates 1, 2, and 3. 1756.

Sturmius, J. C. A Methodical Account of Earthquakes.

Suess, E. Die Erdbeben NiederÖsterreiches. Die Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. xxxiii.

— Die Erdbeben des sÜdlichen Italiens. Die Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. xxxiv.

Volger, Dr. G. H. Untersuchungen Über das PhÄnomen der Erdbeben. 1857.

Wagener, Dr. G. Bemerkungen Über Erdbebenmesser und VorschlÄge zu einem neuen Instrumente dieser Art. Mitt. d. Deutsch. Gesellsch. fÜr Natur- und VÖlkerkunde Ostasiens, Heft 15.

— See Trans. Seis. Soc. of Japan.

Winchilsea, The Earl of. A True and Exact Relation of the late Prodigious Earthquake and Eruption of Mount Etna. 1669.

Woodward, J., M.D., F.R.S. Earthquake caused by some Accidental Obstruction of a Continual Subterranean Heat.

Seismological Society Of Japan.

The following are a list of the papers published by this Society:—


Milne, J. Seismic Science in Japan. 35 pages.

Ewing, J. A. New Form of Pendulum Seismograph. 6 pages, 3 plates.

Gray, T. Seismometer and Torsion Pendulum Seismograph. 8 pages, 2 plates.

Mendenhall, T. C. Acceleration of Gravity at Tokio (abstract). 2 pages.

Wagener, G., and E. Knipping. New Seismometer and Observations with same. 18 pages, 1 plate.

Milne, J. Earthquake in Japan of Feb. 22, 1880. 116 pages, 5 plates, 8 woodcuts.


Milne, J. Recent Earthquakes of Yeddo, Effects on Buildings, &c. 38 pages, 2 plates, and many tables.

Mendenhall, T. C. Gravity on Summit of Fujiyama (abstract). 2 pages.

Paul, H. M. Earth Vibrations from Railroad Trains (abstract). 4 pages.

Ewing, J. A. Astatic Horizontal Lever Seismograph (abstract). 5 pages, 1 plate.

Milne, J. Peruvian Earthquake of May, 9, 1877. 47 pages, 2 plates, tables. Constitution, Rules, Officers and Members of the Society, Dec., 1881.


Gray, T. Steady Points for Earthquake Measurements. 11 pages, 3 plates.

Milne, J. Experiments in Observational Seismology. 53 pages, 1 plate, tables.

— The Great Earthquakes of Japan. 38 pages, 1 plate, many tables.

Perry, J. Theory of a Rocking Column. 4 pages.

Knipping, E. Earthquake of July 25, 1880, with Dr. Wagener’s Seismometer. 4 pages.

Ewing, J. A. Earthquake Observation at three or more Stations, &c. 4 pages.

— Records of three recent Earthquakes. 6 pages, 3 plates.

— Earthquake of March 8, 1881. 8 pages, 1 plate.

Milne, J. Horizontal and Vertical Motion in Earthquake of March 8, 1881. 8 pages, 3 plates.

Gray, T. Seismograph for Registering Vertical Motion. 3 pages, 1 plate.

Ewing, J. A. Seismometer for Vertical Motion. 3 pages, 1 plate.

Gray, T. Seismograph for Large Motions. 2 pages.

— Compensating a Pendulum to make it Astatic. 3 pages.

Palmer, H. S. Note on Earth Vibrations. 3 pages.

Kuwabara, M. The Hot Springs of Atami. 2 pages.


Milne, J. Distribution of Seismic Activity in Japan. 30 pages, 1 plate.

Wada, T. Notes on Fujiyama. 7 pages.

Casariego, E. Abella y. Earthquakes of Nueva Vizcaya in 1881. 23 pages, 2 maps.

Milne, J. Utilisation of Earth’s Internal Heat. 12 pages.

Ewing, J. A. Earthquake of March 11, 1882. 5 pages.

Doyle, P. Note on an Indian Earthquake. 6 pages.

Milne, J. Systematic Observation of Earthquakes. 31 pages, 5 plates.


Naumann, Dr. E. Notes on Secular Changes of Magnetic Declination in Japan, p. 1–18.

Casariego, Don E. Abella y. MonografÍa GeolÓgica del Volcan de Albay Ó El MÁyon. p. 19–43.

Garcia, Don J. Centeno y. Abstract of a Memoir on the Earthquakes on the Island of Luzon in 1880. p. 43–89.

Ewing, Prof. J. A. Seismological Notes.

— A Duplex Pendulum Seismometer.

— The Suspension of a Horizontal Pendulum.

— A Speed Governor for Seismograph Clocks, p. 89–95.

Dan, T., S.B. Notes on the Earthquake at Atami, in the Province of Idzu, on September 29, 1882. p. 95–105.


Alexander, Prof. T. The Development of the Record given by a Bracket Machine.

Milne, J. Earth Pulsations.

Ewing, J. A. Note on a Duplex Pendulum with a Single Bob.

Gergens, F. Note on an Iron Casting, Supposed to have been Disturbed whilst Cooling by an Earthquake.

West, C. D. On a Parallel Motion Seismograph.

Ewing, J. A. Certain Methods of Astatic Suspension.

Alexander, T. Ball and Cup Seismometer.

Knipping, Messrs. Paul and. Report on a System for Earthquake Observation.

Catalogues of Earthquakes.


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