Bibliographical Note


Beaver literature is scarce. The book which easily excels is “The American Beaver and his Works,” by Lewis H. Morgan. Samuel Hearne has an excellent paper concerning the beaver in “Journey from Prince of Wales Fort to the Northern Ocean,” published in 1795. Good accounts of the beaver are given in the following books: “Beavers: their Ways,” by Joseph Henry Taylor; “Castorologia,” by Horace T. Martin; “Shaggycoat,” by Clarence Hawkes; “The House in the Water,” by Charles G. D. Roberts; and “Forest Neighbors,” by William Davenport Hulbert. There are also admirable papers by Ernest Thompson Seton in his “Life-Histories of Northern Animals,” by W. T. Hornaday in his “American Natural History,” and by Baillie-Grohman in “Camps in the Rockies.”


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