Adams, James Capen, 301.
Altitude, not harmful, 331, 333, 349.
Altyn Lake, 149, 150.
Amethyst Mountain, petrified forests in, 45-50.
Andrews Glacier, 180, 187.
Anemone, Western, 124.
Antelope, 306.
Arapahoe Peak, 330.
Artist Point, Yosemite, 452.
Aspen, 290.
Asulkan Glacier, 412.
Athabasca River, 252.
Augusta Bridge, 237.
Avalanche Basin, 149.
Avalanche Lake, 149.
Ballou, Sidney, quoted, 228.
Bandelier National Monument, 411, 510.
Banff, 254, 255.
Basket Dome, 69, 452.
Bear, black, color and habits, 304;
a bluffer, 304, 305.
Bear, grizzly, 341;
a tame grizzly, 301, 302;
characteristics, 302, 303;
food, 303;
hibernation, 304;
color, 305.
Bears, disposition spoiled by improper feeding, 315.
Beaver, 307, 308.
Beaver Lake, Alberta, 413.
Bertha Lake, 413.
Bidwell, Gen. John, 110.
Bierstadt, Albert, 187.
Bierstadt Moraine, 187.
Big Hole Battlefield, 411, 510.
Big Thompson River, 176.
Big Tree (Sequoia gigantea), 77, 78, 99, 100;
size, 104, 105;
groves, 104, 105;
age, 105, 106;
flowering and fruiting, 106;
habit, 106, 107;
bark, 107;
roots, 107;
durability, 107-09;
the most impressive living object, 109;
area not diminishing, 109;
of ancient stock, 110;
discovery, 110;
habitat, 110, 111;
effect on persons, 112-15;
thoughts suggested by, 286;
table of dimensions in Mariposa Grove, 451;
dimensions in Sequoia Park, 457.
Big Tuolumne CaÑon, 93.
Bighorn. See Sheep, mountain.
Bighorn Mountains, 404.
Birds, of Rocky Mountain National Park, 183, 184;
of the Grand CaÑon, 197;
of the Olympic Mountains, 234, 235;
of the National Parks, 309-14;
mountain migration, 309, 310;
mating for life, 310, 311;
appear to desire human society, 313, 314.
Bison, 243, 261, 441, 519.
Blackfeet Glacier, 151, 157, 484, 485.
Blackfeet Indians, 15, 17-21, 157-59.
Boling, Capt. John, 94.
Bow River Valley, 412.
Bowman Lake, 149.
Brackenridge, Henry M., 22.
Bradbury, John, 22, 23.
Brett, Col. L. M., 58.
Bridal Veil Falls, 68, 85, 453.
Bridger, James, 24.
Bright Angel CaÑon, 193.
Bright Angel Point, 193.
Bryant, William, 21.
Bryce, James (Lord Bryce), 122.
Buckwheat, wild, 124.
Buffalo, 243, 261, 441, 519.
Buffalo Park, 261, 413, 519.
Bunsen Peak, 440.
Burbank, Luther, quoted, 372, 373.
Cabrillo National Monument, 411, 510.
Cameron Falls, 413.
Camp-fire, the, 293, 294.
Canada, Dominion Parks of, description, 251-62;
creation and administration, 262, 263;
guide to, 515-20.
Canoe and the Saddle, The, quoted, 120, 121, 128, 358, 359.
CaÑon de Chelly, 404.
CaÑon of the Little Colorado, 193.
Cape Royal, 193.
Capulin National Monument, 409, 510.
Carbon Glacier, 133.
Caroline Bridge, 237.
Carter, T. H., 159, 160.
Casa Grande Ruin Reservation, description, 245, 246;
guide to, 508.
Cataract CaÑon, 205.
Cathedral Lake, 92.
Cathedral Peak, 92.
Cathedral Rocks, 452.
Cathedral Spires, 68, 452.
Chaco CaÑon, 405, 510.
Chasm Lake, 186.
Chittenden, Gen. Hiram M., 23, 37, 57;
quoted, 8.
Chouteau, Pierre, 21.
Cinder Cone, 216-18.
Clach-na-coodin Range, 412.
Claggett, William H., 5, 6.
Clark, Galen, 78, 96-98, 105.
Clark, William, 21, 22.
Clements, W. M., 159.
Cleveland Mountain, 150.
Cliff CaÑon, 173.
Cliff dwellers, of Mesa Verde, 163-74.
Clothing, for rainy days, 335;
for use in the Parks, 431.
