

National Park Publications issued by the Department of the Interior
(To be had from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.)

Geological History of the Yellowstone National Park Arnold Hague
Geysers Walter Harvey Weed
Geological History of Crater Lake, Oregon Joseph S. Diller
Some Lakes of Glacier National Park M. J. Elrod
Sketch of Yosemite National Park and an account of the origin of the Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy Valleys F. E. Matthes
Origin of the Scenic Features of the Glacier National Park Marius R. Campbell
The Secret of the Big Trees Ellsworth Huntington
Glaciers of Glacier National Park William C. Alden
The Glacier National Park; A Popular Guide to its Geology and Scenery Marius R. Campbell
Excavation and Repair of Sun Temple, Mesa Verde National Park J. Walter Fewkes
Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Park F. H. Knowlton
Mount Rainier and its Glaciers F. E. Matthes
Forests of Mount Rainier National Park G. F. Allen
Features of the Flora of Mount Rainier National Park J. B. Flett
Forests of Yosemite, Sequoia and General Grant National Parks C. L. Hill
Forests of Crater Lake National Park J. F. Pernot

The National Park Service, Interior Department, is constantly issuing special publications that deal with particular phases of one or more National Parks. A bibliography may be had from the Department of the Interior giving a pretty complete list of all books, pamphlets, and magazine articles which contain information concerning any one or all National Parks. There are also a number of government publications which touch upon special phases of plant and animal life and geology. All issues of the Sierra Club Bulletin, Mazama, and The Mountaineer, contain more or less interesting matter that pertains to one or more National Parks.

Books Concerning Many National Parks
Nature and Science on the Pacific Coast

Wild Animals at Home E. T. Seton
Our National Parks John Muir
Western Wild Flowers Margaret Armstrong
Flora of Colorado Rydberg
Mountain Wild Flowers of America Julia Henshaw
Rocky Mountain Wild Flowers Clements
Handbook of Birds of Western United States Florence Merriam Bailey
Wild Animals at Home E. T. Seton
The Mammals of Colorado Warren
The Adventures of James C. Adams Hittel
In Beaver World Mills
Manual of the Trees of North America Sargent
Field-Days in California Torrey
Trees of California Jepson
Three Wonderlands of the American West Thomas D. Murphy

Books Concerning the Yellowstone National Park

The Yellowstone National Park Gen. H. M. Chittenden
Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, vol. 1 Rydberg
Our National Recreation Parks Nicholas Senn
Southern California, Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Yellowstone National Park. Lectures, vol. 10 John L. Stoddard
U. S. Geological Survey, Monograph 32, part 2. Descriptive Geology Petrography, and Paleontology of the Yellowstone National Park.

Books Concerning the Rocky Mountain National Park

A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains Bird
Wild Life on the Rockies Mills
The Spell of the Rockies Mills
In Beaver World Mills
The Story of Estes Park Mills
Rocky Mountain Wonderland Mills

Books Concerning the Mesa Verde National Park

Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde G. NordenskiÖld
The Land of the Cliff Dwellers Chapin
Government publications:
Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Bulletin Nos. 41 and 51, together with Excavations and Repair of Sun Temple.

Books Concerning the Glacier National Park

The Ascent of Chief Mountain, in Hunting in Many Lands, edited by Theodore Roosevelt and George B. Grinnell. Henry L. Stimson
Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park Schultz

Books Concerning Yosemite National Park

Indians of the Yosemite Valley Galen Clark
In the Heart of the Sierras Hutchins
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada Clarence King
The Yosemite John Muir
My First Summer in the Sierras John Muir
Three Wonderlands of the American West Thomas D. Murphy
A Yosemite Flora Hall

Books Concerning Mount Rainier National Park

The Mountain that was God Williams
Mount Rainier Meany

Bibliography of the Dominion National Parks of Canada

Through the Heart of the Canadian Rockies Frank Yeigh
Canada's West and Farther West Frank Carrel
The Fair Dominion R. E. Vernede
The New Garden of Canada F. A. Talbot
Among the Canadian Alps Lawrence J. Burpee, F.R.G.S.
Climbs and Explorations in the Canadian Rockies Norman Collie, F.R.S.
The Canadian Rockies Prof. A. P. Coleman
In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies Sir James Outram
Among the Selkirk Glaciers W. S. Green
The Selkirk Range A. O. Wheeler, F.R.G.S.
The Selkirk Mountains; A Guide for Mountain Climbers A. O. Wheeler, F.R.G.S.

Published by the Dominion Parks Branch, Department of Interior, Ottawa

Glaciers of the Rockies and the Selkirks Prof. A. P. Coleman, F.R.G.S.
Handbook to the Rocky Mountains Park Museum Harlan I. Smith, Geological Survey, Ottawa
Geology of the Canadian National Parks Charles Camsell, Geological Survey, Ottawa
Nakimu Caves
Fish and Their Habitat in the Rocky Mountains Park.



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