| PAGE | Anson and Nannie, day before marriage | 117 | Anson, day before marriage, with "Big Four" Cassel girls | 117 | Banco de Santa Margarita | 290, 291 | Batchelder, Frank R. | 254 | Bisbee, Brigadier General William H. | 101 | Blanco, Jacobo | 279 | Bridger, Jim | 154 | Burckhalter, Marietta | 29 | Burges, Richard F. | 295 | Cannon, Speaker Joseph | 235 | Cartridge Belt Equipment | 315, 316, 319, 320, 323, 324, 327, 328 | Caldwell, Menger | 241 | Caldwell, Sally | 241 | Cassel, Mr. and Mrs., with "Auntie" | 120 | Chamizal Arbitration Commission | 296 | Clark, Speaker Champ | 234 | Cleveland, President Grover | 226 | Cody, W. F. (Buffalo Bill) | 154 | Commanding Officer's quarters at Ft. Grant | 196 | Dennis, William C. | 295 | Dewey, Admiral George | 236 | Duelling pistols | 340 | Fairbanks, Vice-President Charles W. | 250 | Father and son at fifty-eight and thirteen years | 205 | Follett, W. W. | 274 | Freeman, Brigadier General H. B. | 101 | Granddaughters, Nancy, Constance and Mabel | 240 | Happer, John A. | 254 | Hazlett, Captain Charles E. | 67 | Hoar, Senator George F. | 228 | Horcon cut-off | 288, 289 | Joint Boundarv Commission | 280 | Keblinger, W. Wilbur | 254 | Kelly, Dora Miller | 241 | Kline, Kathleen Cassel | 244 | Little Anson at five, and Constance at two years | 187 | Little Anson at seventeen months and twelve years | 218 | Little Anson's company at Ft. Grant | 194 | McKinley, President William | 227 | Map of El Paso | 56, 57 | Map, Showing the Principal Engagements, Sioux War | 399 | Map, Battle of the Rosebud | 403 | Martin, Captain Carl Anson | 244 | Martin, Caroline Mills | 29 | Miles, Ge
sig To General Anson Mills from his friend Nelson A. Miles Lieut-General U. S. Army
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