Clouds' Rest, 68, 452.
Cole, Cornelius, 6.
Colorado National Monument, 408, 511.
Colorado River, and the Grand CaÑon, 199-209.
Colter, John, 12-24.
Colter's Hell, 23.
Columbia Rock, 452.
Columbia's Crest, 135, 467.
Continental Divide, 186, 187, 436.
Cook, C. W., 25.
Cook Forest, 268.
Crater Lake, first impressions, 137, 138;
origin, 138, 139;
description, 140-45;
discovery, 145, 146;
trout-fishing, 146.
Crater Lake National Park, 137-47;
founding, 146;
location and area, 146;
proposed additions, 147;
in table, 401;
guide to, 470-74.
Cut Bank Pass, 158.
Cut Bank River, 156.
Dana Mountain, 65, 92.
Daniels, Mark, 278, 279.
Dawes, Henry L., 6.
Death Valley, 102.
Deer Mountain, 188.
Desert, The, by John C. Van Dyke, quoted, 209, 210.
Devil Postpile, 410, 511.
Devil's Lake, 244, 245.
Devil's Tower, 405, 511.
Diamond Lake, 147.
Diller, Joseph S., quoted, 142, 143, 219.
Dinosaur National Monument, 408, 511.
Dipper, or water-ouzel, 313.
Doane, Lieut. Gustavus C., 25, 26.
Dock, white, 124.
Doty, James, 158.
Dunes, in Indiana, 268, 404.
Eagle Peak, Mt. Rainier, 464.
Eagle Peak, Yosemite, 88, 452.
Eagle Point, 137.
Echo Mountain, 180.
El Capitan, 68, 452.
El Morro National Monument, 405, 511.
El Tovar, 193.
Electric Peak, 357, 440, 441.
Electrical storm, 324-26.
Eliot, Charles W., 223;
quoted, 370.
Elk, 53, 305, 306.
Elk, Roosevelt, 234.
Elk Island Park, 261, 413, 520.
Emerald Lake, 257.
Emmons Glacier, 130, 131.
Equipment, 431, 432.
Erosion, in the Grand CaÑon, 194, 198-206.
Estes Park, 176.
Eureka, Cal., 268.
Everts, Truman C., 58-64.
Fall River automobile road, 187.
Falls of the Yellowstone, 38, 41, 42.
Fern Lake, 187.
Fewkes, Dr. Jesse Walter, 171;
quoted, 167, 168, 268.
Fiddle Creek CaÑon, 253.
Field, B. C., 258.
Firehole, 30.
Firehole River, 436.
Fisher, Walter L., 279, 280.
Fishing, 441-43, 454, 458, 469, 474, 486, 487, 493, 494, 501, 26.
Hawaii National Park, location and area, 221, 222;
volcanoes, 221-29;
forests and birds, 228, 229;
views, 229;
origin, 229;
in table, 402;
guide to, 502-04.
Hayden, Dr. Ferdinand V., and the founding of Yellowstone Park, 5, 6;
quoted, 29, 178, 179.
Hayden Valley, 51.
Heart Lake, 36.
Heather, 125.
Hedges, Cornelius, 4, 5, 26;
quoted, 26.
Hellebore, 124.
Hetch-Hetchy Valley, 66, 74, 86, 88;
description, 89;
history, 95, 96.
Hill, L. W., 160.
Hillman, John W., 146.
Hilo, 225.
Honolulu, 222.
Hopi Point, 193.
Hot Springs Reservation, description, 246, 247;
in table, 400;
guide to, 506, 507.
Hunt, T. E., quoted, 240.
Hunting-contest, a, 297, 298.
Husted, S. N., 328.
Iceberg Lake, 149.
Illecillewaet Glacier, 412.
Illilouette CaÑon, 69.
Illilouette Falls, 86, 453.
Indian Henry's Hunting Grounds, 123, 464.
Indians, and the Yellowstone region, 11, 12;
Colter's adventures with, 15, 17-21;
legend of Yosemite, 93, 94;
in Glacier National Park, 157-59;
tradition about Cinder Cone, 217;
legend of woman, 378.
Indian-turnip, 20.
Irving, Washington, 23.
Ives, Lieut., quoted, 206.
Jagger, Thomas A., quoted, 227.
James, Gen. Thomas, 23.
Jamez Plateau, 267.
Jasper, Alberta, 253.
Jasper Park, description, 252, 253;
in table, 413;
guide to, 518.
Jefferson River, 18-20.
Jepson, W. L., 106.
