1 (return) The early writers generally credited James Rogers with being of Scotch-Irish nativity, owing to the fact that he was confused with another person of the same name, who lived in Londonderry. (See Drummond's "James Rogers of Dunbarton and James Rogers of Londonderry.") The Dunbarton Rogers was undoubtedly of English birth, in which case the term "Mountalona," or "Montelonv," must have had some other derivation than that commonly ascribed to it.—Editor.
2 (return) Probably 1739, and the Rogers family at least came from Massachusetts. This with the Putney or Pudney family seem to have been located in the winter of 1839-1840.—Editor.
3 (return) From Dumbritton, the ancient name given to a fort raised by the Brittons on the north bank of the Clyde in early times.—Editor.