REV. HENRY HART MILMAN, M. A. PREBENDARY OF WESTMINSTER; EXTRACTS FROM THE MAHABHARATA. THE BRAHMIN'S LAMENT. NOTES TO THE DEATH OF YAJNADATTA. NOTES TO THE BRAHMIN'S LAMENT. THE DESCENT OF THE GANGES. FIRST PRINTED IN THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, VOL. XLV. Transcriber's note: 1. The spelling, accents, and diacritical marks of Sanskrit words is not consistent through the book. The original spelling, accents, and diacritical marks are retained. 2. The in-line notes refer to lines in the poems. These have been converted to footnotes for easy reference. The information regarding the line referred to is however retained. NALA AND DAMAYANTIAND OTHER POEMSTRANSLATED FROM THE SANSCRIT INTO ENGLISH VERSE, WITH MYTHOLOGICAL AND CRITICAL NOTES.BY THE |