Jewel Cave, 410, 512.
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 94.
Kachima Bridge, 237.
Kautz Glacier, 134.
Kaweah River, 102.
Kent, William, 219, 406.
Kern River CaÑon, 101.
Kickinghorse River, 258.
Kilauea, 222-24, 502, 504.
King, Clarence, 71, 102;
his Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, 103.
King's River CaÑon, 101.
Kolb, Ellsworth L., 209.
Koloma, 89.
Kuishan, 403.
La Charette, 23.
Laggan, 255.
Lake Bidwell, 217.
Lake Eva, 412.
Lake Louise, 256, 515, 516.
Lake MacArthur, 412.
Lake McDonald, 149.
Lake Minnewanka, 255.
Lake O'Hara, 412.
Lake Tenaya, 76.
Lakes, crater, 142.
Lakes in the Clouds, 412.
Lamar River, 46.
Lamon, John, 95.
Lamont, Alberta, 261.
Lane, Franklin K., 278.
Langford, Nathaniel P., 5, 6, 26, 56.
Lassen Peak, 211-16.
Lassen Volcanic National Park, location, area, and altitude, 211, 212;
origin, 212, 219;
description, 212-17;
Indian tradition, 217;
springs and streams, 217;
lakes, 217, 218;
trees, flowers, and animal life, 218, 219;
attractions, 219, 220;
in table, 402;
guide to, 500, 501.
Lava, 38, 39, 139-41, 204, 205, 213, 214, 216, 218;
a huge field of, 212, 213;
in Hawaii National Park, 223-29.
Lava Falls, 204, 205.
Leaning Tower, 452.
Lefroy Glacier, 412.
Lewis, Judge Robert E., decision quoted, 277, 278.
Lewis and Clark Cavern, 408, 512.
Lewis Lake, 36.
Liberty Cap, Mt. Rainier, 199.
Liberty Cap, Yosemite, 452.
Lily, Washington, 81.
Lincoln, Abraham, quoted, 112.
Lincoln National Park or Reservation, 411.
Lion, mountain, 309.
Lisa, Manuel, 13, 14.
Little Bridge, 237, 238.
Little Kootenai Creek, 156.
Little Yosemite Valley, 69, 73, 74.
Little Zion River Region, 239.
Loch Vale, 186.
Lodore CaÑon, 205.
Logging Creek, 156.
Long's Peak, 178-81, 356, 357;
above a snowstorm on, 318, 319;
in a high wind, 320-22;
moonlight and sunrise on, 328-31;
timber-line on, 340, 341.
Los Molinos, 214.
Lost Creek, 214, 215.
Lost in the wilderness, 58-64, 337, 338.
Luray Caverns, 268.
McClurg, Mrs. Gilbert, 168.
McDermott Lake, 149.
McFarland, J. Horace, 276.
Maligne Lake, 253.
Mammoth Cave, 268.
Mammoth Hot Springs, 30, 31, 436.
Maple Creek Antelope Reserve, 413.
Marble CaÑon, 191, 205.
Marion Lake, 412.
Mariposa Grove, 77, 78;
sizes of Big Trees, 451.
Marshall, Robert B., 279.
Mather, Stephen T., 96, 278, 279.
Matthes, FranÇois E., 71;
quoted, 120, 465-68.
Mauna Loa, 222, 224-27, 502-04.
Meadow Mountain, 179.
Menard, Pierre, 21.
Merced Grove, 77.
Merced River, 66, 67, 70.
Mertensia, 124.
Mesa Verde National Park, interest of, 161, 162;
location, area, and altitude, 162;
view from, 162;
ancient inhabitants, 163-67;
ruins, 167-74;
establishment, 168;
history, 169-71;
in table, 401;
guide to, 488-90.
Miette Springs, 253.
Mills Moraine, 186.
Mineral King, 101.
Mirror Lake, 93.
Mono Desert, 92.
Mono Lake, 92.
Monroe, Hugh, 158.
Montezuma Castle, 405, 512.
Moonlight, 326, 327
ascent of Long's Peak by, 328, 329.
Morning-Glory Spring, 30.
Motorists, advice to, 432.
Mt. Adams, 235.
Mt. Assiniboine, 412.
Mt. Baker, 121, 403.
Mt. Cleveland, 358.
Mt. Cougar, 233.
Mt. Dana, 65, 92.
Mt. Evans, 403.
Mt. Everts, 63, 441.
Mt. Gibbs, 65.
Mt. Haleakala, 222, 227, 228, 503, 504.
