
Punctuation has been normalized.

The author’s spelling and usage of English and Spanish words, including hyphenation, and variations therein, have been maintained, except in the following cases:

{by --> my} permanent home {Page 31}
stand {my --> by} him. {Page 46}
Quein sabe --> Quien sabe {Page 78}
Las {Crues --> Cruces} {Page 85}
{amublance --> ambulance} {Page 110}
{composd --> composed} {Page 111}
{that that the Mail Company --> that the Mail Company} {Page 133}
{grat --> great} {Page 133}
{a --> an} acequia. {Page 149}
{Bosquies --> Bosques} {Page 154}

Variations in spelling of proper names have been standardized.

While spellings for place names have been maintained, following are corrected or modern-day spellings:

Candelario Mountains for Candelerio Mountains
Canutillo for Canntilla or Canutilla
Fredericksburg for Fredricksburg
Hermosillo for Hermisillo, Sonora
Hueco Tanks for Waco Tanks
Juarez for Jaurez
Mesilla for Messilla
San Elizario for San Elezario
Socorro for Sorocco
Tijeras for Tejaras


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