Alpine Pass, 80.
Alps, the, compared with the Rocky Mountains, 313, 314;
conservation of scenery in, 315, 323.
Altitude, effects of, 10-12, 302-305.
Andrews Glacier, 153, 338.
Arapahoe Glacier, 153.
Arapahoe Peak, 352.
Aspen, 61, 214, 215, 218, 219.
Austin, Mary, quoted, 46.
Battle Mountain, the mountain sheep of, 41-46.
Bear, black, 63;
above timber-line, 107;
eating dead trout, 136.
Bear, grizzly, and mountain sheep, 43;
tearing up dwarfed trees, 61;
hibernation, 63, 201-203;
above timber-line, 107;
eating dead trout, 136;
watching a forest fire, 142;
a grizzly observed at close quarters, 187-189;
caution, 188;
alertness and brain-power, 189;
following a grizzly, 190, 191;
a cattle-killing grizzly, 191, 192;
curiosity, 192, 193;
attitude towards man, 194-196;
stories of, 196, 197;
food, 197-200;
fishing, 198, 199;
a mother and two cubs, 200, 201;
hibernating habits, 201-203;
emerging from hibernation, 203-205;
young, 205;
cubs as pets, 205, 206;
color and races, 206, 207;
size and agility, 207, 208;
age, 208;
verging on extermination, 208;
shortening the life of a mountain park, 235.
Bears, emerging from snow, 63;
an encounter on the Hallett Glacier, 108, 109;
benefited by deep snow, 269.
Beaver, 136;
the Cascade Colony annihilated by drought, 249-256;
benefited by deep snow, 269, 270;
in the Rocky Mountain National Park, 344.
Beetle, battle with a wasp, 111.
Bellflower, 120.
Bierstadt, Albert, 346.
Bierstadt Lake, 157, 158.
Bierstadt Moraine, 339, 340.
Bighorn. See Sheep, Mountain.
Birch, black, 61, 62.
Bird, Isabella, 346, 347.
Birds, visiting the summit of Long's Peak, 102;
of the mountain-summits, 112-115;
in winter, 271-274;
on Pike's Peak, 306, 307;
of the Rocky Mountain National Park, 343.
Bobtail Gulch, 79.
Boulderfield, 15, 349.
Bowles, Samuel, quoted, 230, 231.
Buckwheat, wild, 118.
Buds, as food, 272.
Cameron's Cone, 309.
Camp Bird Mine, 172, 173.
Camp-bird. See Jay, Rocky Mountain.
Camp-fire, the, 245.
Canada, National Parks, 315, 326, 327.
Chapin, Frederick H., 347;
quoted, 348.
Chapman, Frank M., 59.
Chasm Lake, 162, 339, 350, 351.
Cheyenne CaÑon, 300.
Cheyenne Mountain, 299.
Chicago Lake, 157.
Chickadees, 273.
Chinook wind, the, 69-75, 269.
Chipmunk, big, 289, 290.
Chipmunk, busy, 290, 344.
Chipmunks, and heavy snow, 270;
hibernation, 271, 282, 283;
in the author's yard, 277-291;
persistency, 280;
tunnels, 280, 281;
bedding, 281, 282;
bathing, 282;
drinking, 282;
winter stores, 282-284;
a frightened young one, 284;
and weasels, 285;
and coyotes, 285, 286;
sense of proprietorship, 286;
the young, 287, 288;
food, 289;
mobbed by birds, 289, 290;
species, 290;
enemies, 290;
and children, 290, 291.
Columbine, 119, 342.
Conservation Commission, 330.
Continental Divide, 335, 345.
Cony, or pika, 110, 111, 344.
Coyotes, 136;
and chipmunks, 285, 286.
Crags, the, 44, 45.
Cricket, the return horse, 169-183.
Crow, Clarke, 64, 199.
Death Valley, 316.
Deer, above timber-line, 109;
in deep snow, 259, 260;
yarding habit, 262-265;
a herd killed by a mountain lion, 265;
winter food, 265;
summer and winter ranges, 265, 266.
Dickinson, Anna, 347.
Eagle, faithful to its dead mate, 137.
Eagle, golden, 102, 115.
Elk, summer and winter ranges, 265, 266;
preyed upon by wolves, 266.
Estes Park, description, 232, 233.
Fall River Road, 345.
Fern Lake, 350.
Finch, rosy, brown-capped, 112, 113.