Mt. Hoffman, 88, 91, 357.
Mt. Hood, 404.
Mt. Jackson, 151, 155.
Mt. Lady Washington, 186.
Mt. Lyell, 65, 357.
Mt. McGregor, 403.
Mt. McKinley, 248-50.
Mount McKinley National Park, description, 248-50;
in table, 402;
guide to, 505.
Mt. Mauna Loa, 222, 224-27, 502-04.
Mt. Mazama, 137-42.
Mt. Meany, 233.
Mt. Meeker, 178, 179.
Mt. Mitchell, 403.
Mt. Olympus, 232.
Mount Olympus National Monument, description, 230-35;
in table, 411;
guide to, 512.
Mt. Rainier, size and altitude, 116;
a volcano, 117, 119;
a source of inspiration, 120;
discovery and exploration, 120-22;
timber-line, 129;
glaciers, 130-34;
snowfall, 134, 135;
streams and erosion, 135, 136;
climbing, 356, 465-68.
Mount Rainier National Park, area, 116;
additions suggested, 117, 266;
roads and trails, 276;
quoted, 276.
Nonnezoshie Bridge, 513.
Olmsted, Frederic Law, quoted, 274, 275.
Olympic Mountains, 230-36.
Olympic National Monument. See Mount Olympus National Monument.
Olympic National Park, proposed, 230, 236.
Oregon Caves, 410, 513.
Ottertail Range, 412.
Ottertail Valley, 412.
Owachomo Bridge, 237, 238.
Ozark Mountains, 403.
"Paint-Pots," in Yellowstone Park, 42.
Pajarito cliff cities, 403.
Panorama Point, 452.
Papago Saguaro National Monument, 408, 513.
Paradise Glacier, 133.
Paradise Park, 123, 131, 464-66.
Parsons, Edward T., 90.
Parsons Memorial Lodge, 90-93
Peak Success, 119.
Perdrix Mountain, 253.
Peterson, William, 25.
Petrified Forest National Monument, 408, 513.
Phantom Ship, 145.
Pierre's Hole, 15.
Pike's Peak, 330, 403.
Pine, lodge-pole, 52.
Pine, sugar, 78.
Pine, yellow, 78, 79.
Pinnacles National Monument, 406, 513.
Piute Indians, legend, 378.
Platt National Park, 248, 402, 509.
Point Sublime, 193.
Pollock, W. C., 159.
Pomeroy, Samuel Clarke, 6.
Porcupine, 307.
Potts, John, 17.
Poudre Lakes, 325.
Powell, Major John W., 206.
President Range, 412.
Prismatic Lake, 30.
Profile Cliff, 452.
Ptarmigan, 311, 312.
Puget Sound, 235.
Pulpit Rock, Yosemite, 452.
Punch-Bowl Falls, 253.
Pyramid Rock, 134.
Raeburn, D. L., 249.
Railroad routes and fares, 425-31.
Rainbow Bridge, 238.
Rainbow Bridge National Monument, description, 236-39;
in table, 407;
guide to, 514.
Rainier, Peter, 120.
Rainstorm, joy in a, 323, 324.
Raker, John E., 219.
Ramparts Ridge, 464.
Red Eagle Mountain, 155.
Red Eagle River, 156.
Redwood Meadow, 101.
Reservation, Casa Grande Ruin, 245, 246, 402, 508;
Hot Springs, 246, 247, 400, 506, 507.
Revelstoke Park, description, 260;
in table, 412;
guide to, 518, 519.
Rhyolite, 38, 39, 140.
Ribbon Falls, 86, 453.
Roche Miette, 253.
Rocky Mountain National Park, character, 175-77;
area and altitude, 177;
mountains, 178-80;
glaciation, 180, 181;
lakes, 180, 187, 188;
wild flowers, 181, 182;
animal life, 183, 184;
trees, 184;
timber-line, 184, 185;
points of interest, 186-89;
addition in 1917, 188 and note;
a hunting-contest in, 297, 298;
bighorn in, 307;
flowers on highest peaks, 347;
regions above timber-line in, 348;
in table, 402;
guide to, 491-94.
Rocky Mountain Wonderland, The, quoted, 273, 345.
Rocky Mountains Park, Alberta, description, 254-56;
in tables, 412;
guide to, 515, 516.
Rogers Pass, 412.
Roosevelt Project, 404.
Royal Arches, 69.
St. Anthony, Idaho, 15.
St. John, N.B., 262.
St. Lawrence Islands Park, 261, 413, 520.
St. Mary's Lake, 154, 155.
St. Vrain River, 323.
San Juan Mountains, 404, 488.
Savage, Major James D., 94.
Sawtooth Mountains, 403.
Scenery, value of, 277, 278.
Screech, Joseph, 95.
Schultz, James Willard, 157, 158.
Selkirk Mountains, 412.
Sentinel Dome, 453.
Sentinel Falls, 88.
Sentinel Rock, 68.
Sequoia. See Big Tree.
Sequoia National Park, area and topography, 99-103;
the Big Trees of, 104-15, 282, 286;
in table, 401;
guide to, 455-58.
Sheep, mountain, 188, 189, 306, 307;
a case of tameness, 300.
Sheldon, Charles, 250.
Sherman, Mrs. John D., 276, 277.
Ship Rock, 162.
Shoshone Cavern, 406, 514.
Shoshone Lake, 36.
Siberian Plateau, 101.
Sierra Club, 94.
Sierra Madre Mountains, 404.
Sierra Nevada. See Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Park.
Sieur de Monts National Monument, 409, 514.
Sipapu Bridge, 237.
Sitka National Monument, 407, 514.
Smith, Miss Edna, quoted, 327-31.
Snag Lake, 214.
Snow, banners of, 322.
Snowpeak Avenue, 257.
Snow-plant, 81.
Snowstorm, climbing above a, 317-19.
Soda Springs, 90-93.
Solitaire, 291, 292, 311.
Specimen Mountain, 179, 188, 189.
Specimen Ridge, Yellowstone Park, 441.
Sperry Glacier, 151, 485.
Sprague's Glacier, 180, 187.
Spray Park, 123.
Springs, hot, of Yellowstone Park, 28-32, 39, 439;
of Lassen Volcanic Park, 217, 219.
Stanford Point, 453.
Steele, William G., 146.
Stevens, Gen. Hazard, 121.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, quoted, 362, 381, 382.
Stewart, George W., 100.
Stimpson, Harry L., 157.
Stone, Julius F., 207;
quoted, 207-09.
Stump Lake, 216, 218.
Sully's Hill, 245.
Sully's Hill National Park, description, 244, 245;
guide to, 509.
Sulphur Mountain, 254.
Summerland, 123.
Swift Current Pass, 154.
Sylvan Lake, 44.
Sylvan Pass, 44.
Tahoma, Indian name for Mt. Rainier, 120.
Tahoma Glaciers, 134.
Tahosa Valley, 186.
Takakkaw Fall, 257.
Tehipitee Dome, 102.
Tenaya CaÑon, 69.
Terraces, in Yellowstone Park, 438.
Teton Mountains, 44.
Thousand Islands, 261, 262, 520.
Three Brothers, 68.
Three Forks, 17, 21.
Thurston, L. A., 229.
Timber-line, 340-45;
in Rocky Mountain National Park, 184, 185;
the regions above, 345-51.
Tinkham, A. W., 158.
Tioga Pass, 92.
Tioga Road, 90, 96.
Tonto National Monument, 409, 514.
Torrey's Peak, 330.
Trail, the, 388-93.
Trail Ridge, 180, 187.
Training of the Human Plant, The, quoted, 372, 373.
Trees, of Yellowstone Park, 51, 52;
of Yosemite Park, 76-79;
of Sequoia Park, 104-15;
of Mt. Rainier, 129, 130;
of Crater Lake Park, 145;
of the Olympic Mts., 233, 234.
See also Forest and Timber-line.
Triple Divide Peak, 156.
Trumbull, Walter, 5.
Tueeulala Falls, 86, 89.
Tumacacori National Monument, 406, 514.
Tuolumne CaÑon, 93.
Tuolumne Grove, 77.
Tuolumne Meadows, 88, 90, 92.
Tuolumne River, 66, 88, 93.
Tuolumne Valley, 90.
Twin Lakes, B.C., 412.
Twin Lakes, Yellowstone Park, 436.
Twin Sister Peaks, 178, 188.
Two Ocean Glacier, 156.
Two Ocean Pass, 36, 155.
Two Ocean Pond, 36, 37.
Upper Geyser Basin, 438.
Usnea, 128.
Valerian, 124.
Valley of the Ten Peaks, 412.
Vancouver, George, 120, 230.
Van Dyke, John C., quoted, 209, 210.
Van Trump, P. B., 121.
Van Trump Park, 464.
Vernal Falls, 85, 86,
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