Fir, alpine, 61.
Flat-Top Mountain, 44, 341.
Florissant, 298, 299.
Flowers, at timber-line, 65;
of mountain-summits, 116-120;
on Pike's Peak, 308, 309.
Forest CaÑon, 341.
Forest fires, records of, 125-128;
resistance of various trees to fire, 128-130;
injury to Southern hardwood forests, 131;
antiquity, 131;
a record in a redwood, 131-133;
origins, 133-135, 139;
following a fire, 135-140;
effect on animal life, 136, 137, 142;
up and down slopes, 140, 141;
heat at a distance, 141;
varying speed, 141, 142;
brilliant displays, 142-145;
cause of some mountain parks, 233, 234.
Forest Reserves, should be kept separate from National Parks, 326-329.
Forester, and scenery, 328, 329.
Fossil-beds, 298, 299.
Fox, silver, 109.
FrÉmont, John C., 28;
quoted, 231.
Game, big, in deep snow, 259-268;
yarding, 262-265;
winter food, 265, 266;
bunching habit, 267, 268.
Gentians, 342.
Glacier Creek, 340<
Glacier Gorge, 23, 43, 158, 338-340;
scenery, 349.
Glacier meadows. See Meadows.
Glaciers, as makers of lake-basins, 150-153;
in Colorado, 153;
in the Rocky Mountain National Park, 337, 338;
glacial records in the Rocky Mountain National Park, 338-340.
Goat, mountain, 36.
Grand Lake, 157, 158.
Gray's Peak, 90.
Greagory Gulch, 79.
Great Falls, Mont., 71.
Green Mountain, 340.
Grosbeak, Western evening, 307.
Hague's Peak, 337.
Hallett Glacier, 108, 153, 337.
Hayden, Dr. F. V., 330, 335, 338;
quoted, 232, 347.
Hayden Valley, 232.
Hesperus, a return horse, 173, 174.
Horses, the story of Cricket, 169-183;
return horses, 170-176.
Hunt, Helen, 299, 347.
Insects, on the heights, 108, 111.
Jay, Rocky Mountain, 64, 265.
Jordan, Dr. David Starr, 338.
Junco, gray-headed, 115.
Kellogg, Vernon L., 338.
King, Clarence, his "Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada" quoted, 11.
Lake Agnes, 162.
Lake Mills, 351.
Lake Moraine, 309.
Lake Nanita, 351.
Lake Odessa, 158, 350.
Lakes, made by glaciers, 149-153;
beauties of, 154-160;
names, 157, 158;
ice on, 160;
filled by dÉbris and landslides, 161-165;
in Rocky Mountain National Park, 350, 351.
Landslides, destruction of lakes by, 162-165.
Leucosticte, brown-capped. See Finch, rosy.
Lewis, Judge Robert E., decision as to scenery, 324-326.
Lion, mountain, a game-hog, 42;
pursuing mountain sheep on the heights, 106, 107;
killing a herd
ml#Page_300" class="pginternal">300.
Ptarmigan, 102, 113, 114;
in the winter snows, 271, 272;
food, 272.
Rabbit, snowshoe, 344.
Rabbits, 270.
Rats, mountain, 137.
Redwood, 128, 130;
a forest-fire record, 131-133.
Rocky Mountain National Park, location, area, and topography, 335, 336;
geology, 337-340;
forests, 341, 342;
wild flowers, 342, 343;
animal life, 343-345;
roads and trails, 345;
streams, 346;
climate, 346;
scenery, 346-350;
lakes, 350, 351;
accessibility, 352;
visitors, 352, 353.
Rocky Mountains, Colorado, scenery of, 313, 314.
St. Vrain Moraine, 339, 349, 350.
San Cristoval Lake, 157.
San Juan Mountains, and return horses, 170, 171.
Scenery, of the Rocky Mountains, 313, 314;
conservation and destruction, 314-331;
in the United States, 316, 317, 321, 322;
a judicial decision, 324-326;
and forestry, 327-329;
literary and official recognition, 329, 330.
Schneider, Dr. Edward C., quoted, 303-305.
Seven Lakes, 309.
Sheep, mountain, 64;
a flock descending a mountain, 23-28;
as acrobats, 24;
fable as to landing on horns, 28, 29;
shape and size of horns, 29, 30;
a wild leap, 30-32;
accidents, 32, 33;
an agile ram, 33-35;
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